Teen, 16, Gets 10 Years In Prison For Violent Attack During Molino Burglary

October 9, 2013

A 16-year old has been sentenced  to spend a decade in prison for a violent attack on a Molino woman as he burglarized her home.

Aquanis Javon Brown of Richardson Road convicted as an adult for burglary of a dwelling with assault or battery and aggravated battery using a deadly weapon. As a juvenile, he was also charged with battery by strangulation and attempted sexual assault with a weapon at the time of his October 2012 arrest at age 15.

Judge Linda Nobles sentenced Brown to 10 years in state prison following by five years probation. He was ordered to pay restitution to the victim; the amount of which will be determined within 90 days.

The 54-year old victim told the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office that she returned alone to her home were she found Brown standing in a bedroom wearing gloves. Brown physically attacked her, punching her in the face and body with his fists, according to an arrest report, before attempting to remove the victim’s pants. He then began to strangle the victim to the point she told deputies she believed she was going to die. She fought back, clawing at Brown’s face.

Brown grabbed a pair of scissors, the report states, and began stabbing at the victim, stabbing her in the hand. Brown continued to attempt to remove the victim’s pants before walking out and going through things in other rooms of the home. She then closed the bedroom door, barricaded it with furniture and waited for deputies to arrive.

Deputies found the victim with several injuries. She told them that she was absolutely certain that Brown was her attacker; she said she has known him all of his life. The victim was transported to an area hospital for treatment.

Sheriff’s deputies located Brown suffering from multiple fresh lacerations to his face and neck. He told deputies that he had cut himself shaving.

According to court documents, Brown was accused of stealing needles, medications, baking powder and other household items from the victim’s home.


16 Responses to “Teen, 16, Gets 10 Years In Prison For Violent Attack During Molino Burglary”

  1. vm on October 12th, 2013 8:27 am

    I was relieved when I seen his face on tv wednesday. This idiot broke it to my house and stole 5000 dollars worth of my stuff and broke my cabinets and stole my 2 yr olds stuff He should of got more time then 10yrs. He needs a hard punishment for what he has done. At least he’s another piece of crap off the street.

  2. melodies4us on October 11th, 2013 3:56 pm

    I hope he finds Divine Intervention in prison.

  3. David Huie Green on October 10th, 2013 6:46 am


    It is not obtuse to wonder where the parents were.

    They — we — believe parents are important in raising children rather than monsters. If correct, someone dropped the ball in this case.

    David for understanding

  4. What?!! on October 10th, 2013 5:45 am

    RUKidding, I totally agree!! This miscreant should have gotten 20+ years for attempted murder!! What a joke AND he’ll probably not even serve all of those 10 years, get out and actually murder someone else next time! Good job, judge linda nobles! I bet if it was one of her relatives, the punishment would have better fit the crime….

  5. Jeremy on October 10th, 2013 2:04 am

    No soul, no Jesus, no God, no moral compass, no parents, no discipline, no inner strength, no boundaries, no goals, no ambition, no hope, no future, and now, no freedom. You can’t rehab someone like this unless HE want’s rehab. Chances are almost ZERO for rehab, because he has none of the above. We the tax payers will be shelling out lots of hard earned money for this lost child for the rest of his life. Next time time he decides to ruin someone’s life he may not be so lucky. Besides, one could only hope! Protect yourself and your families.

  6. perdido fisherman on October 9th, 2013 8:11 pm

    I agree David, obtuse indeed.

    What happened to personal responsibility. 15 is old enough to know better, he should have gotten life without the possibility of parole as far as i’m concerned. You cannot rehabilitate sexual predators. I sure hope someone shows him what it’s like to be sexually assaulted, making his butt bleed. I think these sex criminals should be put to death. unfortunately he will come out with more criminal expertise.

    My prayers go out to his victim

  7. Me on October 9th, 2013 7:52 pm

    To atmore g
    My thought is gun powder and lead…aka stand your ground.

  8. David on October 9th, 2013 5:21 pm

    Why is it always people ask “where are the parents”. How obtuse!

  9. Daz Frye on October 9th, 2013 3:34 pm

    the bad thing is I had the same class as me

  10. Jann on October 9th, 2013 10:19 am

    Judge Nobles, 10 years is a start, but he needs more time!! This woman will fear for her life forever. I am sorry that you did not take this case to set an example for the other punks that think it is ok to do this.

  11. Lifendason on October 9th, 2013 10:04 am

    Where the heck are the parents? He was 15 when he did this, he should have been in bed or studying how to become something in life, but not a criminal.

    He gets to now spend 10 years in prison along side other known criminals who will probably tell/show him the ropes of how its done so in 10 years or less he’ll come out of prison, not reformed, but a educated criminal. Unless this young man is introduced to Jesus Christ and he truly repents of his sins and accepts Jesus as his Saviour, he will not be any better than when he went in.

    If I was this victim I would be moving because I would fear he would take revenge.

  12. R U Kidding? on October 9th, 2013 9:50 am

    10 Years is a joke! This punk tried to KILL her. Ya hear me? He should have been charged with attempted murder. He already had prior’s on him. This LADY lived in her family home (were she grew up). She is so devastated that she WILL NOT stay by herself anymore. She not only had to live through this ordeal but now she is no longer in her family home and has not been able to return to work since this has happened to her.

    Her life will NEVER be the same!. He will be out in 10 years just so he can hurt more people. SO WRONG!

  13. Angelia In Atlanta on October 9th, 2013 8:43 am

    Stealing needles, medications, baking powder and other household items? 10yrs? That time is for the aggressive, brutal attack, not for the penny-anti little items. How foolish. He has destroyed his life over what $10 could have probably bought.

    These young people today seem to have no soul. I still say that allowing them to spend hours perched in front of a Television playing vicious, deviant video games has a lot to do with what we see happening with them today.

  14. Atmore G on October 9th, 2013 8:23 am

    Another young life ruined.. It is shocking to me that a 15 year old kid decides to use a weapon, beat his victim and attempt to assault her sexually.. How do you rehabilitate someone like this?

  15. 429SCJ on October 9th, 2013 6:59 am

    No one to blame but himself…

  16. ngl on October 9th, 2013 1:36 am

    Big boy crime, means big boy time.