Cantonment Man Charged With Home Invasion Robbery

November 14, 2013

A Cantonment man is facing multiple felony charges in connection with a home invasion robbery last month at a Pensacola motel.

Tony Michael Robinson, Jr., was charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, two counts of armed burglary, grand theft, robbery with a firearm and home invasion robbery.

Robinson, 28, allegedly took part a home invasion robbery September 9 at the Super 6 motel on Plantation Road.  The victims told deputies that four black males, one of which was later identified as Robinson, pointed guns into their faces and, searched their vehicle and forced them into their hotel room. Several items were reported stolen, including a $200 watch, an Acer laptop, $10 in cash and a foods stamp card with a $360 balance.

Robinson was positively identified in a photo lineup by the victims. He remained in the Escambia County Jail early Thursday morning with bond set at $310,000.

At last report, the three other suspects in the home invasion robbery had not been identified.


11 Responses to “Cantonment Man Charged With Home Invasion Robbery”

  1. gangerswifey on November 15th, 2013 1:32 pm

    I can’t believe you all are focused on a two hundred dollar watch and a food stamp card.this man held a gun my husband got lost two weeks ago off mobile hwy and had to stop and get gas and ask.for directions to get back where we lived.and for the record we don’t know the area bc we just moved to perdido key in August.when he started walking back to his car two thugs held a gun and took everything he had including his husband had just got off work and cashed his check you know from a job and two idiots decide to take something he had all bc they r too damn lazy or sorry to get out and get their own job.we have four children and they almost killed my husband over money all bc they refuse to make their own living.with that being said my husband works everyday and yes I draw assistance but the reason I do is bc my ex husband pays no child support and two of my kids are disabled.noone knows where that watch came from and for all you know it cldve been a gift.don’t make assumptions when u know nothing abt what actually happened had some thugs not got all stupid this wldve never happened.and its people like all of you that encourage them when u focus on someone’s belongings not what happened to these people or what almost cost them their life.u shld b thanking god u haven’t been put in this situation I hope you never do I am still scared to walk outta my door and I live in a very good neighborhood

  2. bewildered on November 15th, 2013 7:01 am

    Pat and Even Temper are looking at the story and my remarks from a more liberal prospective. My remark was a sideline to the story and not meant to justify the robbery. I have no idea how the victims came up with the money for the motel room and why they resided there instead of at home. We all can only speculate and it is great that we are allowed to voice diffferent opinions. I choose to believe that the victims came into the possession of the watch and possibly the food stamp card came by means of a previous drug exchange. Liberal thinkers believe the items were of great sentimental value to the victims and they held on to them after they fell on hard times. No matter who is correct, our system is broken. If the victims legitimately owned the food stamp card, why is the State paying to house them in a motel instead of a modest apartment? If my opinion is correct, why are we giving people foodstamps to sell?

  3. 429SCJ on November 15th, 2013 6:10 am

    All this bickering over a $200.00 watch sounds like much ado about nothing. I prefer to just use the clock in my phone.

    As far as welfare goes all the government has to do is call up the fed and request (borrow) enough money to cover the welfare funding requirement.

    I wish that I was part of that covenant that gives some, the divine ability to create paper money out of thin air. For some strange reason though they still cannot create gold?

    Eventually, one way or another, we will return to the gold standard and welfare, in it’s present form, will come to an end; I guess then that these idiots can start back robbing gold shipments from trains, stage coaches and Bolivian banks.

  4. Carolyn Bramblett on November 14th, 2013 6:40 pm

    I thought this guy looked really familiar. This must be the fellow the US Marshals were looking for around the corner on Pauline Street that I mentioned. His last name is Robinson and that is the name of the family around the corner.

  5. Pat on November 14th, 2013 4:13 pm

    COME ON PEOPLE… just because this person had a watch and a foodstamp card don’t make them a thief, they were robbed for petes sake, hope it never happens to you, especially if you wear a watch….. jus sayin

  6. Dave on November 14th, 2013 11:53 am

    Something very wrong with someone owning a $200 watch and having food stamps…..

    If that’s not proof positive that welfare needs to be ended asap! Hold your local state and federal politicians accountable! Call, email, fax, mail, and leave voicemails to push them to end welfare in escambia, Florida and the entire country.

  7. Even Temper on November 14th, 2013 10:21 am

    @bewildered Someone with a dead relative who left them a nice watch. Cops don’t care about sentimental value. Not a perfect example at all. Couldn’t agree more with your opinion on the bloated and grotesque entitlement programs that are bleeding us all dry and forcing us into government servitude. That’s why its so important that we not sound petty and material about what other people have. It robs us of our credibility when our argument is otherwise so strong. I’m proud of having a few nice things that my hard-earned paycheck would never facilitate, but I’d rather have my dad here with me instead. If I lost my job, I’d rather become a male stripper than pawn or sell these things that meant so much to him.

  8. babbs on November 14th, 2013 8:16 am

    I agree with bewildered, $200 watch and food stamps. Hmm seriously

  9. Joe Bagofdoughnuts on November 14th, 2013 7:37 am

    Since he is taking the fall for his three buddies, I say he should do their time too.

    Nice guy, eh?

  10. 429SCJ on November 14th, 2013 6:19 am

    Travel advisories need to be posted to warn travelers to avoid the Davis Highway area. The robberies around that area are becoming commonplace.

    Be aware of your surroundings, charge your weapon before exiting your vehicle.

  11. bewildered on November 14th, 2013 5:24 am

    I would laugh if it would not be so sad. The victims were robbed of a $200 watch and their food stamps card. How many working people own $200 watches? Perfect example why these give away programs need to be overhauled. .