Century Approves Barnyard Animal Ban; Citizens Ask For Vote

December 24, 2013

After three months of back and forth discussions, public meetings and protests, the Century Town Council gave finall approval to a barnyard animal ban during a special meeting Monday night…with one possible hitch.

Century resident Maggie Waters presented the council with a self-styled ballot initiative signed by 86 citizens calling for the ordinance to be placed on a ballot for public vote.  The 86 signatures were not documented as being from registered voters.

Unsure if the ballot initiative would require the council to place the issue on the ballot, the council approved the barnyard animal ban on a unanimous vote with the town’s attorney to review Waters’ document.

The new ordinance went into effect immediately.

It is now illegal to keep a horse, mule, donkey, goat, sheep, or cow within the town limits except in areas that are zoned agricultural or rural residential. Hogs were already prohibited in all areas of the town.

One horse or cow will be allowed for every two acres, one donkey or mule per acre and one goat or sheep per one-half acre. The animals and their pens must be 200 feet or greater from a dwelling or property line.

Anyone with the regulated animals in an area not zoned agricultural or rural residential within the town limits, must register their animals at the Century Town Hall within 60 days. Anyone with nonconforming  animals must apply for and be granted a variance from the town council within six months or get rid of their animals.

Pictured: Century council members Gary Riley, Ann Brooks, Sandra McMurray Jackson, Jacke Johnston and Annie Savage during Monday night’s special meeting. Pictured inset: Council member Jacke Johnston reads the ordinance. Pictured below: Resident Maggie Waters (right) presents a ballot initiative signed by 86 residents to the council calling for a public vote. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


30 Responses to “Century Approves Barnyard Animal Ban; Citizens Ask For Vote”

  1. lmn on December 25th, 2013 7:31 pm

    You guys can check with code enforcement but I believe there is already a law in Escambia County that you must have 2 acres to own a horse.

  2. Rooster Cogburn on December 25th, 2013 2:29 pm

    When are these people up for re-election? I would like to offer my full personal and financial support to their opposition….ESPECIALLY Ms Johnson’s opponent.

  3. cinndee on December 25th, 2013 9:49 am

    Here are your choices. Move out, or get an animal that is not on their list. Llamas comes to mind. Buffalo. If I lived there (and sorry I don’t) I would reek havoc on them city slickers. Town Council would not get anything done just trying to keep up with me. Guard your cats and dogs. They are next to go.

  4. David on December 24th, 2013 7:28 pm

    You know what….all the barn animals were there in the beginning..then the “civilized ” bureaucracy moved next door. What came first

  5. Front Street Resident on December 24th, 2013 5:33 pm

    To resident of front street…..I am not sure where you saw goats on Front street because I have lived on front street all my life and I do not know where the goats are. The town limits is no place for goats, horses or hogs. If you want these animals you need to move out of the limits because we don’t want to smell them. We have the best council this town has had for many years, so way to go council!!!!

  6. Shawn on December 24th, 2013 3:57 pm

    I can tell you I pay more taxes than all the city council members put together! This ticks me off. If the animal is not in distress leave it alone! Put your ideas somewhere else and clean up this dang town. Start with your own yards first! Then move on to the ones fighting the bulldogs then move on to the ones dealing the drugs. Look at what this town of Century has become, the laughing stock of the county!

  7. Not a Century Resident on December 24th, 2013 12:40 pm

    The difference between a Horse and a Mule is one – chromosome! This is known as the Reproductive Chromosome. The Mule has one chromosome more than the Horse and can not have babies…..my point….Why have two acres per Horse and One acre per Mule…..Same Body Weight-Difference, One has longer ears than the other…Why the acreage difference? Seems somewhere, someone might want to recheck the drawing board.
    I have also seen “Farm animals should be on a farm” – What constitutes a Farm?
    **** A farm can be a holding of any size from a fraction of a hectare to several thousand hectares.
    ****The hectare is a metric unit of area defined as 10,000 square metres (100 m by 100 m), and primarily used in the measurement of land.

