Food Banks Brace For SNAP Cuts While Watching Federal Farm Bill

October 29, 2013

Florida’s food programs are bracing for cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that kick in November 1 — while watching warily as U.S. House and Senate conferees prepare to negotiate a federal farm bill, which could have much more far-reaching consequences for hungry Floridians.

Food banks and other programs that help Florida’s 3.6 million food-insecure residents have known for years about the cuts coming next week. The cuts were built into the 2008 federal-stimulus package that temporarily added money to SNAP, also known as food stamps, during the depths of the economic recession.

But that won’t make the cuts any easier, say advocates for the food banks and other supplemental programs. The cuts amount to $36 monthly for a family of four getting the maximum benefit of roughly $668.

“That’s going to be a significant hit for families,” said Rebecca Brislain, executive director of the Florida Association of Food Banks. “We already know SNAP doesn’t last the whole month.”

“I don’t think a lot of people realize just how low the SNAP benefit is,” said Debra Susie, executive director of the anti-poverty group Florida Impact. “In the state of Florida, the SNAP benefit per person per day is about $4.60.” And that’s before the monthly reductions that kick in Nov. 1.

The good news, said Brislain, is short-term: The state’s food banks have built their donor base and increased distribution since the recession began. Four years ago, they were collecting and distributing 72 million pounds of food a year; now, that’s up to 173 million pounds a year.

But Brislain said the long-term problem is that Florida isn’t recovering from the recession fast enough, and the state’s many low-paying jobs don’t provide enough income to make ends meet.

“All it takes is what some people consider a small family crisis — a flat tire, someone in the family getting sick — anything can stretch the circumstances to the point they need extra help,” she said. “There’s no discretion on your rent. Food is the one area, unfortunately, that people can cut back on.”

Florida’s food hardship rate is more than 21 percent, meaning that one in five Florida households reported that in the past year they struggled to buy enough food for the family.

The state is one of the hardest-hit for food security, with six urban areas in the nation’s top 25 for food hardship in 2011-2012.  From June 2011 to June 2012, Florida saw the nation’s second-highest increase in SNAP use — a rise of 9.7 percent.

That fragility is why advocates for the food programs are watching nervously as the U.S. House and Senate prepare to negotiate further cuts to SNAP.

Republicans contend the food stamp budget should be cut by as much as $39 billion, the amount the GOP-led House included in its version of the federal farm bill in September. The Democratic-led Senate passed cuts of about $4 billion. Now the two chambers will go into conference on the bill Wednesday, while President Obama has vowed to veto cuts to SNAP that are too drastic.

The House also passed the so-called Southerland amendment, by U.S. Rep. Steve Southerland, R-Fla., which includes work requirements. The House bill denies SNAP benefits to adults aged 18 to 50 who are not disabled, raising children, enrolled in training or working at least 20 hours per week.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Policies, the House bill would mean more than 400,000 Floridians could lose food assistance.

“What we have done in this country is wrong,” Southerland said on the House floor last month. “We have failed in introducing the blessing of work to able-bodied people who have the ability, who are mentally, physically, psychologically able to work, and we have robbed them of knowing a better life that they helped create for themselves and their families.”

The state has picked up some of the slack. The 2013 Legislature allocated $700,000 for supplemental nutrition programs — a 75 percent increase, said state Rep. Ben Albritton, R-Wauchula and chairman of the House Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee.

“I don’t pretend to understand a lot of the politics played in Washington,” Albritton said. “But in the Florida Legislature, we’re going to be working to help people in need, including programs like this.”

by Margie Menzel, The News Service of Florida


33 Responses to “Food Banks Brace For SNAP Cuts While Watching Federal Farm Bill”

  1. Rooster Cogburn on November 2nd, 2013 7:18 am

    Heres a new concept….don’t rely on government-get a job!

  2. Joe on October 30th, 2013 11:56 pm

    Cut the program all together. Massive fraud going on with it. Use the money to open soup kitchens and provide free hot meals not money! Feed the people not their habits. Sure some may really need it, but so many abuse it the only way to fix the system is scrap it and start over.

  3. curious on October 30th, 2013 6:27 pm

    For those fathers that work, get a second job, mine did.

