Scott Honors Two Escambia Teachers With ‘Shine’ Awards

November 21, 2013

During Tuesday’s meeting of the Florida Cabinet, Gov. Rick Scott recognized five educators who formerly served in various branches of the military with the Governor’s Shine Award for their service to our country and their contributions to Florida’s students.

“It is an honor to thank these teachers who went from serving their country to serving Florida students in the classroom. A great education system is key to creating a highly-skilled workforce and driving our economy forward. These teachers have gone above and beyond the call of duty by preparing our students today for the jobs of tomorrow, and I thank them for their continued service to Florida families,” Scott said.

The Shine Award is presented to Floridians who have positively impacted children through education.

Two Escambia County teachers received the Shine award Tuesday from the governor:

Glenn Meyer, U.S. Air Force, Navy Point Elementary – Meyer served in the United States Air Force for 21 years before retiring at NAS Pensacola in November 2009. His last 11 years of service were in education and training commitments. Meyer began his teaching career in 2009 and has since taught 5th and 2nd grades at Pleasant Grove Elementary School. He now teaches 5th grade at Navy Point Elementary School in Pensacola.

Katherine Stefansson, U.S. Navy, Bellview Middle School – Stefansson retired from the United States Navy as a Public Affairs Officer and went on to receive her Master’s degree in Education. She taught in three different elementary schools before moving to Bellview Middle School in Pensacola where she now teaches 8th grade American History. Her favorite part of teaching is helping students learn how to make connections between what they learn in class and how it can affect their daily lives.


2 Responses to “Scott Honors Two Escambia Teachers With ‘Shine’ Awards”

  1. Susan on November 22nd, 2013 6:59 am

    Congratulations teachers. The public needs to read more about good teachers and good schools that are working well despite the ridiculous formulas the state is using to label them.

  2. Argo Lady on November 22nd, 2013 4:29 am

    Thank you Mr. Meyer and Ms. Stefansson. You are both continuing to be American heros. Thank you for your service in uniform and in the classroom. This is more proof that Pensacola children have great teachers!