Sprint Launches 4G Data Service In Pensacola Metro

October 30, 2013

Sprint launched 4G LTE service in the Pensacola market on Tuesday, providing faster data speeds for customers using their mobile devices to access the internet, upload photos, watch videos and more.

“Today’s announcement means that we are continuing our nationwide network enhancements, tower by tower, to provide even more Sprint customers the speed and power of Sprint 4G LTE,”  Bob Azzi, senior vice president-Network, Sprint, said in a prepared release Tuesday.


5 Responses to “Sprint Launches 4G Data Service In Pensacola Metro”

  1. Sam on November 2nd, 2013 2:42 pm

    Do what you want folks, i have cell service but i will always have my landline. Nevers fails even when the power is off. Better sound quality, harder to bug per nsa and cheaper than the cell.

  2. Matt on October 31st, 2013 10:08 pm

    Coming from someone who has installed antennas for the last 15 years, I can tell you that ATT is still and always has been the best. The only reason other carriers can say they have more coverage is because they are buying or leasing the RF from ATT. Thanks and have a good night

  3. Not Impressed on October 30th, 2013 1:54 pm

    Big Deal. I work off 9 mile rd and I10 and my phone is either in Domestic roaming or even worse international roaming half the time I’m working. Also there’s a big portion of time I have no service at all. I was with Verizon for almost 15 years….BIG mistake changing.

  4. quinnkristy@yahoo.com on October 30th, 2013 8:45 am

    Funny because as I sit here reading this on my computer I am trying to watch a video that will not uplaod on my phone. I am in the middle of downtown Pensacola. But hey keep working onit. I hope one day Sprint is great…

  5. worstservice on October 30th, 2013 1:04 am

    I used to have sprint until I was driving through north escambia on hwy 29 and my car broke down…. of course I was in the huge dead zone that extends from the atmore crossroads all the way to about 3/4 the way up alabama 113……I had to walk 4 miles to the nearest house to use a landline………after that I switched to Verizon…..Sprint, a day late and a dollar short