State Board Of Education Member Resigns Just Before ‘Common Core’ Talks

October 15, 2013

A State Board of Education member with ties to former Gov. Jeb Bush has resigned shortly before the panel begins following Gov. Rick Scott’s plan for how to deal with the controversial “Common Core” standards that have been adopted by about four dozen states.

In a letter dated Sunday, Sally Bradshaw said her resignation was effective immediately.

Bradshaw, whose term was scheduled to end December 31, said she was resigning because of “family obligations.” The departure is almost certain to fuel rumors of a rift between Scott and Bush on education.

Bradshaw served as chief of staff for two years for Bush, who strongly supports Common Core. Kathleen Shanahan, another former Bush chief of staff, is set to leave the board at the end of the year and sharply criticized Scott at a recent meeting.

On Monday, Scott issued a statement praising Bradshaw.

“We are grateful for Sally’s service and commitment to ensuring the highest quality in our education system,” Scott said. “She has worked hard to continue the legacy of high standards that began under the great leadership of Governor Jeb Bush.”

The board is set to meet Tuesday to discuss parts of an executive order by Scott calling on the state to reconsider some of the standards it has approved under Common Core and to begin extracting itself from a multi-state testing system meant to measure student learning under the initiative.

by The News Service of Florida


7 Responses to “State Board Of Education Member Resigns Just Before ‘Common Core’ Talks”

  1. K. williams on October 16th, 2013 1:19 pm

    FCAT along with the new Common Core Standards is the brainchild of our former Republican Governor Jeb Bush. We must understand that those in politics, regardless of party affiliation, don’t care about the people or the children. It’s all about the profit. They play on the cynicism of local folks to get all worked up and fighting against each other while they continue to cut back door deals to keep their profit coming. when will we wake up and understand any good man we place in political office will soon go sour if left there too long (2 terms). Pray for the teachers and our children and do what you can to reinforce what they are being taught in school daily. The days of just putting Little Johnny on the bus and getting him off in the afternoon have past. We must ALL be involved in the education of our children.

  2. Dennis HE Wiggins on October 16th, 2013 7:55 am

    I will echo Dr. Linam’s comments. I will add, also, that the regulation of education is NOT reserved for the Federal Government in the Constitution. It, therefore, is reserved exclusively as a States’ Right. The Federal Government is BRIBING the States into selling off one more of its inherent Rights. I have read extensively regarding the Common Core Standards, and I have found that it has one agenda in mind. It does not teach students HOW to think by WHAT to think! We need to get involved in this before its too late. Write your representatives.

  3. Dr. Kevin R. Linam on October 15th, 2013 4:15 pm

    Common Core is another socialist propaganda scheme-written by liberals with a Marxist agenda, with ties to federal money, to sell it to states!! The federal government has no business in the education of students, states rights and responsibility!!! Like Obamacare its all about a federal takeover of all states rights, if you don’t wake up as a society to what is going on, you will become slaves to the politicians that live outside the law!!! Want some knowledge emparted to your children, do your job at home, open the handbook-The Word of God!!!

  4. 429SCJ on October 15th, 2013 1:23 pm

    As long as the kids can read the labels on the consumer products they are expected to purchase, get the customer’s order right at the drive through and give correct change, fight and die in other people’s wars ect ect, things will be just fine here in the USA.

    We have other people who are specially educated to do the mundane things such as set interest rates, dictate foreign policy, handle the markets, operate our judicial system, communications/news media and entertainment, ect ect.

    What is there to worry about in this matter of education.

  5. Pam Fiebig on October 15th, 2013 7:31 am

    Common Core is an abomination. Defeating it is the best thing that could happen to the Education System.

  6. E Bell on October 15th, 2013 6:00 am

    Concerning Common Core: It is not going as planned as has been shown by all the negative press and the push by Jeb Bush and his gang. One answer to all this might be too simple but could be a win for both sides. Take one school that scored high on FCAT and one that scored low on FCAT from each school district and apply all the Common Core aspects. Let them be the pilot program for the state and see how things turn out after say 4 years.For counties that have only one high school you could pick two or three of these schools to participate. You could get a wide view of the school population and be able to save tremendous tax dollars. Just my take.

  7. Mark on October 15th, 2013 5:42 am

    5 + 6 = 12 is the correct answer as long as you know how you got it wrong!