    So easy to throw things away in this society now days and dictate to others what will be done. …Sad :(

  8. Bryan on December 24th, 2013 12:40 pm

    @ praying for Century… you need to pray harder! you don’t know me… I do more than you know…

  9. Bryan on December 24th, 2013 12:34 pm

    you need 8% of registered voters pass a ballot initiative… thats a federal and state level… the town does not have any such rules for this… they got 8%. but i guess thats not good enough for them…. 86 people want to vote on it.. only a few are complaining… and if you are complaining.. THEY HAVE LAWS FOR YOUR COMPLAINTS.. tell those people who enforce those laws to do their jobs and stop infringing on OUR RIGHTS!!!

  10. Frank on December 24th, 2013 12:19 pm

    Those 85 people need to request a copy of the town Charter, and get legal signatures and see how to put it on the ballot.

    The people ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE!
    either do nothing or TAKE A STAND!

    Who was it that said, If you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything”

  11. Paul on December 24th, 2013 11:59 am

    Does the town charter allow for a vote on ordinances? That’s what the town attorney will address. Usually the town council and mayor are responsible for the legislative duties and each and every decision is not put up to a vote by the people. That’s just how Democracy works.

  12. Bryan on December 24th, 2013 11:48 am

    our forefathers are hanging their heads in shame today. what a joke we have made of this country, once free, not sure what it is anymore… disgraceful.

  13. Resident Front Street on December 24th, 2013 11:31 am

    Let’s see…86 people against. Over 1,000 registered voters did not sign the petition vote thing. Seems the council voted with the majority. Good job. Can’t wait for my neighbor’s stinky goats to be gone. Thanks council!

  14. Pat on December 24th, 2013 11:07 am

    Don’t assume that 86 people signing a petition in protest against the ordinance is the majority. Some of the people in favor of the ordinance voiced their opinions privately to their representatives on the council. The council members did not act autocratically but put a lot of thought into how to handle this. Whether we realize it or not with the population density being what it is in town we need the services the town and government provide. Without it we would be in total anarchy and chaos.

  15. Puddin on December 24th, 2013 10:54 am

    Lets just put it to a vote. There is a lot of support and a lot of dissention. So vote on it. That seems fair to me.

  16. Marie on December 24th, 2013 10:43 am

    I support the ordinance, the town council, mayor and the town of Century.

  17. Joy on December 24th, 2013 10:34 am

    @Praying for Century
    I agree with you. Good things are coming. Take pride, Look at the whole picture. A few negative comments here are not the Truth of the whole matter.

  18. EMD on December 24th, 2013 10:30 am

    When people are not hurting anyone, the government should leave them alone

  19. Paul on December 24th, 2013 10:19 am

    This seems reasonable and logical to me. The town council seems to be allowing for rural residential and agricultural zones with in the city limits, with setbacks to keep animals. I think they are ensuring that people in a smaller town setting do not infringe upon another’s residence or fence with animals that can damage property or harbor insects and disease in close quarters. Excess animal feces pollutes storm water run off. It seems it is a step in the right direction to ensure public health. Makes sense to me.
    I think the town council is standing tall and doing what is right. If you think you are properly taking care of an animal and not keeping it in an excessively confined area, apply for a variance. Think that this may apply to someone who may be keeping an excess of animals in a nuisance situation and we need an ordinance to apply to that situation.

    86 people is definitely Not the majority of WE the People of Century. Sometimes you just can’t please ALL the people ALL the time. I hope this does not affect your family pet, but I think we should trust their judgement and see how this plays out. I think there will be exceptions if the environment surrounding the animal is clean and well maintained.
    Thank you Town Council doing the right thing. I support you.

  20. rlb on December 24th, 2013 8:57 am

    What a joke this council is not we the people but me the council vote all out.

  21. pjandbee on December 24th, 2013 8:55 am

    The one thing about the human condition that is truly sad AND sickening is how easy it is to throw away a life. When you take animal into your LIFE it is for life. Not hog, cow, goat, chicken FARM animals. These animals are now YOUR babies for the rest of your life. You care for them just as you would your little ones. BUT! These “animals” are dependent on you for ever.