  4. tigger on October 30th, 2013 3:06 pm

    I get 283.00 a month cause I’m told I make to much month and I have two kids to feed. Why do they can’t the money we make before taxes cause that is saying we make extra money that we never see cause that goes straight for taxes. That not fair. When I know someonewho does not workbut her husband is on disability and they get more than I do and therr is nothing wrong with her why can’t she work. This whole foodstamp thing is done wrong they need to take our income after taxed and use it to determine what snap programs we get.

  5. Don on October 30th, 2013 1:09 pm

    to “hardworker” your statement “I was also VERY bluntly informed by the supervisor that the SNAP program is just to assist with food, not to pay for all of the food” is spot on! that’s the entitlement frame of mind…you do understand the acronym of “snap”
    right? SUPPLEMENTAL!! it’s not a free all you can eat buffett without end,it’s meant to help you get through the hard times,the supervisor you refer to is 100% correct!!

  6. Hard Worker on October 30th, 2013 11:01 am

    The $688 a month is for a family with almost NO income. I work 40hrs a week and because of how much they SAY I make my family of 5 gets $290 (down from $350 as of this month). When I asked why we were recieving such a LOW amount they said I make “too much” money, and my income has increased (where I do not know, it has not changed in 3 years).

    I was also VERY bluntly informed by the supervisor that the SNAP program is just to assist with food, not to pay for all of the food. Easy for them to say when you bring home $1800 a month (minus rent; power; car insurance; fuel; diapers; toiletries; neccesary miscelanious expenses). We make the SNAP stretch, do not buy expensive meats or name brand anything. I still have to put in over $200 a month for food.

    It would be an easier pill to swallow if they did not BS us or give me attitude when I FINALLY get through to someone.

  7. NOW NOW on October 30th, 2013 9:35 am

    My daughter gets 700.00 amonth & pays rent with utilities inclouded of 550.00 a month & she only gets 30.00 amonth in stamps. So that means that she has to get help from family to get her throu each month. she has 2 sisters that work & gets stamps too. Yeah they have childern & theres the couisen she has that get over 500.00 in stamps that is to sorry to work & take care of his family the right way & sales the stamps for drugs while the poor kids run around looking like a bum off the streets. Hell sometimes the bums look better then the kids do.

  8. Kelly Terrell on October 30th, 2013 8:46 am

    All of you are judging people that receive foidstamps and thats not right. My family recieves foodstamps and i dont buy steaks. I buy what my family needs and trust and believe me it doesnt even last a month. My husband is truly disabled and i am a full time student trying to better myself so i can work and support my family. I know there are se out there that does abuse the sytem but you cant judge us all.

  9. Gnarlywerewolf on October 30th, 2013 8:17 am

    I and my wife both work full time and we barely make it, living paycheck to paycheck with 15 year old cars and no savings. Yes, it is disgusting to see supposedly “disabled” or”mentally ill” creetins paying for their groceries with their EBT cards in the check out lanes. They’re on SNAP benefits but they have they’re hair did and nails done every week on the tax payers dime. I have to buy store brand items every time get no assistance what so ever and I have children that need to eat as well. Here’s one for you. Don’t have children if you cannot afford to take care of them. It is not my responsibility to pay to raise your children you chose to have. I believe that state should take children from people who cannot feed them and let lazy adults who don’t want to work starve. There is tremendous fraud and abuse of the SNAP program. I say cut it out completely and go back to dispenses government commodities like cheese, pnut butter,etc.. You won’t starve, but you won’t be buying steaks that I cannot afford myself .

  10. Northender on October 30th, 2013 8:12 am

    To all those that are slamming us about the negative comments
    We are not talking about people that are trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. We are talking about the ones that EXPECT the government to hand them anything they want to sit around and do anything they want. If you are trying to make a living then by all means I think you should get the help. There are a lot of 2nd and 3rd generation welfare mommas that keep having babies ( and teaching those babies) to get welfare. FYI – they keep having babies every two years so they keep getting cash assistance… they couldn’t care less about the babies. We have all seen them.

