Shutout For the Chiefs

November 9, 2013

The defending  1-A state champion Northview Chiefs suffered a 31-0 shutout Friday night at the hands of the top-ranked 1A  Blountstown Tigers. It was the sixth shutout win of the season for Blountstown.

The Chiefs managed just 99 yards while allowing over 250 rushing yards by the Tigers.  Ladarius Thomas had 52 yards for the Chiefs, while quarterback Dalton Tullis completed 7 of 18 passes for just 20 yards.

The Northview Chiefs, as District 1-1A runner-ups, begin week one of the playoffs Friday night on the road against Vernon. The Chiefs finished their regular season at 3-6, 2-1 overall, while Vernon’s record stands at 7-3, 4-0 in district play. If the Chiefs advance to round two of the playoffs, they will face the winner of Friday night’s Baker-Cottondale game. file photos, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Shutout For the Chiefs”

  1. Blake on November 14th, 2013 4:21 pm

    One thing yall have to realize is that we graduated 21 seniors last year. 2 division 1 athletes 3 juco athletes, and a d2 athlete that happened to be the best d lineman I’ve ever played against, even up here. I’m not bragging by no means, but this is a different team, with a different skill set, and a different identity. When you try to compare them to another team all your doing is putting pressure on them. As far as coach wise leaving, his program is still in place the summer training and practices. These boys don’t take it light at practice I promise you, I played with most of them last year. And especially now that they are going into the playoffs they are going to be more than ready. They have the best throwing qb in 1a in Daulton. Probably the best athlete in the state all the way up to 4a in Neino. A straight playmaker on both sides with Brannon. A great line backing core and a good offensive line with good leadership. People tend to forget this is a very young team. They will get rolling in these playoffs though. And I will be there when they play Blountstown again in the 3rd round. Once a chief always a chief.

  2. ToneySimpson on November 13th, 2013 4:10 pm

    I couldn’t have said it any better Bodie. You hit the nail on the head.

  3. BodieTullis on November 12th, 2013 8:36 pm

    If you really care about Northview Football, come to the game Friday night. Also join the QB club , we have more members who do not have kids playing than members that do. There is no excuse, do you think the meals they eat before and after the games are free, or they ride first class for free? The only thing we can do for this years team is to come show them, we as a community support them, win or lose!

  4. Bob on November 12th, 2013 3:09 pm

    To keeping it real what does the coaches hat backwards have to do with anything. To all of the people on here slamming the coaching staff they put in countless hours at the school teaching and working with the kids. People have to understand Northview will not always have a team like they had last season give the coaches a break they are doing there best.

  5. That Drum Major on November 11th, 2013 7:22 pm

    TO “Kepping It Real” – It’s not that the band didn’t show up because we just didn’t want to. We had legitimate issues that could not have been overcome by friday which kept us from going to the game. Please get facts straight before putting the word “disgrace” anywhere near my band.

  6. fan on November 11th, 2013 12:25 pm

    Doesn’t matter if ppl come to the game or not because the games are dead the cheerleaders try their best to get the crowd into the games and nothing helps the fans just sit there whether the coaches have their hats on backward or forward doesn’t matter if no ones heart is in it and it shows and start with the head coach

  7. Keeping It Real on November 11th, 2013 10:20 am

    I hear all the slamming going on, but where were all of you Friday night? That was a poor turn out. You talk about discouraged players, how about looking into the stands and only seeing cheerleading moms there. All of you say you support them, then support them wherever they play, whatever the record, whoever the coach. The band didn’t even show up, disgraceful. Now to the coaches… about you all turn them hats around correctly so you look like a proper adult out there cause these kids DO NOT believe in you. You coach like your playing a Madden ‘14 video game. You dont have the skill players for the three plays you run nor the O Line, which by the way was reverted back to the one you had at the first of the year, hence the 99 yards of total offense. So in closing I’ll make that long drive the Vernon Friday…if you don’t then shut up.

  8. nhs fan on November 11th, 2013 5:18 am

    They should have kept coach wise and gave coach wheatly
    The boot..he has a very good team but like all the other’s have said its how you practice its like he doesn’t care since he got that ring last season. His players and coaching staff are discouraged and its a shame this season couldn’t have been better. We still love your chiefs…go chiefs!!!

  9. Former Chief on November 10th, 2013 6:18 pm

    NHS for sure dropped the ball when they let Ty Wise leave. He was clearly running that football program. For the last four years I said Wheatley was just a figurehead. I was hoping my theory would have been proven incorrect.

  10. players mom on November 10th, 2013 12:49 pm

    To Well……. Not sure you know what your talking about, but every team every year should go in their season with the mind set of going all the way. End of story!
    Anything less is not teaching these players anything about life. Yes, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but the expectation and preparation of each and every game should be to win. And not sure if you’ve seen this team play but the talent is there.

  11. chief dad on November 10th, 2013 9:16 am

    Absolutely the worst play calling I have seen and its been that way all year. We need some change across the board. We can’t keep running the same garbage offense and expect it to just start working all of a sudden. When your playbook consists of four plays, it doesn’t take long for a defense to learn it and stuff it. Very discouraged right now.

  12. well on November 10th, 2013 7:39 am

    Sorry all you number one fans but going to to state and winning it is not going to be a yearly occurence. It takes a lot from a lot of different angles and cry baby fans won’t make it any better.
    Congratulations to the Chiefs for making it back to the playoffs. You have our support no matter what.
    There are plenty of teams that would swap there season for ours.

    GO CHIEFS!!!

  13. Chieftan on November 9th, 2013 3:33 pm

    I’m a Chief fan, but I knew when Coach Wise left, that main push behind the boys winning state last year was gone. The coaches seem to focus on certain players and those players are playing come whatever. When will coaches realize that all the players on the sideline have something to contribute or they wouldn’t be there!

  14. Die Hard chief fan on November 9th, 2013 11:45 am

    Very sad to see that one coach (Wise) made such a huge difference in the mind set of a football team. Respect is earned not given, and when you are not preparing these young men for a game to win, not just to show up and play, that’s showing them that you have little respect in their capabilities. I hate to say this, but I think NHS may have let the wrong coach go!

  15. C.F. on November 9th, 2013 9:45 am

    A team plays how it practices. From what this game indicates, there hasn’t been much of an honest effort in practice for some time. Before 5 p.m. everyday, there’s nobody on the practice field and the lights surely aren’t on. There was a coaching moment for coaches last night, while down 24-0 with less than 5 minutes to go from one’s own 20 yard line. Run the clock and get your team off the field without further humilitation. Maybe next week will be better or the season will end on an even a lower note.

  16. chief fan on November 9th, 2013 9:26 am

    I’m a dedicated fan of chief football, and I support the chiefs at every game. I find it very discouraging seeing the lack of coaching over these guys who are very capable of going to state again. The plays that are called are not suited to this team and the “wing T” does not work with the young line that we have. Come on coaches step up or step out! This fan is getting very discouraged!