Bill Aimed At Gun Regulations on Government Property

November 14, 2013

A South Florida lawmaker filed a bill this week that would give cities and counties more power to regulate guns on property they own. Rep. Jim Waldman, D-Coconut Creek, filed the proposal (HB 305) on Tuesday.

It would change a law that has left regulation of firearms and ammunition to the Legislature.

The bill says there are “municipalities and counties that seek to exercise their home rule powers in the field of regulation of firearms and ammunition upon property owned by such municipality or county with the same freedom that they have in other fields to consider and account for local conditions and sensibilities.”

It appears highly unlikely, however, that the bill will pass during the 2014 legislative session. Both chambers of the Republican-controlled Legislature have been staunch supporters of gun rights.

by The News Service of Florida


3 Responses to “Bill Aimed At Gun Regulations on Government Property”

  1. wm on November 15th, 2013 1:48 am

    Gun-free zones have been proven to be “soft targets” time and time again. They are modern day killing fields. Schools (VA Tech, Sandy Hook, etc.), government facilities (US Navy Yard, etc.), businesses with gun prohibitions on company property (Aurora Movie Theater) are where the nut cases choose to go for maximum body counts before they put the final bullet through their own sick brains.

    The potential of an armed populace in all areas would eliminate soft targets. Likewise, an armed citizen might just put one of these crazies down before they can harm innocents.

    No way this will pass — the State preemption law would render it null and void, and the current legislature will never change that.

  2. Bob's Brother on November 14th, 2013 2:59 pm

    I’m not surprised at the letter that comes after the Bills author. Maybe the polititian should learn something. The “city” is “Owned” by it’s citizens, not the civic government. The people own the National and State parks, and the government buildings. The government is put in place to SERVE these citizens, not restrict their rights. This democrat isn’t your Harry Truman or JFK democrat, he’s a statist like Fidel Castro or the late Hugo Chavez.

  3. Marvin on November 14th, 2013 7:03 am

    The concealed carry law of Florida ALREADY states that it is unlawful for a CCW license holder to carry on property owned by a government entity. And it is ALREADY unlawful for an unlicensed person to carry a weapon on governement property. How much more regulation is needed. Waste of time to even have to consider this bill.