Century Tweaks Barnyard Animal Ban, Looks At Tracking Devices

November 27, 2013

The Town of Century is still working toward banning barnyard animals from the town, now planning to force their removal or require variances and microchips for those that remain outside certain zones.

The town council held special workshop meeting Tuesday afternoon to work toward a consensus to an amendment to a barnyard animal ordinance that is pending final approval next month.  The ordinance will make it illegal to keep a horse, mule, donkey, goat, sheep, or cow within the town limits except in areas that are zoned agricultural or rural residential. Hogs are already prohibited in all areas of the town.

Tuesday, the council decided to do away with any individual grandfathering once the law is approved. Instead, all property owners not meeting the required zoning and minimum acreage requirements must get rid of their animals within 18 months or apply for a council-approved variance to keep them. In additional, any barnyard animals approved under a variance must be implanted with a microchip, allowing Escambia County Animal Control officers to track the animals back to their owners.

Mayor Freddie McCall said the “tracking devices”, the microchips, would either be donated or paid for by the town. They would be implanted by a county animal control worker or a volunteer from Panhandle Equine Rescue, he said, at no cost to the citizen.

Also Tuesday, the council decided to change the minimum acreage requirements for animals in the rural residential and agricultural zones. One horse will be allowed for every two acres, one donkey per acre and one goat per one-half acre. The animals and their pens must be 200 feet or greater from a dwelling or property line.

The a public hearing will held on the ordinance during the council’s December 2 meeting at 7 p.m., at which time the council will vote on the new law. Once approved, the law becomes effective immediately with citizens required to register animals outside the agricultural and rural residential zones within 60 days with 18 months allowed to remove the animals or apply for a variance with their animals subject to being microchipped.

Pictured top: Councilman Gary Riley (center) discusses a  barnyard animal ban in Century as Mayor Freddie McCall (left) and council President Ann Brooks (right) listen Tuesday afternoon. Pictured inset: Council member Jacke Johnston expresses her thoughts on the ordinance. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


30 Responses to “Century Tweaks Barnyard Animal Ban, Looks At Tracking Devices”

  1. Duns Scotus on November 28th, 2013 11:59 pm

    I don’t live in Century, don’t own BARNYARD animals. Thus I don’t have an emotional investment in the issue. No doubt Century has many civic problems. Leaking gas lines, broken sidewalks, abandoned buildings, and unemployment have all been cited multiple times. I’m sure these are real problems, and exist chiefly because the city has a very poor tax base and very limited funds for urban maintenance, let alone improvement. Perhaps attempts to lure industry have failed because Century is culturally backward. Here is a metaphorical question: If your child falls off his bicycle on fresh blacktop and breaks an arm, skins his knee down to the bone, and gets a concussion, are you to be blamed for wiping away snot from his nose if you can do nothing else while you wait for help? If that’s too deep, another question: what is not understood about the concept of BARNYARD?

  2. just tired on November 28th, 2013 8:45 pm

    This barnyard animal ban is a simple case of the good having to suffer with the “bad”. In order for the Mayor to target a few, who he finds fault with having horses on their property, he has to target everyone because he knows he can’t get away with singling out certain ones. I really wish the residents of Century and the town council could truly see what is really going on with this Mayor. He thinks he can dictate what can and can’t take place in this town, and when he can’t, he comes up with these ordinances, and with the help of our council members, who don’t seem to have a mind of their own, gets them passed.
    When he made the comment concerning the utility houses, “Not in my town”, he meant just that. He truly thinks that Century belongs to him because he owns probably half of the town. Council members you need to wake up and stop letting this man use you for his own personal gain. Represent those whom you were elected to serve. The Mayor wants to get all these laws on the book while he is in office because he has nothing to lose. He knows he can’t be re-elected, but you on the other hand can or not.

  3. Dnitjob on November 28th, 2013 7:49 pm

    A good attorney could stop this. Sounds like a class action suit to me. It’s ridiculous to do this. Century needs jobs not barnyard control property rights are being violated.

  4. margielu on November 28th, 2013 12:38 pm

    I agree with Diane from PER….microchip insertion is by licensed vet or tech only in FL. Additionally, since property types VR (village residential)are allowed the same priveleges as to RR. (Rural residential) zoning by Escambia County statute or ordinance, I hope the Town of Century is aware of that. Too bad property rights attorneys aren’t aware of the overreach.

  5. Brian on November 28th, 2013 8:47 am

    Wow, so glad I moved from that area. This council is way over the top. I do have to wonder if the law if enacted will apply to Jackie as well.

