Senate Reaches Deal On Shutdown And Debt Limit

October 16, 2013

Leaders in the Senate have crafted a last-minute deal to reopen the federal government and avoid a default likely to have harmful effects on the global economy.

The deal would keep the government running through January 15 and raise the nation’s borrowing limit enough to put off the risk of default until February 7.

The Republican-led House intends to vote on the plan, a leadership aide said on Wednesday.

With the clock ticking toward a Thursday deadline, the aide said it is unclear if the House will have the votes to give final congressional approval to the bipartisan Senate proposal.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had been working on a bipartisan proposal that could pass both houses of Congress Wednesday and be signed by President Barack Obama by Thursday.

Thursday is the deadline when the U.S. Treasury Department has said it will reach its borrowing limit and risk default.  Financial markets could plunge without a deal.

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett said Wednesday it would be idiocy for the nation’s leaders to allow the United States to default on its bills.



8 Responses to “Senate Reaches Deal On Shutdown And Debt Limit”

  1. ABC on October 17th, 2013 12:54 am

    Has anyone read the Constitution or the Bill of rights? Please pay attention to Articles 1 and 2 as well as all the other information that is very informative as to your rights as a citizen of this nation. w are on the verge of losing both of those rights, . The founding fathers didnt intend for us to support thousands of folks with our tax money, they came here to work and provide good lives for their families, that was the freedom they so pationately craved,and they wanted the opportunity to take advantage of those priviledges. Now we have obamacare, and just how in the heck does that help our people, if you dont get involved in it you are going to pay $800 more taxes a year, if you are not blessed with medical programs where you work, and the health insurance companies are raising the rates. We send 16 Billion to egypt , if you go online to …. Federal funding you will be absolute blown away by the amounts of money we send abroad. Its like we go to war with a nation and then we rebuild it, how dumb is that, if they declared war on us why should we rebuild it,? I once heard a man say ” the USA buys its friends” I was young and thought this to be a vile statement. But as maturity approached and my knowledge was broadened I began to understand……….I am a true believer in charity, but charity begins at home,. my friends, my church, my family, and my charities, and others who are needy, but not at the expense of not paying my bills and responsiblites. These charitable payments to the rest of the world are at the expense of our nations responsibilities………..

  2. lol on October 16th, 2013 5:45 pm

    I wish that some people would do a little research or at least sound a little more educated! Vacations has sent the country into the sad state that it us in!!! Smh now that’s a good one!!! Poor tink tink!!

  3. mom on October 16th, 2013 4:29 pm

    I thought this Obamacare crap was an Obama thing, but i was informed yesterday that it was Congress that came up with this idea. From what I have heard from several people the past few days is that their insurance policy due have doubled…so where does this help families or small businesses? Small businesses are more than likely to have to either close or lay people off due to families not having money to spend. I hope it affects governmet people like it does the rest of us. What about the people that choose not to have ins due to the high rates? If they go to a dr or a hospital and have none, are they going to be turned away, not treated? I guess thats why our rates (the people that have been responsible and bought our own for all these years) are going to double, so we can pay! Burns me UP!

  4. Bob on October 16th, 2013 4:15 pm

    How about those those repubs loosing 24 billion on this useless tea party shutdown.

  5. sam on October 16th, 2013 1:54 pm

    all this whining and posturing for what? they just kicked the can down the road again for the umpteenth time. now the media will celebate till the next news cycle.

  6. curious on October 16th, 2013 12:40 pm

    If Obama will cut his health care plan up & forget about it, stop putting us in debt by taking his whole family on vacation & letting us the people pay for it, & finally just get out of office, period, we wouldn’t have to worry about the government shutting down in the first place.

  7. mom on October 16th, 2013 11:58 am

    I guess I don’t understand why the US is having to borrow money to pay bills…..WHY are we sending so much money to other countries?? We should be taking care of our own. Which of those foreign countries is going to help/bail out the US when times get tough???? I GUARANTEE you, NONE…This country needs some hard nose counceling!

  8. JimD on October 16th, 2013 11:45 am

    Hope the kids in Washington get their act together. Perhaps next we can get them to share the halloween candy.

    If it does get approved lots of hot air on how they came together in the spirt of bipartenship; working together for a stronger America. What they really mean is, we have to do something so I can keep my job after the election.