  11. what on October 29th, 2013 7:48 pm

    I would love to have just 600.00 a month to spend on food for my family. Everyone’s paycheck pays for gas and childcare, we don’t like it but that’s just how it is, stop expecting people to feel sorry for you. I am really sick of hearing about crap like this and all the bleeding hearts over thirty something dollars a month. How about this….I am sick and tired giving all the hard earned money from my paycheck to pay taxes so that other people can get 600+ dollars of free food every month.

  12. SingleParent on October 29th, 2013 5:50 pm

    Well said Brandy!! I also get snap benefits and work a full time job…and I do NOT have Cable or satellite because I cant afford it..if you were in our shoes you would do the same to feed your children!

  13. Don on October 29th, 2013 4:01 pm

    Someone that knows ” Yes I am going to give my growing children fresh fruits and veggies if I have the chance. Tell me why I shouldn’t. But if I know someone that needs help and I can spare…I help the best way I can.”

    ah I believe it’s the taxpayers that are supplying these things………

  14. Allyson B on October 29th, 2013 1:21 pm

    I think food stamps are great when used the right way. I don’t think it’s right that people who don’t work or go to school are getting hundreds of dollars a month to feed their families. But I don’t think that you should assume that all of the people who ARE receiving assistance have satellite, internet, etc. You don’t know what is going on in other people’s lives. I tried to get assistance and was denied. When I went to Pensacola to talk to the people about WHY I was denied I got no answer. Did I mention I was in line with about 20 of the nastiest looking people I have ever seen who all looked like they were on drugs? And one of the mother’s had 4 kids and NONE of them were dressed. I’m a mother and going to school full time so that I don’t have to live off of government assistance. But it’s people like the one’s I mentioned above who ruin it for the rest of the people who are doing what they can to make ends meet!

  15. Brandy on October 29th, 2013 12:43 pm

    I understand what some of you see in the stores. I have known people who do what you say, however not all people do what you see, and sometimes it is not what you think it to be. I am one of those exceptions. I am not proud to be on SNAP, however here is my situation: My husband and I have always worked, until we had our 1st child, then I became a home mom, because of gas going up, babysitting costs-I would have been working just to pay those 2 bills and not have anything left. Then I had the chance to go back to school, so for the past 4 years, while I was going through nursing school, my husband provided for us. He got laid off in Sept. after I graduated and passed the state boards, however now I’ve had a hard time getting a job in a hospital with my education because of not having “experience”. There are people like me who are trying to make a better life for their family, (not just having babies back to back, or sitting on my lazy butt) and need the help. Before you judge someone, try to put yourself in a situation that they may be in and see how it feels. What would you do if you were providing for your family and all of a sudden you had no income? What would you do? FYI if I wouldn’t have my 2 children, I would not bother to go for assistance because the process alone is frustrating.

  16. It's bad on October 29th, 2013 12:01 pm

    It’s bad when your only getting a income of 300.00 a month & cann’t get help!!!!! But someome else that was working with 2 incomes canget over 500.00 in stampes at one time . then they drop down to one income for a few months & now down none because they both are own drugs & are saling their stamps for them & letting their childern run around begging for food from other pepole that have even less then they do. I cann’t get help because I own some land.Thats how I get what little income I do have. I’m not able to work & cann’t even get social security cause I’m to young yet.

  17. Someone that Knows on October 29th, 2013 11:53 am

    I see a lot of people on here that “have seen” buggies filled up….blah blah blah. Take it from me…I tried to work to feed my family and all I ended up doing was working for gas money and childcare…There was hardly anything left for groceries. And when you have to ration the food out and you know your kids could really use another helping that you don’t have. Well the guilt sets in. Plus, when I was working my tail off for nothing I didn’t see my kids for days and days at a time. Throw your stones, but I shop smart so that I can stretch my foodstamps out and so that when I grocery shop I won’t have to waste the gas going three times a week. I live too far out to do that. That is why my buggy is full. Yes I am going to give my growing children fresh fruits and veggies if I have the chance. Tell me why I shouldn’t. But if I know someone that needs help and I can spare…I help the best way I can.

  18. Predra on October 29th, 2013 10:41 am

    Not everyone with 4 people get 600.00 I know a grandma who is raising 4 grandchildren and she gets 120 a month it goes by income. O yes before people make rude comments their mother is dead not in jail or anything.