  6. curious on November 28th, 2013 8:37 am

    If they don’t back off, I see the animal shelter getting a few extra strays, so, they may want to get their own pets microchiped, Lol, there are lots of ways to play games here that won’t involve hurting any pets, just saying.

  7. MQ on November 27th, 2013 11:14 pm

    I have lived in Century, visit Century often, and when I lived out of town drove thru Century many times, and have never seen farm animals running around! When entering Century at one time, a home had chickens running around, but big deal – lol!! I have to agree with Jimmy on this one. Oh, has the gas leak on 29 been repaired yet?

  8. Marshall on November 27th, 2013 9:04 pm

    I don’t live in Century, and from the info on this…glad I don’t. Seems to be another situation of a few causing problems for all. If there are some that are not following the animal laws or regulations, then go after them and not everyone that owns barnyard animals. It does sound like Century has a lot of other problems that should be more pressing that forcing someone to get rid of their Goat or Horse! For some reason, I think the next vote in Century could be worth watching…

  9. Jimmy on November 27th, 2013 8:29 pm

    When I drive through Century I don’t see any Barn Yard Animals. I see unemployed people on the street corners. I see buildings that need to be torn down, I see streets that need to be paved. I see trash on the streets. I see grass that needs to be mowed. I see sidewalks in need of repair. I see street lights not working. I see leaking water lines. I see trees over the roads that need to be trimmed or cut down, Barn Yard Animals should be the least of their concerns. Good luck in catching a chicken and microchipping it.

  10. Facetious Bob on November 27th, 2013 8:07 pm

    @ David: The town could use your “northern” experience, you need to move here and help get this pitiful community into the 20th century. With luck, your catalyst, might even get us into the 21st Century. Your public awaits.

  11. David on November 27th, 2013 5:42 pm

    I have been in the area from Georgia for about a month looking at the surrounding country setting to move into with about 20 acres.
    Wife an 4 kids love the country.
    We were riding and looking at this area in Century and there seems to be a lot of acreage we were interested in and setting up a cabinet business there.
    I have been watching these goings on in Century and I have to say it appears like the town governance has become an overbearing weight on the good people there.

    I think we will navigate back to Pensacola and set up a home and acreage with my business to be built further in town.

    I really have never seen such odd governance in such a township that appears to have a lot of internal problems attracting businesses and people to call home.

  12. Daniel on November 27th, 2013 10:35 am

    Instead of banning barnyard animals try requiring every resident to own barnyard animals, but don’t stop there, require a vegetable garden in every yard. The older generation could teach the younger generation how to be self sufficient and not depend on the grocery store for food. Instead of town hall meeting fussing about “microchips” there could be town work shops on, canning, planting, and hog killing. When the food chain breaks down those with barnyard animals and vegetable gardens will eat. those with pretty yards will go hungry!

  13. out of town on November 27th, 2013 10:00 am

    Am amazed that this would be more important than bringing jobs to area or reducing crime but, the elected officials on town council must know best for area. Am glad no longer live under this level of brilliance. Why not worry about how to bring in jobs and not if ” Fred’s” cow/horse/goat is outside the pen while probably helping in keeping grass trimmed.

  14. ProudArmyParent on November 27th, 2013 8:59 am

    We are talking about, Century, NOT New York City. You people have totally lost it!
    When are you going to micro-chip the deer? What about raccooons, maybe a bunny. Get a grip, stop trying to be bigger than you are! You WASTE more time and money on STUPID stuff.

    Here is a thought, waste the towns money on educating the STUPID. Oh wait the would be the whole Town Council!

    Sign me, Absolutely Amazed

  15. Concerned on November 27th, 2013 8:51 am

    The Century Town Council has either had complaints or they themselves live near animals and don’t like them. It would be hard to tear down an existing building to close to a property line without being grandfathered in. Even the council members don’t follow instructions as there is one who owns a business and parks in the handicap marked area herself why hasn’t she been issued a ticket for illegal parking all these years?

  16. fedupwithpolitics on November 27th, 2013 8:41 am

    Wow!!! with all the other problems Century has…no jobs, water lines that leak all over Century and need replaced to prevent other problems, the gas leak that could wipe Century off the map, drug problems just to name a few and our Mayor and Council feel that animals are a bigger issue. I agree with Fdryer..are we living in the USA or Russia…I understand that some people don’t take care for their animals but now you are punishing everyone. At election time we need to vote in a new Mayor and Council and let the ones go that seem to have become dictators. Let the Town buy out all property owners in Century and they can live here and do what they want to do with their property until someone tells them different.

