Lawmakers Want Florida Students To Get Financially Literate

December 11, 2013

A bipartisan group of lawmakers joined with business organizations and others Tuesday to promote legislation requiring Florida students to take a half-credit course in financial literacy to graduate from high school.

Supporters hope the bills will lead to students graduating from high school better prepared to manage their money.

“While we now teach financial literacy as part of economics, this issue is much too important to relegate it to part of a particular course,” said Sen. Dorothy Hukill, R-Port Orange, sponsor of the Senate measure.

Geoff Simon, senior vice president of investments with Simon and Associates of Raymond James and chair of the Florida Council on Economic Education, said recent waves of foreclosures and bankruptcies show the need for the state to place more emphasis on financial literacy.

Establishing the course requirement would “reverse the cycle of failure that so many young people are having when they get out into the workforce,” Simon said.

by The News Service of Florida


6 Responses to “Lawmakers Want Florida Students To Get Financially Literate”

  1. David Huie Green on December 12th, 2013 6:25 pm

    I am reminded of a lady who would have her children write out the checks to pay the monthly bills. Even though she signed them, the children came to realize:
    Electricity costs money,
    Water costs money,
    Insurance costs money,
    Gas costs money,
    Cars cost money,
    Clothes cost money
    Taxes have to be paid,
    Groceries have to be bought.,
    et cetera.

    That money needed to be earned.
    Poor jobs didn’t earn as much as good jobs.
    Good jobs required responsibility and better education.
    They realized they might better pay closer attention to what the teachers were trying to teach.

    What’s more, her children thought twice about taking on the responsibilities of forming a family when they had a clue as to just what all that might actually involve.

    Any with children might consider this extra educational opportunity at home which won’t need any new laws to implement and might be an eye-opener.

    David for using the tools at hand

  2. Missy on December 11th, 2013 3:56 pm

    I think this is wonderful. With the state of social security students need to learn how to invest in their future if they are lucky enough to get a job now days. I agree iwth the spelling, math etc. Students are lacking in so much when they graduate. Certainly not lack it was 58 years ago when I graduated.

  3. Greg on December 11th, 2013 3:02 pm

    How about being thankful we have SOMEONE thinking about helping kids help themselves. If they can learn a little financial responsibility in school then maybe they won’t be dependant on government when they graduate.
    No one said this would be taught before the three R’s. It’s trying to help kids out before they have to learn it the hard way on their own. I wish I had this as an elective in school…Lord knows I needed it.

  4. Justa Saying on December 11th, 2013 10:44 am

    What is missing is the applicable use of what the students should have been taught before leaving High School.
    The class elective “Family and Consumer Science” is one of the courses that address this issue. This course takes what should have been completely understood before entering high school and puts it in real life applications. There is a wide area of subject matter within this course.
    I suggest that lawmakers look into what is already available before creating something new. “Family and Consumer Science ” is much more than most people realize. Do some research and you will come to a better understanding of what is available.

  5. well duh on December 11th, 2013 7:47 am

    First things first…

    Teach them to reach and formulate a complete sentence.

    Teach them to speak using correct grammer.

    Teach them to spell.

    Teach them to add and subtract…

    Until the above are done…new guidelines will mean nothing…NOTHING as educators struggle to teach our children…No help from home…means not much of a chance later in life.

    Lawmakers…that’s what they do…make laws. Enforce the ones that are on the books…in all phases of law…not just education.


  6. 429SCJ on December 11th, 2013 1:46 am

    Education is the corner stone of freedom.