Jeff Miller’s Christmas Message

December 25, 2013

The holiday season is a joyous time of year for millions of Americans across the country.  As we celebrate Christmas this week, basking in the glow of our Christmas lights and opening the presents nestled under our Christmas trees, let us also take time to reflect on the true reason for the Christmas season: celebrating that first miraculous Christmas 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem.  And whether or not you and your family celebrate Christmas, it is important to recognize the freedom of religion provided by our First Amendment and allow Christmas traditions for those who celebrate it.

As Christians, we celebrate Christmas as the day to mark the birth of Jesus Christ.  But sometimes we can forget the meaning of Christmas by becoming too caught up in decorating or gift-giving.  But the act of gift-giving is rooted in our religious tradition, as we read in Ephesians 4:7-8 “But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. This is why it says: When he ascended on high, he took many captives and gave gifts to his people.”  And this spirit of giving can be extended beyond family and friends to reach those in need of a little help in our local community to bring Christmas cheer to everyone.

And for lawmakers in Washington, it is all too easy to overlook the significance of Christmas during legislative sessions.  That is why I am proud to cosponsor legislation this year to express the sense of the House of Representatives that the symbols and traditions of Christmas should be protected for those who celebrate Christmas.  This legislation reiterates that Christmas is a National Holiday and makes clear that the Founding Fathers wrote the First Amendment to protect Americans rights to practice the religion of their choosing from intrusion by the federal government, not to prohibit the public display of religion or the celebration of Christmas.

For centuries Americans of all faiths have come together to seek the American Dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness through the free exercise of religion.  Like those who participated in the first Christmas, we look to a higher light for guidance and give thanks for the many blessings He has bestowed on us and this great Nation, and we pray that these blessings continue.

To all those in Northwest Florida I wish you and your family a Happy Holiday, Happy Hanukkah, and of course, a Merry Christmas!


One Response to “Jeff Miller’s Christmas Message”

  1. xpeecee on December 25th, 2013 9:59 am

    Merry Christmas! :)