Deputies: Drugs Found At Double Homicide Scene

November 27, 2013

The Escambia County Sheriff’s office has released new details in the November 10 double homicide of two men found dead at a home on Boulder Avenue.

According  to investigators, 36-year old John Edward Gibbons and 34-year old Christopher Lee Fehl were found deceased of apparent gunshot wounds. Deputies said narcotics were also found at the scene.

The investigation is continuing, and anyone with any information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP or the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620.

Pictured: The scene of an apparent double murder November 10 in Bellview. Photos by Christina Leavenworth, WEAR 3 for, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “Deputies: Drugs Found At Double Homicide Scene”

  1. Mary on December 6th, 2013 12:21 pm

    Well I talk too the officer in charge of the case everyday and he keeps telling me they have nothing so give me a gun and a badge and I bet. I get some answers

  2. eeyore on November 30th, 2013 1:45 am

    …sighs…people living in denial…let the investigation go forth and lets see exactly what was going on…

  3. Eso deputy on November 28th, 2013 4:33 pm

    @ Mary if you had any idea of the call volume that we go thru everyday you wouldn’t say what you just said. If you really want to know the meaning of protect and serve why don’t you go and request to ride along with any deputy or police officer. Most if the calls we work are time consuming and take us away from proactive work. Furthermore if we had enough resource to put a deputy or police officer at every corner to protect people from themselves you would probably complain about that too. It’s called responsibility. If u see something illegal report it. Quit making excuses and do something

  4. John on November 28th, 2013 8:09 am

    For Mary: Sounds like you are in denial about what your friend was involved in. During investigation if NARCOTICS”!! are found and prescription on bottle belongs to individuals that were killed that is NOT reported as drugs found. What is reported is drugs that are found period. Cheri you saying drugs were planted were you there when they were planted. Also Cheri where were these individuals employed?

  5. Mary on November 28th, 2013 6:53 am

    To the officer that told me to look in the mirror and blame myself why don’t you look I’m the mirror and ask yourself self if you have done all you can to protect and serve our better yet ask yourself if being an officer is the right job for you.honestly

  6. Lisa on November 27th, 2013 9:33 pm

    Most murders drug related or not are usually committed by someone you know. I would say it’s either a neighbor or a friend. Hopefully they can get the person responsible behind bars before they hurt someone else. To stop the bad guys everyone has to help and report what they seen. If you know something you don’t call get down to the local office and tell your story. Do not put it on internet Most criminal do have access to internet these days. We need to fight as community to clean up this city. Meth and pill poppers are ruining this city. Getting out of control. Pensacola used to be very nice city.

  7. OMG!! on November 27th, 2013 6:06 pm

    “Deputies said narcotics were also found at the scene”
    OMG, this is all that was reported, my Doctor has me on 2 (TWO) Prescripions that are “NARCOTICS”!!

    Please don’t bash these guys, stop the talk about Drugs unless they release something besides “Deputies said narcotics were also found at the scene”
    I bet half of the readers on here has or have had prescription Narcotics in their home!!

    I don’t know these guys… If something happened to me I wouldn’t want a press release saying “Deputies said narcotics were also found at the scene” and I don’t think any of you would either!!

    The release Did Not say illegal narcotics!!!

  8. SueByrd on November 27th, 2013 6:05 pm

    Cheri: Nowhere in the report does it say “alot” of drugs. It simply says narcotics were found, which could mean anything from a joint or a crack rock to a meth lab. As for the investigator not returning your daughter’s call, I can tell you from personal experience that it does take time for investigators to return phone calls. They have multiple cases they are working at any given time, which means a LOT of paperwork to go through every day. It’s usually best to ask for the investigator by name when you call. If he is not in, then leave a very specific message rather than just a “please call me back” message. In this particular case, I would think that calling Crime Stoppers might be more helpful. Their job is to collect and forward information.

