Miller: House Continues Its Work To End The Government Shutdown

October 3, 2013

submitted by U.S. Congressman Jeff Miller of Florida’s 1st District

Monday evening, the House passed a third Continuing Resolution that would keep the government open, protect the American people from Obamacare, and ensure that Members of Congress and the President do not get special treatment by overturning the President’s decision to extend healthcare subsidies for Congress.

Despite the fact that this bill passed with bipartisan support, Senate Democrats immediately rejected it.  The House stayed in session past midnight, however, passing an additional measure to form a conference committee between the House and Senate to resolve our differences and keep the government running.  A conference committee is intended to allow the House and Senate to sit down, roll up our sleeves and resolve our differences.  But, once again, Senate Democrats rejected this proposal.  House Republicans have given the Senate three viable alternatives to prevent and now end a shutdown.  Yet the Senate refuses to join us at the table to work to reopen our government.

With Senate Democrats unwilling to negotiate, the House has continued to work and pass smaller targeted bills to reopen portions of the government.  We passed the first of these bills over the weekend with H.R. 3210, the Pay Our Military Act, which was designed to ensure that all military members, including reserve components, and Department of Defense (DoD) civilian personnel are paid on time.  Thanks to the House-led effort the Senate also passed this bill and it was signed into law by the President.  Unfortunately, despite the fact that the clear intent of Congress was to keep the Department of Defense completely open, with all employees still on the job, the Administration decided to interpret the law to furlough civilians and cause unnecessary pain to hard-working Americans.  I don’t think this is an acceptable decision and that is why I led a letter signed by 67 of my colleagues that was sent to Secretary of Defense Hagel, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Beers, and Office of Management and Budget Director Burwell calling on them to return all furloughed DoD employees back to work without delay.

The House continued its efforts to reopen the government yesterday with three bills.  The first of these bills, the Honoring our Promise to America’s Veterans Act, makes sure that all commitments made by VA to our Nation’s veterans are fulfilled.  Our veterans have earned these benefits and they should in no way be in jeopardy.  While there has been no current lapse in veterans’ benefits, VA has informed Congress that they will be unable to make any payments starting in November.  We cannot allow this to happen, and that is why the House acted and passed a clean bill, the Honoring our Promise to America’s Veterans Act.

The House also voted on the Open Our National Parks and Museums Act to ensure that Americans have access to national parks and museums.  As we saw on Monday, the Park Service decided to barricade national parks across the country.  This included the World War II Memorial here in Washington.  But these barricades could not stop a group of World War II veterans from Mississippi who had taken an Honor Flight to come to Washington and rightly removed the barricades to see their memorial.

Finally, the House voted on the Local Funding for DC Act, which would allow the government of the District of Columbia to use local funds, but no federal dollars, to pay for their local government operations.

In order to expedite the passage of these important bills, the House brought them up under a suspension of the rules, which requires a two-thirds majority for passage.  Despite the fact Republicans overwhelmingly supported these measures, we were not joined by a sufficient number of Democrats to gain a two-thirds majority, and they did not pass.  These bills will be brought up again, this time requiring a simple majority for passage.

As these measures demonstrate, House Republicans will continue our efforts to get the government running again and make sure that Members of Congress are forced to abide by the same rules as the rest of the American people.  The failure of the Senate to act on any of these measures proves that Harry Reid and Senate Democrats are more than happy to slam the door on our federal government and lock it by refusing to meet with the House.

The House remained in session today to pass more measures to reopen parts of our government.  Unfortunately, the President issued a veto threat against the House-passed targeted funding bills, calling into question whether or not the President wants to help solve the problem or simply make it worse.  I will continue to offer updates from Washington as the situation develops, and I can assure you that I remain committed to finding a solution to reopen the government as soon as possible, while also protecting Americans from Obamacare.


26 Responses to “Miller: House Continues Its Work To End The Government Shutdown”

  1. AR on October 7th, 2013 11:41 pm

    Glad to see so many commenters here who know the truth: Jeff Miller and his fellow Republicants are making life unnecessarily difficult for people who work for the government, and for businesses who sell goods & services to the fed. government.

    In addition, he and his ilk are holding hostage a LAW that has already been debated, tried in referendum in a Presidential election, voted on and passed by a bicameral legislative body, and then tried in the Supreme Court where it was found to be CONSTITUTIONAL. Yet there are some armchair legal scholars out there who would have you believe the ACA is somehow unconstitutional.

    Miller: Any small merit earned in the past as a Rep. for our Panhandle has been completely tarnished with the buffoonery YOU are participating in in Congress right now. Good luck come election season, Jeff-O.

  2. Mark McCarthy on October 6th, 2013 5:17 pm

    Republicans need to keep in mind that where they serve is “the people’s House” and as such should give an up or down vote on the budget and raising the debt ceiling.

    Do Republicans have something against democracy, or a republican form of government?

    Isn’t this supposed to be about votes?

    Actually, from my perspective–the ACA doesn’t go far enough, but I’m willing to live an imperfect law and fix it as we go along–kind of like we did with Reagan’s budgets!

