Scott Proposes Rolling Back Motor Vehicle Taxes And Fees

December 13, 2013

Gov. Rick Scott Thursday announced that around $400 million in  tax and fee cuts  will go directly to Florida families by rolling back motor vehicle taxes and fees to pre-2009 levels.  In 2009, Floridians experienced significant increases in various taxes related to the annual registration of motor vehicles, increasing the cost of registering a typical motor vehicle by an average of 54 percent.

“I have one message today for every Florida family: We are going to undo the 54% tax increase you saw in 2009 to register your motor vehicles.  This means around $400 million annually will be given back to Florida families.  This has never been government’s money – it’s your money – and I look forward to working with the Florida legislature to return it back to you,” Scott said. “We want to create an opportunity economy in Florida, and letting people keep more of the money they make means families have more money to invest in their future.  We want to create an economy that supports job creation for generations to come.”

As a result of the 2009 tax increases, the cost of registering a typical automobile for Floridians increased from an estimated $46.80 to $71.85 every year.  Combined with increases in driver license fees and various service charges, the increases translated to state revenues of over $1 billion, which were directed primarily to the state’s general revenue fund.

Scott’s proposed tax/fee automobile roll back would offer relief to the millions of taxpayers who pay these taxes/fees on over 13 million annual registrations each year, returning automobile taxes/fees to pre-2009 levels effective September 2014.  On average, families will see registration costs drop from about $71 today to $46 next September, an average decrease in costs of about $25 for Florida families.


20 Responses to “Scott Proposes Rolling Back Motor Vehicle Taxes And Fees”

  1. cher on January 17th, 2014 7:11 pm

    The impact fee is still in force. Any vechicle not previously registeted in Fl must still pay an impact fee. I dont know if that will change or not but any changes should be effective immediately not in 8 months.

  2. Zac on December 16th, 2013 10:10 pm

    I know times are tough for many but this small cut isn’t gonna make a difference. If the state has an excess of $400 million it can cut then why do our state law enforcement officers make some of the worst pay in the COUNTRY!!! These Troopers, DOT, Game Wardens and all the others need a substantial across the board raise. I am a firefighter so I am not personally asking for a raise but anyone who will pay these deserving officers more will be who gets my vote!

  3. Claire Hogan on December 16th, 2013 11:49 am

    I still won’t vote for him.

  4. Sunny on December 15th, 2013 12:03 pm

    This needs to happen!!! Renewed two vehicles last year and tried to get a tag for a trailer I paid 100.00 bucks for that probably would hold one small 4wheeler. (I use it for limbs, lawnmower) The lady explained to me that it would be over 200.00 to register it! For a trailer that get used 4 times a year!!!!! I think not! This guy isn’t giving his entire pay check to the DMV!

  5. Henry Coe on December 14th, 2013 6:44 pm

    Pd1976, you can blame Crist for the increase of the tag fee/tax. I’m not sure that it was actually his doing, but I do know for the 2006 elections, that Florida House Republicans sponsored and Amendment for a Property Tax Cut that Florida Voters passed and that left a really big hole in the state’s budget. that had to be filled.
    Btw, it is my opinion, that the Property Tax Amendment was put on the ballot in order to help keep the housing bubble growing, even though they knew it was going to pop, that tax cut kept it alive a bit longer.

  6. Little Lou on December 14th, 2013 11:19 am

    Our’s was due this month and I only got it for one year,,,because it was talked about and you didn’t save any money getting it for two year’s anyway….You don’t have to get it for two year’s……

  7. MQ on December 13th, 2013 4:56 pm

    Won’t help us any as we have to register in January 2014. But any help to the citizens is greatly appreciated, and in the future will benefit all.

  8. Today it's...... on December 13th, 2013 3:32 pm

    Has Charlie decided for which party he wants to run? I know it’s still early, but……..

  9. Pd1976 on December 13th, 2013 1:07 pm

    Charlie Christ is who raised those vehicle taxes and fees! Christ is now backing Obama and you people are praising him?!! Scott’s been a good governor if you don’t like it I suggest you out of Florida! Charlie Christ Will not get my Vote!!

  10. Suzie B on December 13th, 2013 12:33 pm

    Now that so many of us have already paid and renewed for two years, how about some refunding? Ridiculous and always near election time. Yes it will help many but it’s long overdue for those of us that try to keep everything current and legal, i.e. tags and licenses. Oh well, anything is better than nothing I guess.

  11. sam on December 13th, 2013 11:52 am

    taking less out of my pocket? yep, got my vote.

  12. grandjoy on December 13th, 2013 11:41 am

    We need it today not next year!!! no vote games

  13. Dh on December 13th, 2013 10:23 am

    Funny how these little fees seem to show up around election time…not that I’m complaining! We need all the help we can get.

  14. Big Red on December 13th, 2013 9:22 am

    Election year is 2014 and now he is trying to win over Florida to get votes by NOW trying to do Florida a favor. The damage is done and a good majority of Florida voters can see thru his sales tatics to get votes. He could drop it to 1988 prices. He will not get my vote.

  15. Bama Reader on December 13th, 2013 8:12 am

    Scott must be Behind in the Polls…
    Mayor Jones tried giving Mobile city workers a raise when he was behind but it didn’t help him win reection!!

  16. bill on December 13th, 2013 7:49 am

    Now Gov. Flim Flam is acting like a Demo-crook, trying to buy votes by rolling back fees, that he formerly increased. I wonder if he’ll get his invitation to the Bohemian Grove this year?

  17. tg on December 13th, 2013 7:16 am

    Do you sense that Charlie Christ has shown up?

  18. Don on December 13th, 2013 5:57 am

    Where is the $300.00 impact fee that was ordered refunded from 15 or more years ago? it was ruled illegal by the Fl supreme court, to collect it to begin with, same with the handicap parking placard fee of $ 15.00…..these refunds to the people who paid them never received their refunds,so don’t hold your breath on any new promises…..

  19. OldMan on December 13th, 2013 4:54 am

    Its about time they quit robbing us. Astounding what it cost now days for a sticker.

  20. Jane on December 13th, 2013 3:31 am

    PLEASE cut back the vehicle tax! It will help small businesses and the economy!