Satsumas Available From Davisville Man’s Orchard

November 23, 2013

A local man is selling the fruits of his labor — satsumas from his orchard.

Jimmie Davis has nearly 180 satsuma trees in his orchard in the Davisville community.  The satsumas, which are said to be better than an orange and peel like a tangerine, are available while supplies last.

To purchase the satsumas, stop by 9941 Highway 97 (south of Highway 4, near Pine Forest Road).

Pictured above: Jimmie Davis of Davisville with one of his satsuma trees. Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Satsumas Available From Davisville Man’s Orchard”

  1. Puddin on November 26th, 2013 12:04 am

    Thanks, think I will stop by and check them out. Moms coming and practically lives on fruit. Maybe she will like them too. Might be a nice addition to the Thanksgiving table. :-D

  2. Robert on November 25th, 2013 8:53 am

    fhg and Debbie

    Mr Davis’ place is where Pine Forest ends on the north end of the county.

    From Jay, go to Century and turn left on 29 to hwy 4 (like going to Bratt), and take 4 all the way to its end at Hwy 97 in Davisville. Turn left (south) and you cant miss all the trees on the right side of the road.

    This is just south of the state line from Atmore maybe 3 miles on Hwy 97.

  3. Debbie Hart on November 25th, 2013 1:51 am

    From Jay how do I get there?

  4. fhg on November 25th, 2013 1:29 am

    are there any left, is this in the north end, the reference to pine forest rd is confusing me?

  5. Ruthanne on November 24th, 2013 9:47 am

    are they open on Sunday?

  6. Connie Hall on November 23rd, 2013 11:22 pm

    I purchased a basket of satsumas last week and they taste really good. There were a lot of people stopping to buy them. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are very reasonable on the price. I may have to purchase more before going back North.

  7. Sharon Davis on November 23rd, 2013 8:09 pm

    Puddin: – the cost is $20.00 for a basket (20 pounds plus-minus) we don’t weight the big baskets, but you get your moneys worth…..and then some…..We also, seel 10 pound baskets (again, give or take 10 pounds) $10.00, or by the dozen., $4.00. Come by and we will give you a sample to taste a whole satsuma….

    Thanks Max for the nice comments…. believed you came by earlier today….and Thank you so much William for printing this…everyone likes to by locally…..we have 179 trees, planning on planting more next year… ya’ll come and try a Satsuma, if you have never had one or need a reminder of what they taste like….

    Again,,,,Thanks to everyone that has purchased these satsumas and come back for more….

  8. Max on November 23rd, 2013 11:22 am

    Also, the lemons they sell are fantastic! I encourage anyone to check them out. You’ll be glad you did.

  9. Max on November 23rd, 2013 11:20 am

    I bought from the Davis family last year and had my first satsuma and loved them. Good price on them and you get quite a good bit. Well worth it! I’ll be buying some first chance I get over that way.

  10. Puddin on November 23rd, 2013 7:50 am

    I saw this yesterday but had no idea what a satsuma was. Thought those were orange trees. So how much are they?