Back To The Barnyard: Century Starts Over With New Animal Ordinance

December 3, 2013

After weeks of back and forth discussion on a barnyard animal  ban, the Century Town Council started over with a new ordinance Monday night.

The ordinance will make it illegal to keep a horse, mule, donkey, goat, sheep, or cow within the town limits except in areas that are zoned agricultural or rural residential. Hogs are already prohibited in all areas of the town.

One horse will be allowed for every two acres, one donkey per acre and one goat per one-half acre. The animals and their pens must be 200 feet or greater from a dwelling or property line.

Anyone with horses, donkey or goats (but not mules, sheep or cows) in an area not zoned agricultural or rural residential within the town limits, must register theirl animals at the Century Town Hall within 60 days of the adoption of ordinance.

Anyone with nonconforming  animals must apply for and be granted a variance from the town council within six months or get rid of their animals.

The council held a first reading of the new ordinance Monday night. They also voted to schedule a special meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, December 23 for public comment and  for a final council vote.

The new ordinance shortens the time noncomplying residents have to request a variance or remove their animals from 18 to six months. The council also removed a previous discussed requirement that any barnyard animals approved under a variance be implanted with a tracking microchip.

Pictured: (L-R) Century Mayor Freddie McCall and council members Gary Riley, Ann Brooks, Sandra McMurray Jackson and Jacke Johnston at Monday night’s meeting of the Century Town Council. Council members Annie Savage was absent. photo, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Back To The Barnyard: Century Starts Over With New Animal Ordinance”

  1. D.Hall on December 4th, 2013 10:09 pm

    Ya’ll want me to solve this “problem” – NO animals allowed in the city limits period … this includes ALL household pets !

  2. Ben Thar on December 4th, 2013 9:32 pm

    Actually, the proper respose to “What’s a gnu?” is “Nothing much, whatsa gnu with you?”

  3. Me on December 4th, 2013 8:38 pm

    Gnu, pronounced “noo,” is also known as wildebeest.

  4. Ben Thar on December 4th, 2013 7:44 pm

    David, what’s a gnu?

  5. ProudArmyParent on December 4th, 2013 8:55 am

    Last year this time it was decided there is NO room for Jesus on the front lawn of the Town of Century City Hall, now this year it has been decided there is NO room for the manger animals in the Town of Century either!
    Hmmmmmmm, just a thought

  6. ProuArmyParent on December 4th, 2013 7:36 am

    “Marie on December 3rd, 2013 2:21 pm I’m so glad you are doing this. We need more positive comments in favor of what youare doing. I like being in town and do not want farm yard animal around.”

    Marie, if this is how you feel, then maybe Century isn’t the town where you should call home. Since farm animals have been part of this rural community lifestyle since before any of us were born!

    Do you people realize, that when you lose a RIGHT(or just hand it over,) you don’t ever get it back!

  7. Sam on December 4th, 2013 7:18 am

    If you live in town you have neighbors close by. Towns are set up to provide for all citizens. The problem with farm animals in town is the noise, sanitary conditions, smell, and it drives down property value of the property close by. It is the towns responsibility to take care of all citizens.

  8. Flomaton Citizen on December 3rd, 2013 8:52 pm

    This is what happens when people get power hungry! All they want is a reason to put more taxes of people.

  9. Marie on December 3rd, 2013 2:21 pm

    I’m so glad you are doing this. We need more positive comments in favor of what youare doing. I like being in town and do not want farm yard animal around the neighborhood. I also don’t like stray cats or barking dogs running loose. This is a small town not a collection of farms Thank you Town Council and Mayor for cleaning up the town.

  10. Tired Citizen on December 3rd, 2013 12:34 pm

    I’m beginning to think that the most favorable option is going to be to move out of town, before they tighten the collars & choke us all. Such a pity when you move to a town for it’s traditional values, yet to find they’ve long since been forgotten.

  11. David Huie Green on December 3rd, 2013 11:30 am

    Mule is offspring of male donkey and female horse.

    Donkeys can produce only sterile offsprings with horses due to a different number of chromosomes.

  12. Shawn on December 3rd, 2013 11:15 am

    This is so stupid! No wonder Century is the laughing stock of Esc county. Town council should be shamed of this. Nothing better to do? Maybe should concentrate on cleaning up in your own homes first. And the case if the city you could have saved a lot of money with speed bumps if you’d just get on to the one person who keeps getting in trouble for speeding. He works for you!!!! Oh yeah speed bump on hecker by school too high legal right off showroom floor cars scrub the under carriage because it is done incorrectly. Could be a law suit coming your way!!!

  13. SHO-NUFF on December 3rd, 2013 10:30 am

    What’s the difference between a Donkey and a Mule??

  14. ProudArmyParent on December 3rd, 2013 9:47 am

    Century Town Council needs to realize that they are in a rural area! This is not New York City, Detroit, or even Atlanta. This is Century a small rural community. Instead of trying to down play it’s assests, why not try building on those assests. Like we allow farm animals, gardens and such. Do these council member not see farm equiptment moved through town?

    STOP being so Hoity Toady!

    Oh, did the town council forget about micro chipping the bunnies?

  15. David Huie Green on December 3rd, 2013 7:37 am

    At least gnus, elephants and water buffalo aren’t affected.

  16. briarroot on December 3rd, 2013 4:27 am

    nothing about pigs or chickens?