  19. curious on October 29th, 2013 8:57 am

    Randy, you are so right, I do the same thing, & when we go buy ours, if it looks like it’s getting to be too much, we revise our list & go with something else, we don’t have satellite, or house phone or separate internet, all we have is our cell phones, our internet is thru that & we share 4 gigabytes each month.

  20. curious on October 29th, 2013 8:51 am

    Also, @ Northender, not all babymakers are on welfare, maybe some fell on hard times, but just because you see a big family doesn’t mean they don’t take care of their kids & are on welfare, maybe some people want & love kids.

  21. curious on October 29th, 2013 8:42 am

    @ Scooby & others on SNAPS, I had my kids & I have bought my kids formula, I kst figured it in with my groceries & lived payday to payday if it helps fine, but I just bet you have cable or satellite while you work & get food stamps, which is wrong, because in my opinion you do not need satellite, if you receive food stamps, you could take that satellite bill & pay another bill or put towards your groceries instead of using food stamps, that way if you truly need it, people like me would be willing to help out more, that would prove to me that you truly are needing food stamps.

  22. OldMan on October 29th, 2013 8:37 am

    Here’s a good one for you, recently while at the Groc store in Cantonment I saw 2 women with 2 buggies full and pulling a buggy with dog food in it. When they were told that EBT would not pay for dog food 1 of the lady’s took it back and returned with a buggy loaded with steaks and other meats, overheard the other person say, “guess they’ll have to eat steaks” I almost threw up. Another occasion at the same store I see this Grandma looking lady at the meat isle with paper and pen writing down what the 4 well dressed thugs with her, were piling into her buggy. This is whats wrong with the system, they sell their card for dope, cash and whatever else they can get all the while not paying a dime in taxes for anything. Next time you’re there pay attention and you’ll see it happen almost daily.

  23. Randy on October 29th, 2013 8:34 am

    The SNAP program is designed to supplement the food budget, not replace it. I hardly think that a 36.00 dollar a month reduction will have an adverse effect. My wife and I spend hours creating a list of items we need and shop for those items only. It’s called a budget. If we can’t afford it, we don’t buy it. Plain and simple. My belief is the SNAP program is riddled with fraud and waste.

  24. Robinhood on October 29th, 2013 8:07 am

    The Bible teaches us all that a MAN must work to be able to eat and if a MAN chooses not to work then he chooses NOT TO EAT. Once they get hungry, they will go and find work. I was always taught to WORK for what I get and if I did not work then I did not receive anything. Jesus worked as a carpenter to show man that he must work to survive (not off other people) and the LORD even stated that a man that will not work deserves NOT TO EAT. I was walking around Wal-Mart the other day with my Wife and noticed first hand a WELFARE/FOOD STAMP BUGGY that was over run with so much food items that there was no place else in he buggy to put even one can of beans or it would have fallen on the floor. My Wife and I are hard working citizens who weekly makes a list of items needed from the Grocery store and only pick up what little items we want and can afford. Something is wrong in this Country when those who DO NOT WORK buy more food and receive lots more help help than those who actually try to help themselves but need a little assitance along the way. Oh yeah, They are making too much money to receive help. That is BS and why the system is like it is. I went to school to receive an education to be able to provide and support myself and my family and I have NEVER EVER received any type of assistance and when I did try I was told that we make too much money. What a bunch of crap !!!

  25. Dennis HE Wiggins on October 29th, 2013 7:43 am

    I will concur with my fellow North Escambians. The other day I saw a person with a buggy full of food – about half of it junk food and a large part of the rest was food that I can only afford to eat once or twice a year! It ALL was paid for with an EBT card. I work 40 hours aweek to feed my children sandwiches and “1st cut” pork chops!

  26. Northender on October 29th, 2013 7:12 am

    I agree with bewildered. There are a lot of people that would like $668 for food. There are people that really need the help and can’t get it because they are trying to make a living (and not sit around on their lazy behinds or be baby makers) and get denied for any assistance. There are disabled people that can’t get assistance because they get too much disability. The whole system needs reformed. SNAP AND AFDC needs looked at. Quit aiding the free loaders and welfare momma’s.

