Despite Protest, Century Moves Ahead With Barnyard Animal Ban

November 19, 2013

Despite a small public protest, the Century Town Council took the first step toward a new barnyard animal control ordinance Monday night.

Residents against regulating animals such as horses, goats  and donkeys protested alongside North Century Boulevard and sat in the council chamber with signs…”Barnyard Ban is a Joke.”  “You want to change Century change the drugs…the speeders. Leave our animals alone.”

Under the ordinance, it will be illegal to keep a horse, mule, donkey, goat, sheep, or cow within the town limits except in areas that are zoned agricultural or rural residential. Hogs are already prohibited in all areas of the town.

“We already have laws that work. We just need to enforce them,” Century resident Maggie Waters said. “For us that do maintain our property….we are responsible and our neighbors don’t complain,” Century resident Maggie Waters said, standing with her young son Aiden, who also addressed the council. “If my little boy’s miniature horse were to pass away and we could not replace it, how would I explain that to him?”

The ordinance set minimum lot sizes in the agricultural and rural residential areas in order to keep livestock. A minimum lot size of one acre per horse or donkey will be required, and a minimum lot size of one-half acre per goat will also be required.

Structures for livestock, such as barns, feed lots and stables, shall not be located within 200 feet of a dwelling belonging to another individual or within 200 feet of property that is zoned residential. In addition, all barnyard animals and livestock must be kept at least 200 feet from any property line.

“If you’ve got one acre, there’s no way you can have a horse. Is that your purpose? The law is making it if you have the requisite acre, there’s no way you can keep an animal on it,” resident Tom Warta said. He said that in a few months, his steer will be headed to his freezer. And he  because it would be illegal to replace it, the Century Town Council would essentially keep some residents from feeding themselves.

Before the ordinance becomes law, it must have a formal second reading and public hearing at a 7 p.m.,  December 2 council meeting.. At that time, the council will consider an amended ordinance that will allow animals currently in the town limits to be grandfathered in. The grandfather exemption would apply to the life of an animal; once the animal dies or is sold, the grandfather provision would no longer apply.

“If they died, or you ate them, or you sold them, you can’t replace them,” Council President Ann Brooks said of animals grandfathered until the proposed ordinance.

“I know some of the people in here, and I don’t think you have enough land to have the animals you have now,” council member Jacke Johnston said. “I do not think when I drive through the Town of Century I should see animals everywhere.”

Pictured top: A small group of protestors hold signs against a proposed barnyard animal ordinance during a Century Town Council meeting Monday night. Pictured inset: Maggie Waters and her young son Aiden address the Century Town Council in opposition to the ordinance. photos, click to enlarge.


27 Responses to “Despite Protest, Century Moves Ahead With Barnyard Animal Ban”

  1. jr1975 on November 23rd, 2013 11:50 pm

    This is a issue that needs to be voted on by the people, not just made law by the already corrupt council and mayor of this town. I for one will make sure I vote for “the other guy” next election….

  2. higheightyfive on November 21st, 2013 4:58 pm

    If you don’t like what people do on their own property… shouldn’t you move somewhere that there is no people… People are always going to do things that you don’t like… its kinda silly to tell people what kind of animal they can have, espeically in century. century is nothing anymore. stop trying to make it much less…. and again… if you don’t like what people do on their own land, YOU should move to where no one can bother you! if you start telling people what they can and can’t do they will start making changes in office, or move. and this poor little town doesn’t need less people. And i’m sure that the council and mayor would like to keep their jobs, there are more people upset about this than the council and mayor know about, I beleive.

  3. yancy on November 21st, 2013 8:35 am

    Banning animals? Really?? I don’t want your roosters crowing really? Century has one freaking stoplight and that’s it! If a person wants a pig goat or horse so be it Its the country not Pensacola for crying out loud. And people that say, ” if you want animals move to a farm” its rediculous. The majority of people don’t have money to buy more land or move. I say stop trying to ridicule and hurt your neighbor. Let people find happiness in their animals if they need be. Its funny Johnson said he didn’t want to see animals everywhere but seeing dope dealers and drug heads roam the streets all day everyday doesn’t seem to bother the council members. Vote them out.if they aren’t serving the majority! Sad that our country is coming to this.

