Local Bluegrass Artist Working on First Album: Free Concert Tonight

November 9, 2013

A local bluegrass artist is working on her first solo album release.

Amanda Cook has been with the group High Cotton for seven years now, frequently performing at local venues like the monthly Barrineau Park Music Night.  And now she’s ready for her own album, heading to Nashville in January to finish recording the vocals. The album is a mix of contemporary and traditional bluegrass.

Cook said her love of bluegrass came from Mile Blanton, her dad and another member of High Cotton.

“It’s in my blood so to speak.  He’s played bluegrass for most of my life.   Bluegrass music is my pick of genre because of the legacy and tradition of the music.  Acoustic music just goes to the soul. You feel every vibration of sound and with that emotions are carried much further,” she said.

The first single from the album will likely be “One Stop Along the Road”, she said.

“It’s in perspective of a woman loving a restless world traveling man and being one stop along his road.  She loves him and offers  to be there whenever he passes through her town and then in the end she asks him to take her along,” Cook said.

The album is expected to be released in April of next year as both a CD and as a digital download on iTunes.

“My love of music has spanned my lifetime.  I’ve always loved to sing. Now that I play three different instruments (mandolin, bass and guitar) and am part of a band is just the ultimate thrill,” Cook said. “My decision to go forward with a solo project was one of determination.  I want to be able to at least say that I tried to put myself out there and maybe, hopefully be able to do what I love as a career.”

A benefit to help Cook fund her album was held Saturdaynight at the Barrineau Park Community Center.


One Response to “Local Bluegrass Artist Working on First Album: Free Concert Tonight”

  1. Lawson on November 9th, 2013 9:45 am

    This girl can SING!!.