Evers Files Warning Shot Bill

December 31, 2013

A second measure that would grant immunity to people who show guns or fire warning shots in self-defense has been filed in the Senate, and it will get a hearing next week.

Sponsored by Sen. Greg Evers, R-Baker, the “Threatened Use of Force” bill  will come up Jan. 8 in the Senate Criminal Justice Committee, which Evers chairs. It’s identical to a proposal (HB 89) by Rep. Neil Combee, R-Polk City, that would amend the “stand your ground” self-defense law. And it’s closely related to a bill (SB 438) filed by Sen. Thad Altman, R-Viera, called the “Defense of Life, Home, or Property” bill, which says, in part, that it is the “intent of the Legislature that a person be immunized from prosecution if he or she acts in such a manner as to protect life, home, or property from an imminent or actual unlawful activity.”

Combee’s bill passed the House Criminal Justice Subcommittee in November as a committee substitute, which is now being reviewed.

A similar measure by Combee failed to advance during the 2013 legislative session. The prior attempt sought to amend the state’s 10-20-Life sentencing law. Under the 10-20-Life law, possessing a gun while committing certain crimes is punishable by at least 10 years in prison, discharging a gun while committing those crimes is punishable by at least 20 years in prison, and hurting or killing someone during those crimes is punishable by 25 years to life in prison.

Now, with Combee’s bill seeking to amend the “stand your ground” law instead of 10-20-Life, it has gained the support of the Florida Public Defender Association.

by The News Service of Florida


6 Responses to “Evers Files Warning Shot Bill”

  1. kyle1990 on January 2nd, 2014 2:31 am

    I live in alabama and open carry. So far after 6 months I have yet to see anyone else oc. I would love to see florida adopt it as well as practice the right. A right unexercised is a right lost!

  2. Elmo on January 1st, 2014 4:31 pm

    Once AGAIN Mr. Evers is looking out for us law abiding citizens! I challenge every CCW or regular armed home owner to remember all he has done for us and support him on reelection day! Look up his track record and see if it makes you proud! Check out the NRA and join if you will? This is our strong voice as law abiding, hard working tax payers! Aman

  3. leggrizer on January 1st, 2014 10:28 am

    All of us law abiding citizens that have a CCW know that open carry would curtail a lot of the crimes that are happen today .

  4. one eyed jack on December 31st, 2013 4:14 pm

    I hope this gets some traction and open carry would be great too !!!

  5. E on December 31st, 2013 8:56 am

    I agree Mr. James Madison, besides with the prices of ammunition these days, we can’t afford a warning shot.

    As my old friend Chris Kyle used to say….ONE SHOT, ONE ….WELL YOU KNOW.

  6. James Madison on December 31st, 2013 8:13 am

    All we need is an open carry and none of this would be necessary. The weapon is in plain view and there is no need for a warning shot.