  27. Scooby on October 29th, 2013 6:47 am

    I freely admit that I am on food stamps, and I have a job as well! With the cost of living in this county continuing to rise, it is a miracle that more people are not on assistance. Before anyone says anything hateful to people on this forum and comment section, think about people like me who have a a full-time job, a houseful of children to take care of, and the regular bills every month. A lot of folks that you will see using that SNAP card, actually do have a full-time job, and use what little bit the state says they qualify for to help out with food and formula! And when you look at the price of formula at $15-16 per can, that kind of hurts when it comes out of your pocket. So think before you post hateful comments. Not all of us on Food Stamps, are in it just to get the benefits..some of us actually need them!

  28. Don on October 29th, 2013 5:56 am

    $668 for a family of 4! considering at least 2 of them are children who are school age and receive free breakfast and lunch that’s a big food budget….

  29. bewildered on October 29th, 2013 5:15 am

    I also believe that $668 per month is still enough to buy necessary groceries to feed four people. Instead of generating and publishing report after report that people are starving and more donations to the food banks are needed to combat hunger in America, show welfare recipients how to prepare nutrious meals. The problem is that many people on welfare think they are entitled to eat prime steaks and lobster, but they are not willing to get off their behinds and work for it. And why should they, the foodstamps are used to purchase frivolous items and the foodbanks provide the necessities.

  30. curious on October 29th, 2013 4:58 am

    I don’t spend that much a month with 6 people in a household, now I don’t buy big juicy steaks for every meal either & I actually buy mine. I might would if I splurged every time or invited people over & fed them. Fruits & dairy products are expensive, I do buy them, but I bet alot of people don’t, you can buy alot of hotdogs with that, maybe a steak for someone or everybody in the household not whole family as a treat for a birthday or something. I don’t have anything against food stamps, because, I’m sure there are families that really need them, my problem is the people that continue to get them that doesn’t want to get a job, I hear people tell me, well I can’t work because of whatever reason, but I don’t fall for that anymore, because I was in a Walmart in the vicinity of Lake Eufaula & there was a man actually working without both his legs if I recall, it’s been awhile since I saw him, but even if he only had one leg, yes he was actually a worker, he might have been just a greeter but who cares @ least he was working when he probably could have bled the system, he might’ve had other health problems that made him have to buy his meds., I don’t know his story, but my point is, if a disabled person like him can work, anybody can, so now & then on I haven’t had that much compassion for the healthy ones to sit on their rearends, as long as me or my husband has known each other or been married, neither one has been on food stamps, I say that would be my last straw, am I above them, no, but I say anybody can cut back on anything, especially cable or satellite if you really need help.

  31. Jane on October 29th, 2013 4:21 am

    $668 for four people? Some of our elderly are lucky to have $65 a month to eat on! And some of them are still working even with SSI!

  32. TC on October 29th, 2013 3:01 am

    Of course Southerland doesn’t know much about walking on the other side of the tracks. He continued in his families Funeral Home business started in 1955, and is also a partner in 2 other businesses. What does he know about living without a job or on the dole? That’s the problem, the ones elected are all wealthy and then get still richer while in office. What do they know about hard times? You notice they all come together when it’s time to vote themselves a fat raise. He makes 174k a year and has nice perks and still he complains. And this is the kind we want representing us? What percentage in the area make that kind of money? Let alone what he makes from his business ventures. He makes me sick and has some nerve whining about his salary and hours worked.

    His proposal of those not getting SNAP benefits if not in training or working 20 hours a week, doesn’t address the core problems that continue this cycle. At 4 bucks a day per person, I can’t see the average 18-50 year old going too much out of their way for that. This mainly targets males as those raising children are exempt from his proposal. People will instead go to the food banks and any other sources available to make up the difference. Someone without a high school diploma and work history may well have trouble securing a part time job of any kind these days. I think more needs to be done to keep kids in school, perhaps a small stipend per month would increase graduation rates.

  33. JT on October 29th, 2013 12:31 am

    I work my tail off for my paycheck. I wish I had $668 for grocery money a month.