Escambia Man Gets 30 Years For Baseball Bat Attack

November 7, 2013

An Escambia County man has been sentenced to 30 years in state prison for a 2012 baseball bat attack.

Terrance Delaney Davison was sentenced by Circuit Judge Linda Nobles to 30 years as a prison releasee re-offender.  Davison was convicted by an Escambia County Jury for aggravated battery with great bodily harm and with a deadly weapon.

On January 15, 2012, deputies responded to 444 S. Navy Blvd and found Joel Lee Houtz unconscious on the front steps. The only other person on scene was his friend, Jonathan Holloway. Holloway advised that they were visiting a friend at that residence when the friend’s new boyfriend whom he knew only as “T” struck Houtz in the back of the head with a baseball bat while he was seated in the living room. He said  after the initial blow Houtz fell to the floor and Davison delivered two more additional strikes with the bat.

Davison then threatened to kill Holloway and fled the scene. Houtz was in a coma for about 40 days and has suffered traumatic brain injury as a result. He has a very difficult time speaking and is unlikely to make a full recovery, prosecutors said.


5 Responses to “Escambia Man Gets 30 Years For Baseball Bat Attack”

  1. sylvia malone on November 11th, 2013 8:26 pm

    Wow….i Can’t believe u terrance

  2. WH on November 10th, 2013 3:42 pm

    Why do we continue to tolerate this thuggery that is prevalent throughout Escambia? These people are nothing but a violent threat and burden on civilized society with no attempt or intention to change their ways. These types of offenses need to be capital offenses, execute them and be done with them.

  3. JC on November 7th, 2013 11:42 am

    Repeat offender

  4. jimmy carter on November 7th, 2013 11:29 am

    Because he is a recidivist.

  5. JT on November 7th, 2013 7:55 am

    He deserves every bit of it. However…. Why do the courts sentence murders to 10, 15, and 20 years and aggravated battery suspects to 30?