Crist Officially Files For Gubernatorial Race

November 2, 2013

Former Gov. Charlie Crist made it official Friday: He will run for his old job again in 2014, setting up a potential battle with Republican Gov. Rick Scott for the state’s highest office.

Crist, who is set to announce his candidacy Monday morning at Albert Whitted Park in St. Petersburg, quietly filed his paperwork Friday with state election officials. The move allows him to begin raising money immediately. He becomes an instant front-runner in a Democratic primary that also includes former state Senate Minority Leader Nan Rich of Weston.

But Crist, who was governor from 2007 to 2011, will have to prove himself to Democrats after being a Republican for most of his life and, beginning in 2010, becoming an independent. It was only in late 2012 that he joined the Democratic Party.

In an interview this week with The News Service of Florida, Crist said he is running because he genuinely cares about the state.

“I love Florida,” he said. “I love her with all my heart. I’m someone who really cares. That’s my core. I’ve been true to my principles and my core my whole life.”

Running as a Democrat is the latest chapter in a long and sometimes improbable political career for Crist. In 2006, he won election in a cycle hostile to Republicans, with his sunny optimism and ability to win over voters from both parties. By 2008, he was reportedly on the vice-presidential shortlist for the party’s presidential nominee, U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

In 2010, Crist decided to forego what was expected to be a relatively easy re-election bid to run for an open U.S. Senate seat. But the emerging tea party movement, scornful of moderates that it considered “Republicans in name only,” rallied behind former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio, eventually chasing Crist out of the party. Running as an independent, Crist lost to Rubio in a three-way election.

Republicans drew on that history Friday, continuing their attack on Crist as a political opportunist who cares primarily about himself.

“Charlie Crist has now officially filed to run for the position he once abandoned,” said Republican Party of Florida Chairman Lenny Curry. “When Florida needed Charlie Crist the most during difficult economic times, he ran away. If he really wants to be Governor now, why did he quit the first time?”

by Brandon Larrabee, The News Service of Florida


17 Responses to “Crist Officially Files For Gubernatorial Race”

  1. R. A. F. on November 4th, 2013 6:47 am

    Started out as an elephant – but was later called a RINO. Now he wants the sheep to think he is an a$$. Good ole Charlie “The Chameleon” Christ! Puts me in mind of the ending of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody (“any way the wind blows”).

  2. just plain country on November 3rd, 2013 4:28 pm

    You have got to be kidding!!!! This is the man who signed the SEPTIC TANK INSPECTION into law!!! that finally got repeal after many of us citizens complained to our lawmakers. It does not matter if he is wearing a Republican or Democrat suite, he is still the same Charlie Crist.
    When he was going out of the Gov. office on to bigger and better things ,such as running for US Senate seat as an independent in 2010 ( which he lost out to Marco Rubio) He did not have time to discuss the Septic Tank inspection issue, quote, “However, Crist spokesman Sterling Ivey noted “it was a Senate bill that passed both houses and he signed into law” and told the News Service of Florida recently that the governor had no plans to wade back into the septic tank debate this fall, his last at the head of state government “. This information is from
    Maybe some of you remember this law but for the ones that do not, then I suggest doing a search on for the septic tank law and do some serious reading especially in the comment section.
    I will not vote for Charlie Crist for governor of Florida. Have been there and done that !!!!!!! Sorry Charlie , Florida is now on to bigger and better things for the good of our people.

  3. Nicole on November 3rd, 2013 10:39 am

    I am a republican and will be voting for Crist!

  4. Rebulican Girl on November 3rd, 2013 10:32 am

    I, too, am a republican who will be voting for Crist. He did the right thing, leaving the republican party. I wish I could, but I just can’t stand the thought of being a democrat!

  5. knowa on November 3rd, 2013 9:26 am

    The next election will be about medical marijuana

  6. 429SCJ on November 3rd, 2013 7:26 am

    A return to normalcy.

  7. Gerald S. on November 3rd, 2013 6:47 am

    It’s time to vote ALL incumbents from office and get some fresh ideas in this county and state. It’s pretty obvious the ones we currently have are doing a lousy job.

  8. GMH on November 3rd, 2013 12:17 am

    FSU fans were singing Scott’s song at the end of Miami game. Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goooodbye.

