Man Charged A Second Time For Murder Of Domino’s Pizza Driver

October 8, 2013

An Escambia County man has been indicted for the second time for the murder of a 19-year old pizza delivery driver outside an Escambia County Domino’s Pizza.

Gary Demeatric Harrison, age 44 of Pensacola, is accused of attacking Tyler John Hinkle, a 2010 West Florida High School graduate, outside the Domino’s Pizza at 27 North Navy Boulevard on September 24, 2011. Hinkle  was able to walk into the restaurant to seek help from co-workers before he collapsed and died a short time later at Baptist Hospital.

Harrison was arrested for the crime about nine months later, but charges were dismissed due to a lack of evidence. Two witnesses had provided information to law enforcement during the case, but one recanted his statement and the other refused to cooperate and was unwilling to testify at trial.

Harrison is in the Escambia County Jail without bond.


5 Responses to “Man Charged A Second Time For Murder Of Domino’s Pizza Driver”

  1. David Huie Green on October 10th, 2013 7:07 am

    He DIDN’T have to kill him. It was a choice. A heartless choice.
    (Assuming guilt, that is. Could have been someone else.)

  2. TC on October 8th, 2013 10:32 pm

    Really sad, why did this piece of dirt have to kill this young man. Justice would be putting a bullet in his head. But the state, I mean the taxpayers will have to pay for his keep till he is old and needs geriatric care. And then the honest man will be breaking his back to feed his family as the working poor continue to be squeezed. So much for justice to Tyler, his family and society. I do hope he is found guilty this time and given a punishment fitting the crime. He should be shown the same compassion he showed Tyler. Condolences to the family.

  3. the grandma on October 8th, 2013 8:21 am

    I hope they finally do justice with this man. Tyler was a really sweet boy and had a good head on his shoulders. He had a good life planned and would have been a sound, well grounded member of society. It is a shame what happened to him and senseless. It has ruined lives for those who loved him. I hope justice is finally served!

  4. John on October 8th, 2013 6:57 am

    I knew Tyler back in school, he was a nice and down to earth guy. I am glad they finally put this guy behind bars.

  5. pcolagirl on October 8th, 2013 1:17 am

    Good! I wonder why he was re-arrested for it. I hope they don’t let him out this time and he is punished for what he did. Justice for Tyler!