  3. Bob on October 5th, 2013 1:01 pm

    So now due to the GOP shutdown. GOP voted to pay all furloughed employees. So now the GOP has bought all those voters back. They have a paid vacation with medical insurance in tact on the backs of all the civilian taxpayers. But there is no help for those who want the shutdown to stop. There’s no help for those civilian taxpayers that need health insurance or other services that has stopped due to the GOP.

  4. Bob on October 5th, 2013 8:52 am

    After watching congress on the budget I have determined that Cruz is the new speaker for the house for the GOP TEA PARTY. And that the GOP would rather see the US enconmy ruined than see Obama succeed with correcting the economy or allowing Obamacare to succeed during his term. Then after running the economy the GOP will use this GOP created failure against all Demorcrats that run in future elections.

  5. Derek on October 4th, 2013 8:25 am

    Mr. Miller -Why don’t you donate your salary while the gov is shutdown? Many other responsible Congressman have done that and we want to know why you haven’t done this yet!

  6. Harvey on October 3rd, 2013 8:21 pm

    thank you Rep. Miller, when obamacare passed, most people didn’t even know what was in it, how bout 38hr work weeks, fines because I can’t chose my own healthcare options, having to pay for medical practices(infant murder, aka abortion)

  7. tallyho on October 3rd, 2013 6:56 pm

    Some one needs to open their eyes, This health care bill was passed behind close doors with out a person reading or understanding what was in it. And without a single Reb. having a chance to vote for it. The ones whom do not want this bill or parts of this bill or the ones who work and pay taxes and not the ones who think that the Gov took over raising and feeding you when Moma put you out. You can buy a lot of votes when money is thrown at you. The work ethic is gone in our great nation and we have the lazy now.

  8. edgar on October 3rd, 2013 6:23 pm

    Obama ran on a platform saying he would change healthcare, people voted him in. Obamacare passed, people want it and think its good. Votes were cast, it was approved. So now its just Republicans stalling the funds, keeping the people from having what the majority voted for.

  9. Rufus Lowgun on October 3rd, 2013 5:17 pm

    If the Republicans are doing the will of the people and reflecting the view of the majority, why wont’ they bring a clean funding bill to the floor of the House for a a vote? It would pass, that’s why, and the Republicans would lose their hostage. The Affordable Care Act was passed by both houses of Congress, upheld by the Supreme Court, and Pres. Obama was reelected over the guy who promised to repeal it on “day one”, and Republicans lost seats in both the House and Senate running on repealing the law as their number one issue. If you want to talk about getting rid of the medical device tax or whatever, we can have that conversation, buy you’ll have to put the gun down first.

  10. KS on October 3rd, 2013 1:53 pm


    I never said anything about not helping the poor. I’m all for helping those less fortunate, and I do so every chance I get. What I have a problem with, is people sitting at home with their iPhone’s and beer and going out partying every weekend, and they are getting EBT cards and other forms of government assistance, when there is absolutely no reason why these people can’t get out and get a job! That’s what I have a problem with! My family was poor when I was growing up; my family was in a constant financial struggle, but not once did you see them asking for any kind of handout! I don’t have any problem with helping people who actually need help! I have a problem with lazy people expecting other people to provide for them, when there is no reason they can’t get out and provide for themselves.

    As far as the republicans being the ones to destroy the middle class, I strongly disagree with you on that. But I have my opinion and you have yours, as we are both entitled to have.

    And as far as the 28th amendment, I just did a little more research and you are correct that there is not one, so I apologize for my mistake on that. However, I do very much have a problem with the government applying laws to the US Citizens, and exempting themselves from it. Obviously that shows you right there that they don’t really believe it’s what’s best, or they would want it for themselves as well!

  11. SueEllen on October 3rd, 2013 1:37 pm

    Amendment 28 of the United States Constitution:
    “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the President, Senators, and/or Representatives. In addition, Congress shall make no law that applies to the President, Senators and/or Representatives that does not equally apply to the citizens of the United States.”

    KS: There is no 28th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, only 27. The above is NOT part of that document.

    Obamacare is not going to destroy the middle class; that’s what the Republicans are doing with the federal shutdown.

    As far as helping the poor, isn’t that what some guy named Jesus commanded us to do?

  12. sick of it all on October 3rd, 2013 1:04 pm


  13. KS on October 3rd, 2013 11:24 am

    Have you not noticed that the President and Congress are exempt from Obamacare? If it is such a great thing, then why are they exempt from it?!?!?! Doesn’t really make sense to me.

    Amendment 28 of the United States Constitution:
    “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the President, Senators, and/or Representatives. In addition, Congress shall make no law that applies to the President, Senators and/or Representatives that does not equally apply to the citizens of the United States.”

    Obamacare is going to destroy the middle class of this country! People need to stop looking for handouts, and get out and work for what you want or need! It should not be left to the hard working citizens of this nation to support those who don’t want to go out and work, or pay their own way!

    Personally, I support what the Republicans are trying to do! It’s obvious that the Democrats aren’t willing to meet halfway, or even negotiate at all! I hate that there are people that are out of work right now because of all of this, and I hope that it is resolved quickly and these people are able to get back to work.

