Lightning Sparks Fire Near Molino Church

October 18, 2013

A lightning strike just before 2:00 Thursday afternoon sparked a small fire near a Molino Church.

The lightning hit an oak tree at the Molino Assembly of God at 3436 Molino Road. A small portion of the tree caught fire after the strike, along with an area under the tree. There was no other property damage and no injuries reported.

The Molino Station of Escambia Fire Rescue responded to the incident. photo, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Lightning Sparks Fire Near Molino Church”

  1. Taxpayer on October 18th, 2013 8:58 am

    That’s odd! I live within a few feet of this area and I was home facing the window at my computer and never saw a flash and never heard thunder. It was nice out when I saw the fire and a gentleman was sitting in the parking lot of the church just watching it. We assumed they were burning in the ditch as a lot of people do up here in the country.