    So, my point. The counsel members should look at what they are really condoning. People are being told to move or get RID of a family “animals” member. That animal, cow, horse and dog, has given in to complete reliance on you for the care and understanding that we all are responsible for the bond of an animal, pet. A member of the family and trust for everything that a baby would need, what that “ANIMAL” needs.

    Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Are you sure that you don’t want to just go for it and get rid of all out side animals? Really, I’ve seen some nasty birds and cats and dog’s (!). When you start pointing your finger to make a point, that point can and ‘will’ expand and lose control.

    The counsel is wrong. They are sending a message that has brood consequences. Responsibility is to the pets that are here. Good, NO NEW PETS. The next problem will be STRA’s. If all these citizens are forced to move or get rid of the horse, cow, goat ….. the point is made, responsibility to the pet ends when you just throw it away. I bet that could work for a young girl and a baby she doesn’t and never did want.

    You really should think about the message that you are sending to the public. In this case … I am afraid it may be teaching a lot of people that they really have no responsibility for the health and care of a life that you have made dependent on you.

    Maybe no one on the counsel has pets or children.

  22. praying for century on December 24th, 2013 8:21 am

    You people are not understanding its for the well being of the animals ive seen personally sevral pen set up in the city limits with 2 or 3 horses in them no grass or hay looking like they havent eaten in weeks so it isnt to keep you from having the animals its to protect the animals from people like that sorry if I offend you or any one else but it is what it is and as far as our town being on a downward spiral get off your bumm but and do somthing about it take some pride in what you have and do somthing about it instead of griping all the time

  23. Bryan on December 24th, 2013 7:24 am

    The council just proved that they are not in favor of the people, but they believe they must make our choices for us! In the meeting Jackie Johnston said, along these lines, “i would not vote for the ordinance to be placed on a ballot because I think it’s reasonable”. she thinks its reasonable… many want it on a ballot, but SHE wants to play Big Brother and have it her way. I guess 86 people isn’t enough for them. Well the next step is voting them out of office. Century has been goin on a downward spiral for a long time and this just helped that spiral form along. But it’s okay, they think a gas station with a new form of fuel is goin to improve this town… like the other gas stations in this town that do sooo much for it. I could go on and on about how this town is failing, but i will not. So the future is in the hands of the people now, vote them out, bring in a level headed council with realistic ideas of commerce and industry to save the town from proverty and silly one sided laws.

  24. SW on December 24th, 2013 7:05 am

    Why not have a vote on whether to keep Century a town or not? Seems to me it has no real purpose in continuing to exist as a governmental entity.

  25. Rooster Cogburn on December 24th, 2013 5:44 am

    Throw the bums out of office! If you people don’t vote them all out then u get what you ask for!

  26. Sam on December 24th, 2013 5:41 am

    I support the ordinance. Farm animals belong on a farm.

  27. waters on December 24th, 2013 5:40 am

    For months now, all I’ve heard is “the citizens elected the council to make laws, let them do their job.” I was under the impression that the citizens elected the council with the understanding that a town council has in mind the citizens opinions & would be the voice of the people.
    Apparently, citizens can disagree all they want, but as long as the council thinks they are right, their decision is already made. The people & their opinions are irrelevant. Obviously a good portion of the town wanted to vote on this for themselves. Sorry guys.. We get no input, but are expected to comply. What a joke.

  28. S. Cassidy on December 24th, 2013 3:31 am

    This is a rural community! We must vote all of them out of office as they do not have the best interests of Century at heart. It would appear that every last one of them are interested in only personal gain, whatever that may be.

  29. Henry Coe on December 24th, 2013 2:20 am

    The Plutocrats & Realtors win this round while the people lose their property rights. All in the name of progress.

  30. Paul on December 24th, 2013 2:09 am

    I would vote in favor of the ordinance.