Special Meeting: A Little Boy In Need And An Unselfish Young Lady

October 16, 2013

Before Tuesday, Shelby Godwin of Bratt had never met Wyatt Johnson, an 18-month old from Century who is suffering from a chronic liver disease that will require a transplant. Hugs, smiles and happy tears filled the Bratt Elementary School Library Tuesday afternoon as Shelby saw Wyatt in person for the first time.

But there was already a special bond between the two, a little boy in need of all the help the world will give him and a young lady with an unselfish heart.

As we reported last month, Shelby saw a fundraising flyer with Wyatt’s picture at CVS in Century. She was so emotionally touched by the young man that she wanted to do something to help him.

Her idea was a fresh orange juice stand along East Highway 4 in Bratt, under the shade trees in front of her house. The 10-year old used her own money to purchase the oranges and supplies for her little  business venture and borrowed an old fashioned juicer from a friend of her mom.

“Hey,” Shelby said to Wyatt, taking his hand in hers. “It’s good to meet you.”   Tears poured from the face of Nicole Johnson, Wyatt’s mom, as she  embraced Shelby in a hug. Afterwards, Shelby pushed her glasses up and wiped her eyes.

“Thank you, thank you so much,” mom Nicole said.

“You are an amazing young lady,” Escambia County School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas told Shelby. “This world needs more people like you.”

“We do need more people like you,” Century Mayor Freddie McCall added, presenting Shelby with an official proclamation in her honor. “You are very special. There’s a special place in heaven for you.”

Wyatt’s dad, Justin Johnson, presented Shelby with a  single white rose, a card, and a “Team Wyatt” shirt. Shelby and her mother, Kim Godwin, gave Wyatt a gift, a teddy bear and a matching outfit. Wyatt looked at the teddy bear cautiously, smiled and began to play. His smile grew larger as he twirled the bear’s fur around his finger and poked at his nose.

The Godwins then presented Nicole with the proceeds from Shelby’s orange juice sales.

“Hey there,” Shelby said and she kneeled next to Wyatt for photos. As the camera clicked off the photos, their smiles became bigger and bigger as did those of everyone in a room. For a moment, all was well in the world of the new best friends, a little boy in need of all the help the world will give him and a young lady with an unselfish heart.

Shelby’s orange juice stand is open some Friday and Saturday afternoons  in the 5100 block of West Highway 4, almost directly across from the Bratt Assembly of God. A small fresh squeezed orange juice is $1 and a medium is $2.  Donations are welcome and very much encouraged. All proceeds benefit Wyatt Johnson. A fund has also been established in Wyatt Johnson’s name at Pen Air Federal Credit Union.

Pictured above:  (front, L-R) Shelby Godwin, Nicole Johnson, Wyatt Johnson, Daisy Johnson, (back) Bratt Elementary Principal Karen Hall, Kim Godwin, Justin Johnson, Escambia School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas, and Century Mayor Freddie McCall.

Pictured above: Shelby Godwin makes fresh orange juice to raise money for Wyatt Johnson.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


26 Responses to “Special Meeting: A Little Boy In Need And An Unselfish Young Lady”

  1. Wyatt's momma on October 23rd, 2013 1:20 pm

    Shelby and her family have been such a blessing to us!!! If you would like to continue following Wyatt’s story check out Ballin 4 Wyatt. Check out fundraisers we have going on. Thanks (:
    Love The Johnson’s

  2. Susan Garrison on October 17th, 2013 7:57 pm

    In addition to prayers it would be great if everyone who read this story could go by Pen Air Federal Credit Union and make a contribution to the fund that has been set up there to help with Wyatt Johnson’s transplant costs.

  3. Kay Campbell on October 17th, 2013 2:54 pm

    Shelby , you are awesome and so are the parents who raised you to be the sweet girl you are!! Thank you for helping Wyatt , you are his guardian angel!!

  4. Tonya on October 17th, 2013 12:09 pm

    What An Angel In The Mist Shelby Godwin..U R Such A True Hero ..As I was reading this story to my mother who also has a liver disease tears were rolling down my face..I aso follow other children on Facebook like Wyatt ..I was wondering if he May have a Facebook page also that i can follow..Thank U So Much Shelby…May God Bless U And Ur Family And Also Wyatt And His Family…Much Love For U All..

