Bid Opening Next Week For New Northview High Weight Training Facility

December 11, 2013

Bids will be opened next Tuesday to choose contractor for a new weight training facility for Northview High School.

The Escambia County School Board approved the weight training facility back at their January 22, 2013, meeting, letting a $69,913 contract with DAG Architects in Pensacola for architectural and engineering services.

The new building will be about 3,500 square feet. The building will include one weight room, coaches’ offices, storage and accompanying restrooms. The construction budget is set at $490,000, to be funded with local option sales tax monies.

The new weight training facility will be constructed near the main building where outdoor basketball courts are currently located. There is no timetable in place for the completion of the project.

Updated 6:00 a.m. to reflect that the district is now calling the building a “Weight Training Facility”, not a field house.

Pictured: The basic floor plan for a planned Northview High School field house. graphic, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Bid Opening Next Week For New Northview High Weight Training Facility”

  1. Girl Student on December 13th, 2013 6:41 pm

    I am a student at Northview and I work out every day. All we have in our weight room is the boys hand-me down stuff. Why do boys get every thing? Girls can do ANY thing a guy can do. I don’t think its fair that the boys get a new weight training facility. Boys and girls should be treated equally. I don’t care if its for football or any thing. I want to be treated equally.

  2. student @nhs on December 13th, 2013 6:19 pm

    the girls weightlifting team works just as hard as the boys’. i cant see why the boys are being treated ever so differently then the girls. its great that they made state, but they made state last year, last year is over with. the only thing guys do during p.e. is play basketball. they rarely even go into their weight room from what i’ve seen. if you possibly think the girls rarely work out then you are so wrong. they work hard, everyday. Just saying.

  3. Student on December 12th, 2013 5:39 pm

    To annoyed: it’s obvious you’re not a student at Northview. The girls workout more than the boys during the school day. The boys are usually sitting down or playing basketball and not utilizing what they have. And it’s not about taking away from the boys. We want equality. If you were/are a father to a girl would you want her to have the same opportunities as a boy if she wants it? I want it! I’m just as deserving!!! I work hard and have good grades.

  4. Someone on December 12th, 2013 5:16 pm

    Girls at Northview have the right to equal weight room equipment too. Not just hand me downs. I think it’s great their getting a field house but the girls get left out of a lot of things when it comes to girl sports .

  5. annoyed on December 12th, 2013 1:28 pm

    Are people seriously asking why girls just get hand me downs? There are 60 football players that basically workout everyday of the year. The girls sports MAY workout in the weight room every other day during their sports season. Why on earth would Northview or any school spend 600,000 on something that wouldnt be utilized.

  6. bk on December 12th, 2013 12:25 pm

    It’s a shame this money couldn’t be used to help improve academics and increase the school’s grade. When I went to NHS, we couldn’t even have Dual Enrollment classes. It’s sad so much emphasis is put on sports rather than preparing students for college.

  7. Parent on December 12th, 2013 10:07 am

    What about the girls, why is it that they get all the hand me downs?

  8. to girls weight lifting on December 12th, 2013 8:57 am

    i understand that the girls are just as competitive, but we have been working out in the same dump for along time. the football team finally made state last year. i think they deserve something of their own.

  9. Mary on December 12th, 2013 8:51 am

    As a parent of athletically involved daughters, I am wondering if this new facility will be available to the girls? Currently, the girls do not have a facility of their own to practice weight training; they are stuck with the left-overs and hand-me-downs of others. According to Title IX, females should have equal opportunities to use ANYTHING that receives federal monies. Also, Florida statute 1000.5 section 3a states that “no person shall be denied the benefits of or be treated differently from another person or otherwise be discriminated against in any …intramural athletics offered by a public K-20 educational institution;” however that is not the case at Northview. It’s time to give up the “good ole boys” mentality and start treating females as equals.

  10. NHS Fan on December 12th, 2013 8:41 am

    Northview is the only high school in the county that does not have a football field house. If anyone has been to the current weight facilities you can clearly see it is below standard compared to the rest of the area; it is small and crowded with limited equipment. Northview is the best school in the county by far, however there are necessary upgrades for the future of our athletics (the future of education is a different topic/ You can’t just create programs in a few days..who is going to teach those latin and french classes when there isn’t any teachers available. ) In regaurds to title 9 and equal opportunity for girls, i agree 100%. That being said, non of the girls sports make money for the school; it actually cost the school/county money. Football generates revenue. Football also has to raise all of its money each year through boosters, other sports get money from the county. There should be upgrades to the girls equipment and softball field, but at whos expense? It took 18 years for upgrades to the football fieldhouse. During that time how many times has the basketball court been refurbushed, or new dugouts/press box for softball been done. Instead of being upset that you dont get shiney new equipment this year doesnt mean it wont ever come.

  11. NHS Chief on December 12th, 2013 7:48 am

    It’s good that the boys are getting a new weight room and equipment to help them with sports. But what about the girls? What do we get? The only time we get any thing in our weight room is when someone donates it or when the boys get something new and they give us their used equipment. We never get anything new. If we had the same equipment as boys and people actually cared, our girls athletic program would be way better. In no way is it fair. Title 9 was produced for a reason, a reason like this. Girls athletic should have equal rights at Northview.

  12. girls weightlifting on December 11th, 2013 6:50 pm

    The girls should have a weightlifting room also i have seen the girls team compete and they are just as equally competitive.

  13. Graduate on December 11th, 2013 2:25 pm

    I agree that the girls should also get an equal opportunity at this. Girl sports go highly unnoticed at Northview

  14. ProudArmyParent on December 11th, 2013 8:00 am

    I agree it is about time that “Northend” of the school district got something! My problem is, do we really need this? There is plenty of facility of this kind at Northview Gym. Heck there are rooms there that don’t get used! What is really needed is just plain more……..more language classes (we had four different languages once, Spanish, French, Latin, and American Sign. Not anymore!) More Video tech,(we had that also. More publishing, (no more school newspaper.) Lets think of building our kids education in more ways than SPORTS. What we seem to be educating our kids in is how to be hamburger jockey or stash and bag groceries.
    We need to be doing educating our children in practices that will help pay for their new health care insurance they are required to have!

  15. The DOER on December 11th, 2013 6:13 am

    It’s about time. Century and Ernest Ward community members were promised the world when these two schools consolidated. Very little has come to fruition. Northview is so limited, but it is one of the BEST high schools in the county. The students have been short-changed.

    This is only 50 yards closer than the weight room and locker rooms that are currently being used. What is the advantage here? Also, where will the other football team go during half-time? For a half-million dollars, it seems that the facility could be located in a more convenient area, maybe similar to where Jay High’s is. I realize the location has to be where space is, but come on. Think this through.

  16. NN on December 11th, 2013 6:10 am

    Glad the boys will finally get a field house. However, how will the school district accommodate the girl’s sports’ program equally? Tax payers have daughters, sisters, girl friends, & granddaughters too.