  9. cheri on November 27th, 2013 3:55 pm

    I have known chris for many years. My daughter was his last girlfriend. He lived in my home for 4-5 months with my daughter until they moved out on their own. He was truly an unselfish and caring young man. He helped my family during a terrible time when were caring for my mom home on hospice. I am not saying that he was without faults. one is but I am affraid I just dont believe the story about alot of drugs. Maybe planted??? Another thing that gets me. daughter called and left a message with the investigater on the case to see if maybe she could’ve help and to tell him something that may or may not be important…she has never even got a call back. Are they trying to solve this case or assume its drug related

  10. William on November 27th, 2013 1:34 pm

    >>All the press is doing is leading people to believe that these guys are drug addicts. And that they are not……

    All the press is doing is reporting what little information has been released by the ECSO.

  11. it iz wut it iz on November 27th, 2013 1:00 pm

    This is a rare thing but I whole heartedly agree with “Eso deputy”. I don’t know the details surrounding this murder and I’m not passing judgement on anyone. This was a very unfortunate incident and I’m feel so sad for the family and friends of these young men. Everyone may as well face the facts and come to grips with “it is what it is”! True love embraces the truth and will correct those who are wrong. It is very hard for me to believe that any of these “close” family and friends didn’t know the lifestyle of the deceased the company they entertained and ultimately attracted! This is a very tragic, sad and senseless death.

  12. Eso deputy on November 27th, 2013 12:17 pm

    Prime example and not to be bashing Mary. If you were friends with both of them over ten years and may have seen some if these shady people ganging around with these two men. Why don’t you go give some information to the deputies working this case. If you have already we appreciate it. Hopefully this crime will be solved. Remember illegal drugs kill people in multiple ways. Not just overdosing.

  13. mary on November 27th, 2013 9:20 am

    All the press is doing is leading people to believe that these guys are drug addicts. And that they are not…….

  14. Eso deputy on November 27th, 2013 9:15 am

    I been in law enforcement for over 15 years and work the streets for most of them. Ninety percent of these murders that occur here or home invasions involves drugs or large sums of money resulting from drugs. Most of the killers are someone the victim(s) know. So it’s understandable the family and friends don’t want to believe those facts. No one deserves to be murdered for what they do. But sometimes the occupation you decide to employ yourself into have risks ie being a cop, drug dealing, navy seals ect. People need to realize if you know of family members doing risky business and don’t want them to get hurt or killed do something. Don’t just sit there and wait till the worst happens and blame it on everyone else. If you decide to blame someone and you know of their activities just look in a mirror and blame that person.

  15. Randy on November 27th, 2013 8:58 am

    1. The reason this information is released is not to discredit or cast a dark shadow on anybody, but to assist in the apprehension of those involved in this terrible crime. Law enforcement can only solve crimes when the general public gets involved. Too many people walk around with this television theory that crimes are solved in the span of 60 minutes, less those annoying commercials. This is not the way it happens in real life. The more information released the more information received.

  16. mary on November 27th, 2013 8:53 am

    You obviously misunderstood my point..l cared deeply for Christopher Fehl and John Gibbons..We were friends for over ten years, and some loser has taken them from us.I just don’t see how releasing information that there was drugs present is going to make anyone come forward.I want whoever done this brought to juspice. just asas much as everybody else that loved and cared for them.

  17. John on November 27th, 2013 8:13 am

    For Mary and riverron: Riverron I know it may be hard for you and many others to believe these two individuals had drugs. No one really knows an individual only what they are like when they are around them.We as humans don’t want to believe that our friends/family can do bad things. Mary if the LEOs have no leads what are they supposed to do. All the public needs to know right now is that two individuals were killed. If you are anyone else has any information call the LEOs . As long as people sit back with information and do nothing these type of crimes can go unsloved. Mary what answers do you want ? They gave you some information about drugs and you don’t care and riverron finds that is hard to believe.

  18. mary on November 27th, 2013 6:57 am

    Who cares if drugs were found or Not that don’t. Tell the public anything….How about telling us what you are doing to solve this case..I speak for a. Lot of people when. I say we are angry and want answers.

  19. riverron on November 27th, 2013 4:51 am

    I find that hard to believe…..