  4. M on November 21st, 2013 6:00 am

    The only question I have is;No Fire Dept., No Police Dept., Why does the Town of Century even exist? Close it down, and let the county take care of the rest of the meager services that are being provided. After all, the Century residents are paying the same county taxes that the rest of the County pay.

  5. Townie on November 20th, 2013 1:41 pm

    Soon Century will be like Atmore and you’ll have to have a permit for anything and everything! Someone told me you have to get a permit to put a clothesline over there.

  6. curious on November 20th, 2013 6:28 am

    Some dogs are bigger than those little goats, you gonna get rid of pets too? I’d much rather have a horse in a fence next to my property instead of somebodys dog or worse a cat coming & pooping & me either having to clean it up with shovel or foot, or your animals coming over & getting my animals food, of course that helps because that way somebody is not having to feed their animal or make them obese,so you gonna get rid of your pets, Mrs. Jackie, you gonna tell your kids that they can’t keep or replace their pet, I didn’t think so, I can see your brain just a working, making excuses, like, well, it’s just a lil dog or kitten, well they crap too, they also carry ticks & fleas if you don’t stay on top of thingsMaybe I’m not looking to good, but I haven’t seen any horses or cows in the actual city, just on outskirts.

  7. tammy on November 20th, 2013 12:58 am

    The drugs being sold in this town are destroying us. I watched a drug deal in a convenient store parking lot just a few weeks ago. I am so disappointed at the towns ” so called” council. Are you guys more concerned with a Rooster Crowing, than a crack head killing. Wake up COUNCIL!!!!!!

  8. wetwilly on November 19th, 2013 9:32 pm

    Rooster hit the nail on the head! Vote the bozos out of office! Irrational elected officials are worse that a few farm animals in the city limits. Having a bunch of one sided politions run life for the masses is much like an infestation if rats telling you how to run your house… just doesn’t work! Mayor McCall and the rest his gang should go find other jobs and stop bullying the citizens of Century!

  9. Dale on November 19th, 2013 5:15 pm

    The animal owners did not move to the city. The city was built by barn animal owners who wanted to forge a city. Now the city is in the country and wants the country to leave. Some forgot where they came from and their fore fathers.
    They built the makings of a city now to be told this. Kind of like an Indian beginning isnt it. Then there was the Century Town Council. End of story.

  10. David on November 19th, 2013 5:10 pm

    Mooooo now watch them ban barnyard sounds

  11. Sam on November 19th, 2013 2:39 pm

    I support the coucil. Don’t want a zoo next to me, unless you can keep your chickens out of my yard, your roosters from crowing, and your other farm animals from stinking up the neighborhood. There is a place for everything.

  12. Terri Sanders on November 19th, 2013 2:06 pm

    You want to have farm animals??? Move to a farm…..

  13. Concerned on November 19th, 2013 2:01 pm


    Great Point. You should come to a council meeting and share your thoughts. That’s why the meetings are held. Shoot, run for council. I am not anti-animal, I have animals of my own. I keep them and their shelters clean and non-offensive to my neighbors. I would hate to know that my animals were threatened due to someone else showing lack of care or concern.

    Hopefully something can be worked out so that responsible animal owners won’t be punished due to others neglect.

  14. bigbill1961 on November 19th, 2013 11:44 am


    So, why punish everyone for the actions of a few? Y’all are trying to make like Century is one big free-roaming zoo. How about we levy fines and sanctions against the violators, and leave the law abiding people alone? A little common sense and restraint goes a long way. The Town Council should not have a knee-jerk reaction to the complaints, they need to come up with a law and/or regulations that will both protect those that raise animals responsibly and punish those that don’t. That’s the way laws are supposed to work, NOT by punishing everyone. It is very true that you can’t make everyone happy, but with some thought and some work, you CAN come up with a fair and equitable solution.

  15. "bryan" on November 19th, 2013 11:22 am

    …I was referring to the focus and direction of the council.

