New Veterinarian Starts Work At Escambia Animal Shelter

November 16, 2013

A new veterinarian started work Friday at the Escambia County Animal Shelter, which has recently come under fire for wrongfully euthanized animals.

The hiring of Dr. Alphonso W. Steward III was announced by interim Escambia County Administrator George Touart.

“I look forward to working with Dr. Steward as Escambia County moves to improve all aspects of its Animal Services Division processes,” Touart said. “Dr. Steward understands the goals that the shelter needs to meet to effectively serve the community, and I am confident in his abilities.”

Steward replaced Dr. Melissa Adkison, who resigned this week after staring the job back in September. Her resignation came after a new shelter policy was implemented requiring the veterinarian in charge to sign all euthanasia orders.

A graduate of Alabama State University, Steward earned his professional degree from the Tuskegee School of Veterinary Medicine in 1991 and brings more than 20 years in licensed veterinarian experience at universities and clinics throughout Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Dakota and Texas.  Steward is a past member of the American Medical Veterinary Association and is a practiced health officer in the United States Department of Agriculture.


3 Responses to “New Veterinarian Starts Work At Escambia Animal Shelter”

  1. dad on November 19th, 2013 12:15 am

    Several years ago my sister had the Animal Control dirve up her driveway, she had a long driveway with a fence only behind her house. They would just stare at hers dogs. She was creeped out and afraid to confront them since she was alone. They never did anything but they had no right driving up into her driveway like that just sitting there looking. Not sure what they were up to exacly but I am sure it wasn’t good.

  2. perdido fishermen on November 17th, 2013 5:46 pm

    I believe you Jane. I had my dogs in the back of my truck getting ready to go out on the river, i stepped back in the house to grab my cooler and poles and i hear some one calling my dogs and it was a woman in a county shelter truck, she managed to get my female beagle to come out of the truck to the road. I came out and asked why she was calling my dogs, she denied it, took my dog and gave me a ticket and it cost me $200 to get her back plus i had to get her fixed ruining a pure bred beagle.

  3. Jane on November 17th, 2013 6:05 am

    I hope this makes the shelter a real shelter for animals. They picked up a cat that belonged to me and would not admit they had him. I know they did because I saw them take him! They killed him and I never saw him again. I tried repeatedly to see him or get him out and they just kept making up excuses why I couldn’t see him, and telling me that any cats that came in could not be seen for 2 weeks. They denied having him. I SAW THEM PICK HIM UP!