‘Significant’ Molino Burglaries Under Investigation
October 18, 2013
The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is investigating “significant” Molino burglaries and asking for the public’s help to identify those responsible.
On October 10, deputies responded to the 600 block of Brickton Road in reference to a burglary, according to information released Thursday.
Sometime during that day, a shed and residence had been broken into and electronics and other valuables had been stolen. On the same day, another home in 6000 block of Brickyard Road was burglarized in a similar manner. Electronics and a significant amount of valuables were stolen.
Escambia County Sheriffs Office investigators believe the two burglaries are related, but provided no other information.
Another residential burglary was reported Thursday night on Oreo Drive in Molino; details on that burglary were not immediately available.
Anyone with information about these burglaries is asked to call Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Investigations at (850) 436-9580.
9 Responses to “‘Significant’ Molino Burglaries Under Investigation”
Maybe someday the “old blood” in Molino will teach their children not to steal. Break in while I’m home….or while I’m not…. and your mothers will be burying you.
Maybe the authorities should question the meat peddlers riding around the community…
You preach it “me”.
If you’ve read the report then you know that those places were locked. I’m in agreement with the Molino resident. We’ve got guns, and they’re loaded at all times. We won’t hesitate to use it if someone breaks into our home, garage, etc. These are our places, bought and paid for with our sweat, and blood. If you want something, get a job & work for it. THAT IS WHAT HONEST HARD WORKING FOLKS DO!! They work. THEY DON’T BURGLARIZE OTHER’S PLACES!!
All I can say is, they must be very brave! I live in Molino and everyone I know has a gun in their home, car or own their person-including myself!
These little thugs probably know who lives in the homes and makes sure noone is home before they break in. I have a very large MEAN dog IN my home and he knows to take care of business when we aren’t home. Noone will ever know he’s there, he doesn’t bark at all unless we are home (he was trained to do this, and yes we have tested that theory!) It’s only a matter of time before some of these thugs go to the wrong house…so come on in neighbor,but I can promise you – you won’t leave the same way you came in. I live in very close proximity to where these break ins have occurred so keep taking those chances.
What about all of the burglaries in Century???? Do they not count? Or it is because we are the north end of the county? My daughters brand new bicycle was stolen(was her birthday present). And how about all of my yard decorations? We want something done too!!!
One of the advantages of living out here away from the city is having the ability to leave cars and sheds unlocked while you are working somewhere else. Another advantage is the proclivity of firearms, sooner or later someone will hold these thieves at gunpoint until the Deputies arrive. (and I won’t shed a tear for the crook who tries to lunge for the gun if they get hurt)
I hope they are caught, I hope the victims of these crimes find peace and justice, and I hope people realize a locked car, shed, or home won’t stop or in some cases deter a thief!
I see sheds and garage doors left open, cars unlocked….why make it easy for burglers? Lock the cars and shut the doors! Please!