Man Gets 15 Years For Drug Trafficking

December 19, 2013

An Escambia judge has sentenced an Escambia County man to  prison for drug trafficking.

Timothy Allen Gilley was sentenced by Judge Gary Bergosh to a minimum mandatory 15 years in state prison for trafficking in hydrocodone. He was previously convicted by an Escambia County jury.

On August 18, 2011, Gilley met a confidential informant working with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and sold 22 hydrocodone pills to the informant, according to prosecutors.


4 Responses to “Man Gets 15 Years For Drug Trafficking”

  1. Tina on December 20th, 2013 6:45 am

    He should have been in a Government position, so he could have put on an act, cry, sob, promise, on national TV, and get NOTHING. Just saying

  2. molino jim on December 19th, 2013 2:38 pm

    Read what he did— not make excuses for him. He sold 22 pills to a CI– he didn’t give them to a friend. I’m willing to bet this is not his first time selling– just hasn’t been caught before. Also where did he get the pills?

  3. Ed Would on December 19th, 2013 9:09 am

    We get one life that lasts about 75-80 years on average and the government wisdom is that it is fair to force someone to spend 20% of it in miserable conditions to atone for selling someone some pills that relieve their pain. This is proof that the government has absolutely no concern for the welfare of those accused of a crime, the society that must pay for their punishment, the society that must adapt to the mangled individual that emerges from the government’s penal solution, the concept of appropriate and fair punishment weighted for the evil done. If pain medication is so dangerous and evil, it shouldn’t be sold legally or otherwise. Obviously, it is not and no amount of dramatic orations by politicians or police that taking 15 years from someone for selling someone else otherwise legal pain relief is appropriate. Yeah, it has the potential to do harm, so does doing 26 mph in a 25 mph school zone when driving a 3000 lb car. Next time you get caught doing that I think we should throw you in for 15 years. You could have killed a kid, you crazy criminal lunatic. What were you thinking?

    Seventy-seven percent of the People are more afraid of the federal government than they are of terrorists. It’s easy to understand why.

  4. Robert on December 19th, 2013 4:20 am

    I know there has been an increasing problem with the abuse of prescription pain pills but this sentence seems excessive to me. Looking at the numerous arrests for other trafficking charges the only drug they seem to be focusing on are the opiates. There have been many cases where someone is charged with cocaine trafficking and the charge is plead down to possession with intent to distribute and they get 6 months in county jail and a couple years probation. Think about it, if you broke your arm 6 months ago and were prescribed vicodin for the pain and your husband or wife hurt themselves and were in pain six months later, if you gave them 2 or 3 pills you theoretically have trafficked drugs and could be locked up for 15 years. Just doesn’t make sense to me.