House Rejects Partial U.S. Government Restart

October 2, 2013

The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday rejected three separate measures that would have funded parts of the federal government shut down since midnight Monday.

The Republican-proposed bills to reopen national parks and museums, fund veterans’ services and the city of Washington, DC failed to get the required two-thirds support.

Even if they had passed, the White House said it would veto any partial government reopening, with spokesman Jay Carney saying attempts to fund some operations while leaving others closed shows an utter lack of seriousness.

House Democrats criticized Republicans for worrying about parks instead of programs feeding children. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi likened it to kidnappers freeing just one hostage at a time.

The government started closing down all but essential services at midnight Monday.  The Democratic-controlled Senate rejected spending bills by the Republican-led House that would have delayed or killed President Barack Obama’s signature health care program, the Affordable Care Act.

Obama said Republicans are on an “ideological crusade” to kill the measure, known as Obamacare, and criticized their “reckless demands” to deny affordable health insurance to millions of Americans.

He said that closing down the government accomplished nothing because Obamacare is the law of the land, passed by Congress, supported by voters and upheld by the Supreme Court.

Republican opponents of Obamacare say it forces people, including small businesses, to buy expensive insurance policies against their will, hurting the economy.

About 800,000 federal workers are now on furlough.  Other federal workers are staying on the job with no guarantee when they will be paid.  The U.S. military will remain on duty, and ongoing military operations like those in Afghanistan will continue.

Experts say a shutdown of more than two weeks is likely to slow the U.S. economy because of reduced tourism and furloughed federal workers cutting back on their spending.



9 Responses to “House Rejects Partial U.S. Government Restart”

  1. No Excuses on October 2nd, 2013 2:43 pm

    If the shutdown continues for several weeks, the effects will filter down to benefits and entitlements – it will affect many, many more people when they start not getting their welfare checks! Also, government employees have bills to pay too. It’s really abusive to punish them for two pig headed parties that can’t come to a compromise on something. It’s both of the parties’ responsibilities to end this. What’s wrong with letting Obama care succeed or fail on it’s own merits? The election next year is coming, whether Obama care is in effect or not. If the Republicans gain control of the Senate, then the act can be overturned. Problem solved.

  2. wayne on October 2nd, 2013 12:01 pm

    @ just saying
    Both side are not at fault. Republicans have lost three battles on the ACA. Firs,t they tried to stop in congress and could not, second, they took it to the right wing supreme court and loss, third, they ran on a repel the ACA in the 2012 elections and lost. Now they must make everyone suffer for their ineffectiveness.

  3. Rex on October 2nd, 2013 12:01 pm

    In regards to one of the earlier comments that we should vote state by state on Obamacare, That A) has already been done when we elected Obama and his agenda and B) that would defeat the whole purpose of requiring everyone to maintain health insurance or pay a penalty to keep costs down. The whole argument against the ACA is that businesses are suffering under the weight and hiring fewer full time workers. That people can’t afford the premiums. That doctors are dropping out of the system and on and on and on. We haven’t even really started this yet. How can you seriously make those claims when none of it has happened? Scare tactics. Fear is a great tool. Let the ACA happen and make adjustments as we go. Not working at all later on? Elect people to end it. But give it a chance!

  4. Bob on October 2nd, 2013 10:42 am

    Maby all you blinded people by the Repub will wake up. The Repubs should have never tied obamacare to the budget. The repubs are leaderless self centered thugs! If there concerned about Obamacare pass a budget without it and take it up on a separate issue. Makes more sence. But repubs have no sense.

  5. jcellops on October 2nd, 2013 10:04 am

    my hope is that with all of the hoopla of the government shut-down more uninformed, clueless people will finally start paying attention to what is happening with our American poitical system..not to mention, the critical events that are happening worldwide that greatly affect the US…i work with very educated co-workers who constantly demonstrate how oblivious they are to what is happening to our nation..BUT, they do know all about the latest kardashian scandels or which celeb is dating which celeb…very frustrating….that is significant reason that our president got re-elected AGAIN…..(if his mouth is moving, hes either lying, misconstruing, or telling half-truths)

  6. Just sayin' on October 2nd, 2013 10:03 am


    I don’t see how you can say that this is the Tea Party’s fault.

    It’s really a simple concept for everyone who is having trouble comprehending: BOTH sides are equally at fault here! Each side says, “If you don’t do what we want, then we’ll just shut down the whole shebang!” Neither side conceded, and, thus…they shut down the whole shebang!

  7. Katy on October 2nd, 2013 9:42 am

    You put the tea party in now you pay for it triple.

  8. Fishhook240 on October 2nd, 2013 8:31 am

    Why don’t they let the people decide if they want ObamaCare or not. In every state there is an election held every two years for different things from local to state level. If the people are against this and the people that are in office are not listening then it should be put on a ballot. But they are way too smart for that (Congress, Senate & House). They just want to force it on us and from what I hear and read sounds scary. If I knew more about it or had more info on it I may like it. But my experience is that if Congress, House or the Senate want something bad like this WATCH OUT we are going to get the royal u know what. I haven’t figured out what the rush is except for next year there’s an election and they want it done before then. I haven’t figured out who’s going to make all the money off u and me, if anybody knows – share it. They are pushing way too hard for this and right now I am with the Republicans and agree ObamaCare needs to be stopped at all cost of the shutdown. And by the way we need to make Congress, House & the Senate raises be voted on by the people and if we have to have ObamaCare then they should too. Contact you Congressman, Senate & House lawmakers and demand it.

  9. Jane on October 2nd, 2013 6:21 am

    The federal government has not listened to the people in a long time. We need term limits for all of Congress and more people voting some of these people out. We need our government to stop wasting money and pay attention to what the people really want.