Crist Hauls In $3 Million; Scott Makes It Official

December 11, 2013

Charlie Crist put down his first marker. And Rick Scott made official what everybody already knew.

Crist, the former Republican governor who is trying to win back his old job as a Democrat, announced Tuesday that he had raised about $3 million in November after formally entering the 2014 gubernatorial race. Meanwhile, Scott opened a campaign account to seek re-election — a long-anticipated move that cemented his candidacy and provided another avenue to rake in millions of dollars.

The gubernatorial moves came as political candidates and committees rushed to meet a Tuesday deadline for filing campaign-finance reports for November. The reports reflect for the first time a new law that increased campaign contribution limits to $3,000 for statewide candidates and $1,000 for other candidates, up from a longtime $500 limit.

Crist’s exact fund-raising totals had not been posted to the state Division of Elections website early Tuesday evening. But he issued a statement indicating that he had raised about $3 million through his campaign account and through a closely aligned committee known as “Charlie Crist for Florida.”

In the statement, Crist acknowledged that he will not be able to raise as much money as Scott. While Scott only opened a campaign account Tuesday, a committee backing his campaign — known as the “Let’s Get to Work” committee — raised $5.87 million in November and has brought in nearly $20 million this year.

“Rick Scott says he will have more money than any politician in the history of Florida politics,” Crist said in the announcement. “But he doesn’t have the people.”

Campaign-finance reports popped up on the Division of Elections website throughout Tuesday and reinforced that Republicans will have a huge fund-raising edge over Democrats in key races next year.

For example, Attorney General Pam Bondi reported raising $104,875 in November for her campaign account, bringing the overall total to $526,451. Meanwhile, one of her Democratic opponents, George Sheldon, reported an overall total of $51,807, and another, Perry Thurston, reported a total of $21,500.

Meanwhile, Republican Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater raised $235,825 in November, giving him an overall total of $814,756. Republican Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam collected $158,604 in November, pushing his total to $1,008,693.

Big money also flowed to some Republican lawmakers. For instance, Sen. Tom Lee, R-Brandon, collected $64,375 during November, increasing his total to nearly $200,000 for his re-election bid in Senate District 24.

Down the Gulf Coast, Senate Majority Leader Lizbeth Benacquisto, R-Fort Myers, raised $54,075 during the month, giving her a total of $491,812 to fuel her campaign in District 30.

Among House candidates, Rep. Erik Fresen, R-Miami, reported raising $59,928 during the month, bringing his overall amount to $113,853. One of his challengers in House District 114, Democrat Daisy Baez, has collected an overall total of $63,388.

by Jim Sanders, The News Service of Florida


9 Responses to “Crist Hauls In $3 Million; Scott Makes It Official”

  1. Bob's Brother on December 12th, 2013 10:07 am

    Affordable insurance? What a joke. Charley’s current party wants me to pay a penalty for NOT buying something I can’t afford. Isn’t that awesome? Charley should understand that Rick Scott was elected mostly b/c Floridians didn’t want an Obamabot. I’ll vote for Rick Scott, not b/c I like him, I’ll do it b/c he’s proved he’s capable of doing the job without raising taxes.

  2. Jimmy on December 12th, 2013 6:01 am

    Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, Karl!

  3. Susan on December 11th, 2013 8:35 pm

    Jane, please elaborate on Scott helping public education because I don’t see it.

  4. Karl on December 11th, 2013 2:20 pm

    “Run Charlie Run”….I can’t wait.
    The GOP with the Tea Party left Charlie…Not visa versa.
    For a party that claims to be so concerned about the Constitution, where is the interest in letting people vote?? Why shorten or eliminate voting days??
    Where is the concern for an honest election?? Charlie will extend voting and implement the Affordable Care Act exchanges in FL so, folks can get some affordable insurance. Every state that implemented their own exchanges has seen lower rates….

  5. M in Bratt on December 11th, 2013 9:27 am

    It looks like we have a very simple choice in the next elections; We have a man that ran on principle, and brought the state buget back on track in spite of a very bad economy, and over the objections of some very powerful public employee unions running against a man that can’t decide which side of any issue he is on.

    Maybe if the political winds change, Charlie will be a conservative again before the election. When you get below the surface of his painted on tan, Charlie is just a self serving opportunist that is looking for his next feeding at the public trough

  6. Ron on December 11th, 2013 7:53 am

    Why would anybody who’s an informed voter even consider a person for public office if the candidate has no idea where he stands in a politcal relationship. Go home Charlie Crist last thing our state or country needs is another wishy washy politician with only self gain as an agenda.

  7. Jane on December 11th, 2013 5:08 am

    Gov. Rick Scott has done what he said he would…improved education and brought in more jobs. he has been more responsive to the people instead of special interest groups.
    What did Charlie Crist do? Changed parties and when he couldn’t get elected that way he switched back.

  8. perdido fisherman on December 11th, 2013 2:44 am

    You had your chance charlie, we dont want you , your a traitor who only cares about his wallet. You know you could careless about the citizens of florida. i certainly will not vote for you.

  9. 429SCJ on December 11th, 2013 1:55 am

    A movement is gaining momentum.