  17. Rooster Cogburn on November 27th, 2013 7:59 am

    This story continues to get more bizarre at every turn. Is there anyone out there, even supporters of this ordinance, who sees the insanity of forcing people to implant devices in their animals? How did we as a nation, and Century as a town, ever get to this Orwellian state we have now arrived at?

    People need to take a good long look at these politicians. Apparently power and position has gone to their heads and they stand before you willing to require you to curtail your rights yet again and this time to invade your privacy. I bet if you ask them what they thought about the NSA and government spying on you they’d tell you they oppose it yet they are willing to do essentially the same thing to you who own livestock.

    Someone made the statement the other day on here that they already can tell you what to do through zoning ordinances….well, does that make it right when one person can get a variance through an ordinance and another person cant? And furthermore, who said the zoning process was fair as far as that goes.

    There is an outlet to your frustration folks, it’s called voting….YOU can create a revolution at the election box by sweeping these people from power with your votes and putting people in office that better reflect their respective constituencies. Doing so would perhaps send a message to other places with a small town city council who have big city ideas.

  18. Maggie on November 27th, 2013 7:22 am

    Lin, I agree that some people do put their animals into living conditions that are both disgusting & absurd, I’ll never understand why some people do the things they do. However, there are some of us that are avid pet owners. That would never consider the thought of our animals living in miserable conditions, & that is something that should be considered. Just because I happen to live (barely) inside city limits, doesn’t mean my animals aren’t properly cared for.

    Yes, some animals do need animal control to step in and make a scene so the owner snaps into reality, but what for those that don’t require this? Are we to be treated like lowlifes also?

  19. D.Hall on November 27th, 2013 7:19 am

    I’m worried about when its going to be my turn to get robbed or killed , if I will be able to pay my bills , where are they going to drop the next atomic bomb , if I go 5 mph over the the speed limit – will I get a ticket , will the storm hit us , will my car break down > > And they are worried about “barn yard animals” , THINGS MUST BE SLOW IN CENTURY THESE DAYS (You people in that town need to “slow” your horses & cows down when riding up & down hwy 29 or hwy 4). Watch out , the cats & dogs are next on the list ! !

  20. Ed on November 27th, 2013 7:08 am

    By the 200 ft. from line =1 small pen in the center of 4 acres with 2 horses- 4 donkeys-8 goats

  21. Diane Lowery on November 27th, 2013 6:56 am

    I am president of Panhandle Equine Rescue and wanted to let you know that only a licensed veterinarian can implant a microchip into an equine. I would think that would apply to all animals as well.

  22. Carolyn Bramblett on November 27th, 2013 6:53 am

    Gestapo like tactics, eh? What is the inspiration here?

  23. southerner on November 27th, 2013 6:51 am


  24. Lin on November 27th, 2013 6:39 am

    People only microchip their animals when they really care about them. I agree totally about the acreage required for farm animals, some people think it is ok to put them in the smallest pen they can put together. If only people took really good care of their livestock we would not need rescues or Govt. getting involved.

  25. cygie on November 27th, 2013 6:31 am

    So Century can’t attract businesses but can microchip farm animals. No surprise that they are in the shape they are in. Never mind the drugs and falling down houses.

  26. ME on November 27th, 2013 6:10 am

    I think all of this is crazy they should not be worried about a animal they should be more worried about the gas still leaking in century but all i can say the mayor and the council don’t know if they are flying,fishing,or digging bait

  27. northender43 on November 27th, 2013 5:47 am

    The council needs to remember WHO they work for. They are elected into office. They need to listen to those people. They are as bad as Washington… decide what is best for the people instead of what the people decide is best.

  28. riverron on November 27th, 2013 4:57 am

    Maybe they can get with the court system folks an get the ankle monitors to place on legs of large animals…guess chickens would be a problem tracking…would hate to see one fly the coup.

  29. troubled on November 27th, 2013 4:30 am

    I have heard of a lot of things in Govt., but never have I heard of the Govt., being allowed to force a person to put chips in their personal animal. I they are going just a little to far. I hope the good people of Century stand and Yell, and Yell loudly, NO, NO, NO. I think city council is getting a little to big for their pants and have lost all common sense.
    Me just saying

  30. Fdryer on November 27th, 2013 4:02 am

    Wow!! Did I wake up in Russia this morning or WHAT? Freddy Wayne and the rest of the Council should remember that elections will come around again..