Bill Would Slice Local Regulation Of Knives

December 3, 2013

A Republican senator filed a bill Monday that would bar state and local government agencies from regulating pocketknives, hunting and fishing knives and other types of knives. The bill (SB 458), filed by Sen. Thad Altman, R-Viera, would give only the Legislature the authority to regulate such knives — a concept known as “preemption.”

The state has a similar preemption law dealing with firearms.

“It is the intent of the Legislature to occupy the field of regulation of knives, common pocketknives, and weapons,” the bill says. “It is the further intent of the Legislature to provide uniformity of laws by prohibiting state agencies and political subdivisions from enacting rules or ordinances on the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, and use of knives and weapons.”

by The News Service of Florida


14 Responses to “Bill Would Slice Local Regulation Of Knives”

  1. Gene on December 5th, 2013 6:40 am

    I guess most of the folks commenting on this article can read but it seems that Bill Edmunds and David Green are the only ones who comprehend what they read. Please read it again s-l-o-w-l-y and see if you get it the second time. The bill is to PROHIBIT local governments from enacting laws more stringent than state laws.

  2. Bill Edmunds on December 5th, 2013 1:14 am

    Boy, you guys are really missing the point here. David seems to be the only one paying attention. This legislation is to prevent local bodies of government such as county, city, township, etc. to enact laws pertaining to knives that are stricter than state regulation. The same thing that was recently done with laws pertaining to the lawful ownership of guns. Please re-read the first sentence of the article: “A Republican senator filed a bill Monday that would bar state and local government agencies from regulating pocketknives, hunting and fishing knives and other types of knives”. Get it? Bar from regulating. This would mean that all state knife laws would be uniform, by law, so that a law abiding citizen would not get in trouble for carrying a legal knife by state definition in one county, and get arrested in another county or city for the same knife due to stricter regulations. This is protection to legal knife owners across the entire state. Switchblades are not illegal in Fl., period. Jeb Bush got rid of all restrictions on switchblades while in office. Please look here for current Fl. knife laws. Unfortunately these laws are vague and largely depend on case law as precedents. Currently case law depicts knifes less than 4″ are common pocket knives. Look here also: And here: This is not a small or isolated issue. With current knife laws not falling under a preemption status like guns are, you can be in complete compliance with state law but still violate local laws. And do not trust LEO’s to know the law, they will act as they see fit in a given situation. The best way to protect your rights is to get a Fl. CWFL, Concealed Weapons or Firearms License. Fl. is one of the few if not only state that issues a concealed carry permit that includes guns and any items defined as weapons in state statutes. I think the only excemption is carrying of ballistic knives. Overall this is a good law aimed at protecting the law abiding Floridian exactly as the preemption laws on guns does.

  3. perdido fisherman on December 4th, 2013 10:33 pm

    Well said Festus, i sure wish alot of these scaredy cats would get some common sense and stop helping to pass laws that only do harm to law abiding citizens, and those who just have to tell others how they should live while secretly doing the same thing. i’m sick and tired of these people.

  4. FESTUS on December 4th, 2013 11:28 am

    Modern man is but a cowardly fool…..It’s not the tool you should fear, It’s your inability to respect the rights of your fellow countrymen that should concern and alarm you…A man carrying a tool, a long knife or a gun in plain view is not a threat to anyone, regardless of locale!!! Contrary to popular belief, you do not have a right to “not be offended” or “live without fear”. Your feelings of fear are yours alone to deal with and should never have any impact on anyone’s individual rights!!!!! Stay home until you have your emotions under control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suck it up, focus and deal with your fears and insecurities, stop condoning and supporting “FEEL GOOD” laws that only impact the daily activities of your lawful fellow countrymen. Laws cannot and will not prevent a bad person from doing you harm.

    Live and act as a man not a coward.

  5. David Huie Green on December 4th, 2013 8:03 am

    By the way, some seem to think this is about restricting citizens from having knives.
    It isn’t.

    It is about stopping any government below state level from restricting.
    It forbids cities, towns and counties from restricting.

    David for lopping shears and chain saws

  6. David on December 4th, 2013 4:17 am

    Do you really think law enforcement is really concerned about you carrying a knife- as long as you don’t threaten or be 10 years old and start throwing it around.

    This is another politics game to draw attention to a politician who wants to make waves.
    In other words-we have more important things in the world than to worry about what kind of knife you have in your pocket.
    Some politicians have no life…ask Century town council..

  7. paul on December 4th, 2013 12:15 am

    It seems like yesterday I was proud to have my CubScout Knife before I was 10.. Please don’t tell on my Parents :)

  8. OLD MAN on December 3rd, 2013 7:37 pm

    i can remember as a kid everyone carried a pocket knife because people lived on farms this is a case of a dolly do gooder wanting to protect us from ourselves what is this world coming too as for hitler i dont know if he was against people haveing knifes i do know there was the s s dagger (very collectable and expensive ) the hitler youth dagger even the conductors on trains carried a dress dagger then there is the bayonet for the mauser rifle all highly collectable and expensive

  9. David Huie Green on December 3rd, 2013 11:22 am

    Actually, Hitler was all over the map on economic regulation because he didn’t care. He believed superior people such as himself and the Germans under his flawless leadership were all that mattered. He is quoted as saying many things for which there is no actual record.

    The idea is:
    This is evil.
    Hitler was evil.
    Therefor Hitler must have favored this.

    In like manner, sometimes folks follow the following line of reasoning:
    Hitler was (or said or did) this.
    Hitler was evil so whatever he was or said or did must be evil.

    Hitler was a man, therefor all men are evil.
    Hitler was white, therefor….
    Hitler liked dogs, therefor all dogs….

    Some things are bad whether Hitler favored or disfavored them.
    Some things are good whether Hitler disfavored or favored them.

  10. molino jim on December 3rd, 2013 8:43 am

    There are some states where switchblade knifes can be sold if you are “a knife collector”– Ala. is one. In Fla. it’s the possession that can cause problems. A hunting knife in the field is a good idea, but hopefully not in a super market and so on. I’ve seen what was almost a machete being carried and wonder what the person felt the need for a knife this size. I guess it helps make up for other “short comings”.

  11. 429SCJ on December 3rd, 2013 8:33 am

    First you want to take our firearms, now you want to take our knives.

    In the interest of self defense, what are we supposed to do, reason with them?

    @Jane “those were the words of Adolf Hitler” and they echo as the objectives of world government today.

  12. David Huie Green on December 3rd, 2013 7:48 am

    Cut crime

  13. Robert S. on December 3rd, 2013 6:23 am

    I have heard for years that knives such as “switchblades” were not allowed but have not heard of any sort of local or state agency regulations that may be applied to knives.

    Is this a spinoff from the barring of insurance companies wanting to charge more for homes where a firearm is located?

    Guess it’s good to have “uniformity of laws” but then if there is some legislative ban on a particular knife that would impact everyone. Are they helping or restricting us?

  14. Jane on December 3rd, 2013 5:07 am

    First you regulate the economy, then you remove their weapons…those were the words of Adolf Hitler.