  14. C'mon now on October 3rd, 2013 11:01 am

    The Republicans offered several CRs with an amendment providing for just a 1 year delay of the individual mandate.
    Something obama did illegally for his pals. When these CR’s were offered to the dem side……..


    Reid, speaking for the senate….NO

    So who really is really telling the lie about not getting to dance?

  15. NWFLFOB on October 3rd, 2013 10:53 am

    The Republicans aren’t shutting down obamacare – obamacare is doing that to itself. You’d think since this is his signature legislation, his baby, obama would have made sure it was ready for prime time. It’s not as if they had no advance notice of the implementation date. They gleefully forecast how many people would want to take part, yet were not prepared for the folks who have thus far tried to log on. Many of those folks are curiosity shopping, some trying to sign up, and many asking how much is their fine for opting out. Bottom line, the govt was not prepared to handle something they were pushing through the starting gate. The delay we want would actually do the dems a favor and give them a chance to get their act together. The prez has already broken the law between 14 and 19 times maybe more, just on this issue alone, by exempting/waivering/changing requirements to suit his favored recipients. What exactly is the harm in extending those courtesies to the rest of the country? Don’t blink.

  16. Bob on October 3rd, 2013 9:59 am

    If you take a dozen rotten eggs to a meeting and every time you suggest change, you throw a rotten egg at who your trying to change there view, you will never get them to agree.

  17. fred on October 3rd, 2013 9:52 am

    @Jane – let’s be fair, it’s both sides who are refusing to relent and compromise. Actually, all three sides, when you count the White House. Everyone thinks they are going to extract political points from blaming everyone else. The Repubs upped their game by trying to end the shutdown on “visible operations” like the national parks, VA, but leave everything else shutdown. An ugly way to try to avoid the heat.

    My opinion is that EVERYONE shares in this blame. The most insulting part is that they really think it’s all about political points.

    I do agree with you, let’s vote them out, but all of them. Clean out the House, the Senate and the WH. Get public servants in leadership, not political gamers.

  18. sick of it all! on October 3rd, 2013 9:07 am

    The tea party folks, are acting like a girl that goes to her senior prom and every time a boy asks her to dance she says no, over and over again. After the prom is over she tells everyone over and over again that she didn’t get to dance. This goes on and on. Hey, tea party the prom is over! Shutting down the government doesn’t stop Obamacare, like it or not.

  19. Rex on October 3rd, 2013 7:56 am

    Ok so Miller brings up the now standard talking point. Not only brings it up but jumps up and down with it yelling “IT’S NOT OUR FAULT!!”. This is the new talking point 2.0 approved and endorsed by the Republican party as the thing to say to deflect blame. Believe it if you want. I don’t buy it.

  20. Bob Clipper on October 3rd, 2013 7:47 am

    Mr. Miller, please keep up the fight. We understand the lack of integrity in the White House and Senate. We understand that the Democrats sold out the American people a long time ago. To quote a great Democrat: “You can’t fool all of the people all of the time”! We are looking forward to a Republican majority in the Senate next year! Along those lines, how can our electoral votes be freed from Miami/Dade and Broward? Why is it fare to the rest of Florida for one part of the State of Florida to rule us all? Why not follow Nevada who separates Las Vegas voters from the rest of the State of Nevada?

  21. Bob on October 3rd, 2013 6:35 am

    This guy needs replacing just like about 200 other GOP THUGS. They started this knowing it would shut down the Government. They have no exit tragedy. They can’t do the wright thing and vote to pass the bill without Obamacare. They will loose all faith with there voters. It’s gar to believe that these people you vote for don’t care about you over there political issue to gain votes.

  22. fred on October 3rd, 2013 6:13 am

    Sir, Mr. Devin Nunes exposed the Republicans’ real strategy last night. He also exposed the Democrats, the President as well. It appears that everyone is trying to extract political points from this situation. Sir, use your influence to end this now. Break with the pack, tell Ted Cruz to pack his stuff and get out of the way. Tell the tea party to back off. Do the people’s work and open business. Deal with ACA, but stop this game of shutdown stalemate.

  23. SW on October 3rd, 2013 5:22 am

    This is kinda like the car salesman saying ‘I’ve got to run that by my manager’.

    Keep it closed, we haven’t missed it.

  24. Jane on October 3rd, 2013 4:48 am

    It seems to me that it is the democrats who are refusing to cooperate and work something out. So, if they want their subsidized health care and not Obamacare, maybe they shouldn’t have been in such a hurry to cram Obamacare down our throats! Maybe it is time to vote some of these guys out of office!

  25. shiloh on October 3rd, 2013 4:30 am

    What the House should do is start impeachment for obama. That would help cure a lot of the wrongs we have had in the last five years.

  26. bellepep on October 3rd, 2013 2:01 am

    You may represent my district, but Mr. Miller, YOU do NOT represent my views or interests! I WANT not only the shutdown to cease, but I ALSO want ACA to pass! Your so called work to end the shutdown is a farce, and filled with the typical “how great am I” and “how awful are they” mentality that is STIFLING our country. YOU make me sick!!!