Century Care Honors Veterans

November 12, 2013

Century Care Center honored their veteran residents on Monday.

Billy Bray, Ed Clemmens, Glen Dunaway, Larry Irwin, Paul Louvierre, John Rutherford, Johnny Tobert, Winford Johnson and Elbie Pugh. Each received a pin and certificate from Commander Ericl Steib of Jay.

Residents also held memorial for Eunice Ward, and honored the service of volunteer James Sexton who retired from the U.S. Air Force with 21 years of service.

Pictured top are veterans (L-R) Billy Bray, Ed Clemmens, Glen Dunaway and Larry Irwin. Pictured inset: The Northview High School NJROTC. Pictured below: Veterans Paul Louvierre, John Rutherford, Johnny Tobert and Winford Johnson. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Century Care Honors Veterans”

  1. EMD on November 12th, 2013 1:17 pm

    I love Century Care Center.