  9. Spud2 on November 2nd, 2013 11:36 pm

    I will vote for Crist. I’m a republican. We need a change and someone who honestly supports Education and Criminal Justice Professionals.i

  10. Jim on November 2nd, 2013 4:24 pm

    The only thing Charlie Crist cares about is Charlie Crist.

  11. Mitchell Singleton on November 2nd, 2013 2:25 pm

    “I love Florida,” he said. “I love her with all my heart. I’m someone who really cares. That’s my core. I’ve been true to my principles and my core my whole life.” From his recent changes in political parties, You could not get me to believe that he has stayed with his core value and beliefs. Most of his life he has been a Republican, but didn’t govern as one. He changed his political party to Independant so that he was a shoe in for the general election in 2010 for the Senate seat. Now he has changed to a Democrat to run against Rick Scott in the election for the Governor of Florida. The only thing that he is are wanting is fame and the position. He could care less about the people of Florida. Our state is in the green under Governor Rick Scott. “It’s working” in Florida as the Governor stated in his State of the State address in March of this year. It is hard for me to believe that someone who has changed his party twice just to run for office, is fit to hold the highest position in the State of Florida. Florida does not need Crist in office. The people of Florida can keep Crist out office, and Rick Scott in office!

  12. David Huie Green on November 2nd, 2013 11:50 am

    “I remember many Crist yard signs while driving about in NorthEscambia Land in 2006. If he was worthy of governorship then, he’s still so now.”

    If he is still perceived to be the same man now he was then and is running against the same kind of opponent, then surely folks will support him.

    Of course, he is not still perceived to be the same man.
    He now has a track record for his performance as governor.
    Those who like his record will vote for him — depending on his opponent.
    Those who dislike his record might vote against him — depending on his opponent.
    (The people of Louisiana voted to elect a Known crook as governor over a known Klansman. They weren’t happy with the offerings the parties gave them but they opted for the lesser of two known evils. Those of you who favor Klansmen should consider moving to Louisiana to support your guy next time.)

    I remember when he tried to change the state song. Others will remind me of other things he did, good and bad.

    We shall see.

    David contemplating fellow Democrat

  13. Ben Thar on November 2nd, 2013 11:49 am

    Crist vs. Scott…what a choice.

  14. Robert S. on November 2nd, 2013 9:27 am

    What a piece of work….
    Old “Flip-Flop” Charlie rises up again and is running in whatever party will have him.
    He seems to stand for whatever is popular at the moment and change his direction with the winds.

    Recall when he was Commissioner of Education he told the assembled audience in Tallahassee that he knew nothing about administering education and it was more or less a stepping stone for him. Then he went on to prove how little he knew.

    Is Carole Rome still married to Charlie? She is quite lovely and bright and just never did understand that union. Someone said they’d split.

    Sure seems that with all the Good People in Florida we could come up with better choices than Crist or Rick Scott.

    Sad state of the state and nation when we have no better candidates.

    Lord, help us.

  15. Seth on November 2nd, 2013 8:29 am

    Adrian Wyllie is the Libertarian candidate for governor. Forget about the other two.

  16. Joe on November 2nd, 2013 7:42 am

    Keep this tyrant out of Florida Office!

  17. New Air on November 2nd, 2013 7:02 am

    The fact the so-called “Tea Party” Republicans, the most conservative part of the GOP, identified Crist as a moderate is huge. That is exactly what Crist is. And that is what is missing from government in Florida, and all across this nation… moderate voices and moderate leadership.

    It is unfortunate the nation and its states are dominated by a two party system. With both major parties driven by people with polar opposite ideals, it would be a breath of fresh air to have the majority middle run this nation, and to change the authoritarian state that has become Florida.

    Since the GOP has taken the position that moderates are not welcomed in the party, and has gone as far as to not even listen to a conversation with other fellow citizens who have even moderate views, Crist made the right choice to depart the GOP. His decision to become affiliated with the Democratic Party is really based on the noose placed around the neck of the GOP moderates by Tea Party thought.

    I will vote for Crist in a heartbeat. I remember many Crist yard signs while driving about in NorthEscambia Land in 2006. If he was worthy of governorship then, he’s still so now. A more calm, professional, level head is needed in the Governor’s seat to tone down the destructive Tea forces dominating decisions in Tallahassee. Crist is the right person for the job in 2014.