Workforce Escarosa To Be Rebranded

October 23, 2013

Workforce Escarosa will soon be rebranded with a new name, including one-stop service centers in Pensacola, Century and Milton.

The state’s 24 regional workforce boards and nearly 100 one-stop career centers will be renamed under the statewide title of CareerSource.  As part of the new brand, each region will continue to retain its own identifier — Workforce Escarosa for Escambia and Santa Rosa counties will become CareerSource Escarosa.

The changeover, slated to officially occur during the first quarter of 2014, is part of a rebranding of Workforce Florida that is intended to boost awareness and improve access to the employment agency.

“By creating a single, distinctive identity for Florida’s workforce system, CareerSource Florida will eliminate confusion caused by the many different brand names across the state. With this new brand, our organizations, with their shared mission, will now share a name,” Workforce Florida President/CEO Chris Hart IV said Monday.

Workforce Florida hired the Orlando-based marketing firm IDEAS for nearly $500,000 to oversee the rebranding, which was authorized as part of the Regional Workforce Boards Accountability Act of 2012. The state will also assist each regional agency to offset the costs to convert websites and brochures to the new brand.

The News Service of Florida contributed to this report.


2 Responses to “Workforce Escarosa To Be Rebranded”

  1. pcolagirl on October 23rd, 2013 2:42 pm

    I just happened to spend an hour here today – I’d say any money needs to be spent on ensuring the state website works, rather than rebranding! Everyone I came in contact with was very helpful and resourceful, however, no one knew how to manipulate the software to make corrections, and figure out how to work around the site crashing and kicking out errors before one is halfway done trying to file/re-open a claim. Last I utilized the career center, the site was FluidNow. I found out the new system, ConnectFlorida, has a multitude of problems, bugs, and issues that the employees are aware of, but have no control over. I was just trying to handle MY business; I can’t imagine the aggravation of the employees as they try to assist each and every person who comes in there, and I’m sure from who I saw, that over 50% of these people don’t have internet access, or aren’t familiar with online website and how to navigate them. I was fortunate enough to speak with the employment manager who was more than helpful and willing to go the extra mile to assist me with my claim. My issue still isn’t resolved, and I still left upset because I could not process my claim – however, I feel fortunate that the employees I came in contact with were patient enough to do all they could. They need to spend that money appropriately rather than working on ‘branding’ Anyone who is in there looking for work, doesn’t care what you call it – they just help and assistance! No o ne needs a new brochure! Thanks to those who helped me today!

  2. Kevin Donnelly on October 23rd, 2013 5:48 am

    What a waste of taxpayer dollars, its not broke don’t fix it