  5. tammy stowell on October 17th, 2013 11:23 am

    Thank You Shelby!A True Angel and Good Soul!

  6. Sylvia Newman on October 17th, 2013 10:34 am

    SHELBY, Sending you a big hug for the big heart that you have for helping.

    You are a beautiful little niece and hope to see and get to know you better as I am a Aunt that hasn’t seen you in a long time…from Gulf Breeze, Fla.

  7. stacy on October 17th, 2013 6:52 am

    Her heart is in the right place, let it always be there.

  8. crystal saucier on October 17th, 2013 6:38 am

    Shelby you are one amazing young lady!!! You have a heart of gold sweetie!!! The world needs more people like you!!! Good luck with the orange juice stand & we will be praying for Whatt also!!! :-) ;-) :-) ;-) :-) ;-) :-) ;-) :-) ;-) :-)

  9. Carrie Ellis Fields on October 16th, 2013 9:02 pm

    So proud of you Shelby………so proud! You taught this ole gal a very valuable lesson Charity comes from the heart………just so proud way to go! Praying for Wyatt and his family……..God is love and he is above all things……

  10. well on October 16th, 2013 7:30 pm

    Beautiful young lady and story.
    God Bless them all.

  11. Mark on October 16th, 2013 6:19 pm

    Shelby Godwin, a “TRUE” human being!!

    I would like to thank her parents for raising such a wonderful, thoughtful child. As said before, this world needs many more like her! I will save this article and share it with my grandchildren when they are old enough to understand. What a valuable lesson this little girl has taught all of us!

    Shelby, it is people like you that change the world a little bit at a time! Keep it up girl, you’ve made a fan out of me! :-)

  12. Anastasia on October 16th, 2013 3:43 pm

    We have an angel living amongst us.

  13. Shelley on October 16th, 2013 11:35 am

    Thank you Shelby for your inspiration to us all to be better people!

    This world would be a better place if there were more Shelby’s!

    Prayers for little Wyatt!

  14. Amber Knight on October 16th, 2013 10:59 am

    Amazing, definately have tears in my eyes. God is good =]

  15. Atmore G on October 16th, 2013 9:13 am

    This story brought tears to my eyes as I read it.. Things happen from time to time that restore ones faith in the human race, and this is one of them.. What a beautiful story! I am praying that little Wyatt does well and makes a full recovery! Thank you Shelby!

  16. Brandy on October 16th, 2013 9:04 am

    What an amazing little girl. God Bless you Shelby and keep up the good work and helping.

  17. Thanking God For his Wonderful Work on October 16th, 2013 8:27 am

    This a beautiful thing, I pray that this little boy gets better very soon and the little girl is such an angel, may God be with the family and I am so thankful to see such a amazing little girl trying to do everything she can to help. This is so amazing and I pray there can be more people in this world that are just like her. It warms my heart to see this, thank u Jesus!

  18. Native 1950 on October 16th, 2013 7:57 am

    Finally…something very positive to read about! Way to go, Shelby! We need many more young (and older) people like you! Prayers to Wyatt and his family.

  19. Willene & Preston Bryan on October 16th, 2013 7:56 am

    God bless this little girl in all she does. Praying for Wyatt and family

  20. Molino Wife on October 16th, 2013 7:26 am

    What a wonderful young lady. Good Luck to all of you. God Bless.

  21. Anut Nanny on October 16th, 2013 7:10 am

    Shelby I’m so proud of you and Love you very much you are doing a wonderful job and Wyatt will be fine with a friend like you.

  22. Don on October 16th, 2013 6:55 am

    who put those damn onions next to my computer…..

  23. 429SCJ on October 16th, 2013 6:29 am

    Thank you Lord for the good souls you have placed amongst us.

  24. Jennie Johnson on October 16th, 2013 6:28 am

    Shelby, you are an amazing young lady. God bless you.

  25. The Baggetts on October 16th, 2013 6:28 am

    It is so wonderful to see hearts touched at such an early age in life. True charity begins when someone sees a need and fills it. Our communities should be encouraged that there are still those who are willing to share their time and efforts helping others (even strangers), and how wonderful that this young boy’s family is so appreciative as well. Way to go, Shelby.

  26. Mandy on October 16th, 2013 6:01 am

    So sweet. Her blessing will come back 10 fold. Prayers for Wyatt.