Make-A-Wish Providing Paris Trip For Halee Boyd

November 1, 2013

The Make-A-Wish Foundation is making a dream come true for local cancer patient Halee Boyd — with a trip next week to Paris, France.

A year and a half ago Halee was a Tate High School junior on top of the world, looking forward to her senior year and graduation. In April 2012, Halee started having severe headaches, followed by blurry and double vision. Within 10 days her right eye was swollen, and the Boyds headed to a hospital emergency room. By the end of the month, they learned she had a tumor.

The diagnosis — Alevola Rhabdomyosarcoma , ARMS for short, a rare cancer of the muscles that are attached to the bones.

Her treatment for alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma ended in May of this year, but she has continued to suffer with more problems and side effects. A week ago she underwent surgery for another bone marrow biopsy to see if a medical condition is keeping her platelets from recovering since treatment ended.

Halee learned during a dinner at Ollie’s Neighborhood Grill on Nine Mile Road that she and her mother, Mardi Boyd, will fly out Monday for a week in Paris.

“This is the best time for Halee to be going and getting away from all the medical things she has been dealing with,” Mardi Boyd said.

Pictured top and inset: Halee Boyd reacts when she learns she will be leaving on a Make-A-Wish trip to Paris next week. Photos for, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “Make-A-Wish Providing Paris Trip For Halee Boyd”

  1. alyssa lewis on November 4th, 2013 8:53 am

    congradulations halee you so deserve this hope you have an amazing time :D

  2. perdido fisherman on November 2nd, 2013 4:34 pm

    Make-a-wish is one of two charities i support, they dont waste money on admin, they use it for the kids it’s meant for.
    I hope you have an awesome trip, you deserve it. My prayers go with you.

  3. curious on November 1st, 2013 8:18 pm

    I pray all the time about finding a cure for cancer, one that even poor people could afford.

  4. JSCS on November 1st, 2013 6:03 pm

    Thank you Lord, for Make A Wish Foundation!

    Have a wonderful trip, Halee and Mom.

    Prayers for you and your family.

  5. Kim on November 1st, 2013 10:23 am

    This is such a wonderful gift after everything she and her Mom have been going through! Enjoy your vacation!

  6. Pat Clements on November 1st, 2013 9:45 am

    I express my sincere thanks to Make-A-Wish Foundation for providing Halee with a trip to Paris and I wish her an amazing and wonderful trip.
    I met Halee during Relay for Life at Tate High School in 2013, where she served as our Honorary Chair. Her personal story had a huge impact on the Relayers and community members present that evening. I’ll always remember her huge smile as she rode around the track during the Survivors Lap, as a matter of fact in a Jeff Gordon car!
    Enjoy all the sights Paris has to offer and I’ll see you at Relay on April 25, 2014!!!
    Pat Clements
    Event Chair, GERFL

  7. Brenda Bergquist on November 1st, 2013 7:42 am

    I am thankful the Halee is going to live out her wish. Make a Wish Foundation is wonderful, they have done so many amazing things. I am three months past my chemo and thank God, I am cancer free. It has been a hard year and a half but my husband and family has stood by me all the way. For a year my husband did everything for me. Chemo made me deathly ill but he never faulted. I know Halee experiences this love everyday with her Mom and family. I know they will have a great time on this trip and share the beautiful places they see. Praise God for Make a Wish and I pray that Halee will gain strength and come home feeling like a new person.

  8. Kim on November 1st, 2013 7:08 am

    Praise the lord. i follow her story on fb. i know she is so happy. she needs this time away. her and her mom have been through so much lately. you deserve the world hale (:. Have an amazing trip.

  9. Nancy on November 1st, 2013 7:07 am

    What a wonderful gift! If anyone deserves this, you both do. I was caregiver to my husband when he had Colon cancer 2008-2009 and went through 9 months of chemo. It’s a tough road….but God was always there and got us through it. He is cancer free today, praise The Lord! That is my prayer for Halee. Enjoy yourselves and praying you both have a wonderful time and Halee stays well.