State Law Enforcement Searches Pace Pharmacy

October 3, 2013

A Pace Pharmacy was searched by state law enforcement agencies Wednesday amid allegations of financial fraud.

The Florida Department of Financial Services Division of Insurance Fraud and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement searched financial records of the Burklow Pharmacy on Woodbine Road. Officers arrived at the pharmacy about 9 a.m. and remained into the afternoon. The home of the owner, Steven Burklow, was also reportedly searched.

The allegations reportedly center around improper billing.  Any information gathered will be presented to the State Attorney’s Office for review.

Pictured: Yellow tape prevents access to the Burklow Pharmacy in Pace Wednesday as state authorities conducted a search. Photo by Rodayne Hart, WEAR 3 for, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “State Law Enforcement Searches Pace Pharmacy”

  1. perdido fisherman on October 6th, 2013 7:55 pm

    Coporate America wants these mom an pop businesses gone and law enforcement is thier tool.

  2. Lynn on October 3rd, 2013 7:13 pm

    I have been a customer of Burklows Pharmacy for as long as they have been in business. They are one of the few true neighborhood pharmacies that are still around. They truly care about their customers and the people of this community. Steve Burklow is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. Four years ago when I was unemployed and my daughter contacted the swine flu our health insurance would not cover the Tamaflu prescribed by the hospital. There was no possible way I could pay for such an expensive medication at that time. Steve filled the prescription and told me to pay for it when I could. With my daughters lung disorder and other health problems that may very well have saved her life and I will forever be greatful for his kindness. I doubt I would haved been treated with this compassion and kindness from one of the chain pharmacies. If there is anything at all to this I’m sure it is nothing more than a honest mistake.