  16. All for one on November 19th, 2013 9:53 am

    It appears to me, rather than punish the violators, you prefer to punish everyone.

  17. pansycofied on November 19th, 2013 9:50 am

    I can”t believe that city counsel Jackie Johnson said if you don’t like the ban of barn yard animals then move out of century.really Jackie that’s the way you fill about the people that voted you into I guess it is right to say your not for the people your for what just makes you happy.

  18. Concerned on November 19th, 2013 9:34 am

    No “bryan”, that’s not what I said at all. All I’m saying is that this “Barnyard Animal” issue is not something that the mayor and council made up. People are bashing Mayor McCall and the Town Council as if this is something that they made up because they were bored. The complaint of smelly, neglected animals came from citizens of the town. It’s just a “darned if you do, darned if you don’t” situation. What I said is YOU CAN NOT MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY!! What the heck does having animals, schools and hospitals have to do with having animals that you don’t take care of??

  19. bryan on November 19th, 2013 9:14 am

    So what your saying “concerned” is that we need enforce the animal control, heath and environmental laws already in place?… . No schools… no hospital… no industry… I guess century will just be a town of jobless, drug infested, non educated people. But it’ll be OK… you won’t have to see or smell animals.

  20. Concerned on November 19th, 2013 8:02 am

    Oops… I meant:

  21. Concerned on November 19th, 2013 7:53 am

    The Town Council does not pull an agenda off of a tree. This is an issue that citizens of the town have expressed concerns about. It’s about the folks that have animals and do not keep their pens tidy, some aren’t even size appropriate for the number of animals that are kept (eye sores). It’s about the folks that allow their animal living conditions to be stinky and nasty. So, yes, Mayor McCall and the Town Council are FOR the citizens of Century. It just happens to be that YOU CAN’T EVERYONE HAPPY….

  22. bryan on November 19th, 2013 7:16 am

    It is odvious that some members of the council have an agenda. Rather it be for personal gain or some other cause, its wrong. They want to change peoples lifestyle because they ” dont want to see animals everywhere.”. Sorry if some peoples way of life is not pretty to you. Sorry that it’s such an in convenience to your everyday life that you have to change others ways of living. Taking land owner rights away is a little more important than your petty eye sore problem. What a joke. Town Council is suppose to represent the people, not make decisions for them.

  23. David Huie Green on November 19th, 2013 6:39 am

    The joys of big city life.

  24. Rooster Cogburn on November 19th, 2013 6:26 am

    The arrogance of politicians never ceases to amaze me. What gives Jackie Johnson the right to tell people that they don’t have the right to their animals? What gives the council the right to ignore the will of the people when people oppose this ordanince to the degree that they are willing to take to the streets in protest?
    All power is derived from the people…when people remember that they flush arrogant power grabbing politicians down the toilet!
    I hope the PEOPLE of Century rise up at the polls and that their votes willl avalanche city hall with a wave of change and toss these bozos out of office!

  25. mnon on November 19th, 2013 5:50 am

    Why is it when I read an article about the Century Town Counsel the Benny Hill theme music runs through my head. Century is a joke, always forcing stupid laws and ordinances. If they spent more time getting the drugs off the streets and cleaning up the town as they do coming up with new ways to flex their counsel muscle then the town would be well on its way to a successful revival.

  26. c.w. on November 19th, 2013 5:39 am

    I wonder, is BIG BROTHER stepping in to “control” things, or is a over zealous city council showing everyone that they are in charge? I bet its the later.

  27. bigbill1961 on November 19th, 2013 1:19 am

    I think this is absurd. This is a way of life for a lot of families. Sure beats alcohol and drugs. I’d rather raise my child knowing how to feed a family rather than knowing how to be cool or making sure they have the latest electronic gadget. There will be those that say it’s time to get into the 21st century, but since when is providing for yourself and your family “out of style”? Why punish people for being dependent on themselves? What is really wrong with animals? It sounds like this piece of poor legislation was brought up out of boredom rather than necessity. I sure hope this legislation doesn’t make it past the next hearing. Next thing you know, they’ll try to make it illegal to show livestock at the fair. Ridiculous.