Two Injured In Hwy 29 Crash

November 8, 2013

Two people were injured in two vehicle collision Thursday night in Cantonment.

The crash happened in the northbound lanes of Highway 29 near Faith Chapel North Funeral Home about 6:25 p.m. One of the injured, a 61-year old female, was transported to a local hospital in critical condition. The condition of a second victim  transported to the hospital was not available.

Northbound Highway 29 was closed about 30 minutes by the accident.

The accident remains under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol. Further details have not yet been released. photos by Kristi Smith, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “Two Injured In Hwy 29 Crash”

  1. David Huie Green on November 10th, 2013 8:56 am

    You admit you had to cheat to get your driving license. You admit your friends cheated too. You explain accidents are just accidents as if what those involved in them had absolutely nothing to do with them — as if there is no such thing as cause and effect. That is the attitude which leads to “accidents” and is related to why teenagers have fatal “accidents” three times as often per miles driven as other people do — even though we are all driving down the same roads. Check with the CDC if you don’t believe and are willing to learn.

    Another reason we talk about teenagers being bad drivers is because we remember being teenagers and how bad we were while being certain everybody else was a worse driver. Also, we watched a lot of friends die. It IS the number one killer of teenagers.

    David for better drivers
    fewer “accidents”
    more honesty

  2. teenager on November 9th, 2013 6:03 pm

    I took my road signs/road rules test over the computer and yes my mom helped me but I am a very good driver and so are my friends that did the same thing. Everybody assumes that just because we are teenagers we automatically cant drive, well we can. Accidents happen, that is why they are called ACCIDENTS ! I have seen 60 year old people that drive worse then teenagers. Its not always teenagers.

  3. Lisa on November 9th, 2013 7:35 am

    There’s some kids taking their road signs/rules over the computer, instead of doing it down @ the license office, so that they can cheat, the parents & other adults are helping them, I know for a fact, because I’ve heard the stories with my own ears. I’ve told my kid, I don’t care if he/she has to take them several times, if you can’t pass it the correct way, you don’t need to be driving period, but they’re in a hurry to send Jr. to the store to keep them from having to go, but parents think about your kids & others lives before you help them cheat.

  4. openyoureyes on November 9th, 2013 12:01 am

    Don’t need red lights or turning lanes. As you see it did nothing for 97 and 29 intersection. This is where the R.O.W. rule can come in. Read you handbook. People WILL NOT pay attention to speed limit signs. Limit changes to 55 MPH coming north a little bit before Fran’s Diner, do you think that slows people down? Me and a few. the other 20 or so stomp the gas, there gone, 80+ dust in the wind. You know who you are! They have their own driving rules. I watch those who don’t stop at STOP signs like 97 & Hwy 29, Molino Rd. Sunshine Hill etc. People out here in Molino don’t even know who has the right of way. Lack of knowledge is the cause of most of the wrecks. I have avoided many wrecks especially at 97 & 29 swerving to miss vehicles that took the R.O.W. from me the cut a cross in front of my lane from 97 over into 29 as i was making a left turn onto 97. 97 is a STOP sign. 29 Northbound turn lane doesn’t stop for 97 traffic when we are moving through intersection, so be alert. We stop for oncoming 29 southbound traffic.

  5. No Excuses on November 8th, 2013 2:45 pm

    I thought 29 was US Highway 29. Would that not make it a government road?

  6. Marie on November 8th, 2013 1:22 pm

    Krystle: I understand the frustration wtih the configuration of Hwy 29; however, it is NOT a county road, it is a State road. They are the ones that need to be contacted by the public to make changes for safety’s sake.

  7. just saying on November 8th, 2013 8:30 am

    Oh, and paying attention doesn’t cost the tax payers a dime. We have to pay for turn lanes.

  8. just saying on November 8th, 2013 8:28 am

    I think a lot of accidents could be avoided everywhere if people would just pay attention to the fact that are driving on a road with other people & obey the rules of the road.

  9. Krystle on November 8th, 2013 7:17 am

    I think a lot of traffic accidents could be avoided in that area if the county would do
    something so simple by adding turning lanes. Turning lane for the median, just like in town, and a turning lane to Archer Rd (east side).

  10. C. Knowlton on November 8th, 2013 4:59 am

    We were there right after this happened. There were many good people who helped out before emergency services arrived. I am thankful for kind hearted people who go out of their way to help others! I’m praying for the accident victims and the first responders.

  11. Chris on November 8th, 2013 3:45 am

    Thankfully these people are alright. Something has got to be done in this area with how people drive though. I travel down and up 29 everyday and the number of distracted drivers is, to me, unreal. I also pass by many many law enforcement vehicles. Some of them are driving distracted and even texting. There will be more accidents like this and worse if law enforcement t doesn’t start enforcing the laws. I’m going to start calling in unit numbers as I see them driving distracted. Is there a hotline for this?