Bill Filed To Bar Insurers From Considering Gun Ownership

December 1, 2013

Sen. Tom Lee, R-Brandon, has filed a measure (SB 424) that would prohibit property and auto insurers from canceling policies or refusing to issue coverage because of customers’ legal ownership of firearms.

The proposal would also prohibit insurers from imposing an “unfairly discriminatory rate” due to gun ownership.

The measure, a companion to a proposal (HB 255) filed Nov. 4 by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fort Walton Beach, also prohibits insurers from disclosing to other parties the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm by an applicant or policyholder.

by The News Service of Florida


13 Responses to “Bill Filed To Bar Insurers From Considering Gun Ownership”

  1. FESTUS on December 5th, 2013 7:38 am


    This is about our 2nd amendment RIGHT !!! Please remember, we don’t have a right to a house or the right to be insured!!! Comparing a living animal that possesses free will to an inanimate object is a perfect example of the idiom, comparing apples to oranges….. Whats next……should we let the property insurance company search our medical records to determine the proper type of policy required? How about a listening device to monitor our homes for correct and safe speech? How about a mental competency test to determine the potential for a LIABILITY CLAIM? I’m willing to bet some would go along….because they have no idea what inalienable rights mean!!!! Our rights should always trump corporate intrusions (period)!!!!
    When FEELINGS are allowed to enter the debate, participants are guaranteed to muddy the waters and confuse the issues.

  2. David Huie Green on December 4th, 2013 9:50 pm

    Yep, my exercise of my freedom should not require you to give up your freedom

  3. FaithinUS on December 4th, 2013 2:56 pm

    IF I have to answer as to whether and what breed of dog I own and keep on my property to be considered ‘insurable’, then gun owners whose potential for a LIABILITY CLAIM is much greater, dang sure should have to have that factored in as well!

    It’s not all about your Second Amendment Rights–especially when it comes to insurance. It’s about their right not to take on the potential cost of doing business with you.

  4. Philip on December 3rd, 2013 12:27 am

    Finally a voice of reason on this subject, thanks Bill Edmunds.

  5. Bill Edmunds on December 2nd, 2013 11:15 am

    We obviously have the right to bear arms in Fl. Open carry is just one provision of it. Open carry is permitted when going to and from lawful shooting activities such as going to and from the range or while engaged in hunting and fishing activities. Just because open carry is permitted does not mean that someone won’t call a LEO if they see it. If you’re doing it legally it’s no problem.
    This is our local elected officials trying to protect our rights from discrimination. It would be unconstitutional for insurance companies to do this. They would try it anyway which would lead to lengthy court battles and a waste of taxpayer money. It would be akin to paying higher insurance rates because you were born into an ethic group that the insurers deemed to be at a higher risk to use their insurance benefits. Also unconstitutional.
    Yes it is real. This legislation would not have occurred had it not been made known that the insurance industry is gearing up to start this. This is another attempt to back door gun registration just as the AMA and pediatrician groups tried previously in Fl. It is another attempt to undermine the 2nd Amendment and in turn would open the door to more abuses of all our constitutional rights.

  6. 2OLD2W8 on December 2nd, 2013 9:25 am

    To recognize the power of the individual, diminishes the power of the collective.
    To enhance the power of the collective is to diminish the power of the individual.

    Wake up sheeple, you are a willing participant in your own enslavement!!!!! Your current apathy and ignorance will be correctly stated as culpable negligence when discussing the demise of our REPUBLIC, You are the enemy from within our borders and you disgust me.

    Personally, I despise all homo sapiens who consider or contemplate any infringement of my natural rights to exist and walk the crust of this planet. My rights belong to me, they are not yours to give away!!!!!
    I spit in your face!!!!!!!! I refuse to submit to the cowardice that creates a SERF.

    I, as a FREE MAN I recognize and accept the never ending responsibilities, duties and consequences required.. I choose this path with honor.

    I accept all free men as my equal…… I bow to your honor and self awareness and commit to stand beside you in this coming fight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Jane on December 2nd, 2013 3:39 am

    If you are in the insurance business you have it made. Auto insurance and now health insurance is mandatory. Home insurance is mandatory if you have a mortgage on your home. And they just keep raising the rates, and finding new ways to charge more or cancel your policy.

  8. citizen on December 2nd, 2013 2:41 am

    “The proposal would also prohibit insurers from imposing an “unfairly discriminatory rate” due to gun ownership.”

    Is this something that is actually happening? Do they have a long list of people that were canceled or denied insurance due to owning a firearm? In fact, i can’t say i have even seen it questioned when acquiring auto insurance.

    Is this a real thing?

  9. Jeff on December 1st, 2013 8:47 pm

    Hmmm…sounds like intrusive government regulation trying to dictate what a private company can do.

    Anti-American, right?

    The protectors of “the real America” say “Let the marketplace decide”– unless it affects their agenda.


  10. perdido fisherman on December 1st, 2013 2:07 pm

    good job Rep. Gaetz, thank you for protecting our 2nd amendment rights, i hope you sponsor an open carry law similar to Alabamas in the near future. The way things are going we need one and i don’t think i should have to pay for a conceal carry while the thugs walk around packing heat.

  11. zach on December 1st, 2013 10:39 am

    This is what the NRA and Republicans are worried about? How about the fact that we have NO right to bear arms in Florida, only a privilege to carry concealed? I guess they’re more concerned about this non-issue than the fact we’ll be the last state in the union to recognize the right to openly carry a holstered handgun without a license. We can’t even do it with a license!

  12. OldMan on December 1st, 2013 8:50 am

    I guess Dimbocrats are willing to do anything to to take away gun owners rights, Burn the Constitution I guess, and here I thought we were allowed to bear arms to prevent a tyranical government from complete control of the population.

    We Have a Wannabe Dictator in office now, its his way or the highway.

  13. Robert S. on December 1st, 2013 7:32 am

    Applause for those who stand up for protection of our 2nd Amendment Rights.
    As if insurance rates are not already high as a cat’s back, and the language of our policies is nearly impossible to understand, the companies want to get into our private, legal rights to gun ownership.
    What’s next, will they want to regulate our kitchen knives?
    Anyone out there really understand what their insurance policies cover.?
    Or, do you just think because you pay high premiums that Everything is covered.?
    Not always so.