Officials: Shooting Threat Not Against Pensacola’s Pine Forest High School

October 6, 2013

Authorities say social media posts on Facebook and Instagram making the threat of violence against a Pine Forest High School is not the school in Pensacola but rather one in North Carolina.

“Instagram and Facebook posts have been circulating today referencing ‘PFHS’. The (Escambia County) school district has worked with law enforcement to verify that the PFHS in the post is located in Fayetteville, NC,” Escambia County School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said in a Facebook post of his on.  “There is NO threat for Pine Forest High School, Pensacola. Fayetteville law enforcement officials are actively investigating the situation.”

Thomas told Sunday morning that local law enforcement and school district officials had fully investigated the post since it began circulating on Saturday. An automated call has been place by the district to all Pine Forest parents and guardians alerting them that there was no threat against Pensacola’s Pine Forest High School.

According to the Fayetteville Observer newspaper, the post was originally shared Saturday on the Facebook page of the Fayetteville PFHS. The Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office in Fayetteville investigated, and a 15-year was taken into custody Sunday.

The post reads as if it were written by a boy writing to a girl. The post, later shared by concerned parents and students on the Facebook page, reads in part, “I always loved you…You know me. I love you and I”ll try my  best not to shoot you Monday, but I can’t say the same for the rest of the kids. This is not a joke…I am going to shoot up the school.”

“The bottom line is there is no threat against our Pine Forest High School here in Pensacola,” Thomas said Sunday.


2 Responses to “Officials: Shooting Threat Not Against Pensacola’s Pine Forest High School”

  1. kayla on October 7th, 2013 8:15 pm

    I go to pine forest high,and to be honest my parents and I thought something was going to happen on oct,7,2013 thank you for keeping us safe

  2. Mother33 on October 6th, 2013 7:55 pm

    I pray for all of the children each and everyday. Mr. Thomas thank you for the ensuring our students safety.