McDavid Post Office Set For Cutbacks Or Closure

December 13, 2013

The McDavid Post Office has been targeted by the U.S. Postal Service for cutbacks or possibly even closure.

Residents and businesses in the 32568 zip code were notified Thursday that the Postal Service will take future action regarding the McDavid Post Office. Possibilities include:

  • Keep the office open, with window hours cut from 8 hours per day to six hours with those weekday hours realigned to match workload.
  • Look at closing the office, providing only roadside mailbox delivery. Retail and delivery service would be provided through a rural carrier, with customers able to purchase most postal services from their carrier or alternative access points.
  • Close the office and find a contract post office location, usually a local business. This contract location would provide post office boxes and most retail services.
  • Close the office and relocate post office box service to a nearby post office.

Residents and businesses in the 32568 have received, or will receive, a mailed customer survey on the available options.

The Postal Service will hold a public meeting concerning the McDavid Post Office on January 16, 2014, at 5 p.m. at the McDavid United Methodist Church at 2 Main Street in McDavid.  No decision concerning the McDavid post office will be made until after the public meeting.

“Residents are encouraged to return the survey and attend the meeting to offer their input into the future of the post office,” Stephen Seewoester, spokesman for the U.S. Postal Service said Thursday afternoon.

The Walnut Hill Post Office, also in the 32568 zip code, will not immediately be impacted by any closures or changes at the McDavid Post Office, Seewoester said. The Walnut Hill Post Office is a contract location operated by Escambia River Electric Cooperative, providing retail window services and post office boxes.

“We plan to keep the Walnut Hill Post Office open and continue to serve the community,” Sabrina Owens, spokesperson for EREC, said Thursday afternoon.

The McDavid Post Office is the only local office in Escambia or Santa Rosa counties on the current closure or cutback list.


17 Responses to “McDavid Post Office Set For Cutbacks Or Closure”

  1. David Huie Green on December 14th, 2013 11:28 pm


    It’s hard to complain about use of the Internet while using the Internet.
    If you so choose, you can send a thousand letters per day via email and not run up your basic rate.
    You can send those letters to the far side of the planet with no extra charge.
    You can have them delivered not within a week or overnight but often in less than a second.
    You can use that same capability to speak to them face-to-face.
    At no extra charge, you can use it to read the local news from anywhere on earth or keep up with the news in distant cities.
    You can shop all over the world without burning a drop of gas
    You can use it to do thousands of things even $9,000 worth of stamps wouldn’t even begin to cover.


    David for good value
    even if people like to gripe about hard times

  2. Scarlett mcd aka postal customer on December 14th, 2013 6:14 pm

    Scarlett is certainly glad for the working man to have a job and make an honest living. She’s equally glad to have people at each level of the system work to correct mistakes when they happen, because mistakes will happen in ANY system. The phone calls or visits don’t seem to be bringing more than a band aid on a leaky system overall here, because that option HAS been used, repeatedly. Raise a hand anyone if you’ve repeatedly received someone else’s mail over the last few years. Hands raised if you’ve taken to using an alternate system to assure what you’re spending your hard earned dollars on mailing arrives correctly. And do I read that people are only mailing packages and not fully using the US pony express lately? This working woman wants to know her bills are paid when they are sent by US pony express, since Scarlett likes to spend money local and because she works hard for her dollar too. Nobody said they’d LIKE to see the post office close or people lose their jobs. I’d like to think that electronic mail, etc., posing such huge competition would be incentive for even better service locally despite a flawed system overall . Of course, in an effort to serve the working man(or woman) in the way one would want served. Perhaps Scarlett is misinformed as to whose hand touches her mail last, and it’s truly the big dogs at the top of the organization. Hands anyone?

  3. Dennis on December 14th, 2013 2:31 pm

    Yea lets blame it on the postal employee instead of a government who is afraid to allow a post office to be closed that has to be losing money. Your vote is way more important than common sense. I would be proud if my neighbor got a job making decent money. Doesn’t seem so anymore with most people anymore. The first blamed with any thing to do with a business losing money is the poor working guy, not the way the company operates.

  4. mc on December 14th, 2013 2:26 pm

    people will spend 50$ ,75$ 100$+ a month on internet service when 9$ worth of stamps would do( too funny) and gripe about the cost of living doesn’t make sense to me

  5. Just wondering on December 14th, 2013 2:26 pm

    I like using this post office for mailing packages. Easy in, out. Never a line. Friendly counter people. Just gotta get there before 3:45 pm!

  6. OldMan on December 14th, 2013 5:26 am

    Imagine how many little $.47 letters it takes to pay 1 postal worker the $25 – $35 dollars an hour they make after a few years. Which would be a typical government job. No wonder they are broke, Simply Outrageous

  7. CW on December 13th, 2013 7:00 pm

    The only thing I use the post office for is to mail packages. I pay all of my bills online and I haven’t bought stamps in probably a year.

  8. Gary Maher on December 13th, 2013 6:20 pm

    river if you are having service issues come in or call

  9. Gary Maher on December 13th, 2013 6:18 pm

    The McDavid post office handles several thousand pieces of mail everyday and serves around 1500 homes and businesses in the mcdavid and walnut hill area from the Escambia river to the perdido

  10. Sam on December 13th, 2013 6:07 pm

    We have the best mail service in the world. Live in another country for a while.its true the postal service needs upgrading but it is a good service.

  11. Walnut Hill on December 13th, 2013 3:43 pm

    “nut hill”..

    That’s way harsh…..

  12. molino jim on December 13th, 2013 3:41 pm

    The postal service is one of those odd deals where they must fund total retirement & medical cost and on and on for the projected workers full career the day they are hired. This was due to congress getting involved years ago. No other business has to operate this way. People who have been out of the U.S. say we have one of the best systems in the world. I hate to see any office close but some times it has to be.

  13. Oversight on December 13th, 2013 10:56 am

    This post office will put itself out of business from its own poor service practices; it rarely opens on time but always closes promptly at 3:45 p.m. Also you never know whose mail you get when you open your mailbox; often the mail isn’t yours and it is addressed to someone else. Come on… there aren’t that many addresses to sort mail for in McDavid and delivery mistakes happen way to frequently.

    Good luck with keeping it open and y’all get ready to drive to nut hill, Century, or Molino if you want to go “postal!”

  14. David Huie Green on December 13th, 2013 9:25 am

    The federal government can run anything but sometimes shouldn’t.
    The problem with the postal system — well, one of the problems — is that it was built up to handle much more business than it currently does. Electronic communications have replaced most snail-mail and advertising.

    They are being reasonable when they cut size to match work load.

    David for mail at least once a week

  15. 429SCJ on December 13th, 2013 6:45 am

    I remember in my military service years, many members would speak of their plans to take the Postal exam upon completion of service and going to work for the Post Office.

    I guess that e-mail, electronic bill payment and commercial parcel carriers are reducing revenues for the Postal system and reducing manpower requirements as well.

    Sorry for the citizens who lost jobs and services. Hopefully there are job openings at other offices in this region.

  16. JT on December 13th, 2013 5:17 am

    Only the US government can do less business to raise profits. The postal service should be privatized.

  17. Jane on December 13th, 2013 5:09 am

    How long til they all do this? More jobs lost in Escambia County. If the government can’t run a postal service what makes them think they can run healthcare?