Federal Government Shuts Down As Congress Fails To Approve Spending Bill

October 1, 2013

The U.S. government has entered a partial shutdown after a politically-deadlocked Congress could not pass a bill to extend funding. Lawmakers worked late into the night but could not overcome a partisan split over President Barack Obama’s signature health care law, a major component of which is being implemented Tuesday.

Three times, the Republican-led House of Representatives voted to undermine the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, as a condition of funding federal operations. Three times, the Democratic-controlled Senate rejected the measures. With Congress unable to agree on an extension of federal spending authority, non-essential U.S. government operations halted early Tuesday.

Democratic Senator Richard Durbin was incredulous over the turn of events.

“Shutting down the government of the United States of America? When you hear about this happening in foreign countries, you think, ‘It is a shame they are not as stable and strong as our great democracy’. And yet here we are,” said Durbin.

The Senate passed its own spending bill free of partisan stipulations about Obamacare or any other matter, but Republican leaders in the House declined to bring that measure to the floor for a vote. Representative Michele Bachmann belongs to a core group of House Republicans that refuses to abandon the fight against Obamacare.

“I have gotten literally hundreds and hundreds of phone calls to my office today, and people have said, ‘Keep fighting. Stand strong’. They want us to stand and fight. They do not want us to give up,” said Bachman.

In the final hour before the shutdown began, House Republicans suggested a negotiation to resolve differences between the two chambers, but Senator Reid immediately rejected the idea. Similarly, House Speaker John Boehner ruled out a vote on the Senate funding-only bill.

And so, with no resolution passed, the U.S. government’s authority to spend money expired as the clock struck midnight in Washington. Hours earlier, at the White House, President Obama voiced frustration and disappointment over Congress’ inability to act.

“”You don’t get to extract a ransom for doing your job,” Obama said to the House GOP.

Some government services will continue — social security checks, postal service, operations related to national security or public safety. Monday night, Obama signed the Pay Our Military Act, which provides continuing appropriations for pay and allowances for members of the Armed Forces during the government shutdown.

Later on Tuesday, the president will tout provisions of Obamacare that are being activated despite the shutdown. Many Americans of modest means who lack healthcare insurance will be able to sign up for subsidized policies on newly-created insurance exchanges.


Pictured top: resident Barack Obama delivers remarks on the budget negotiations from the White House Monday. Pictured bottom inset: Monday night, Obama signed the Pay Our Military Act, which provides continuing appropriations for pay and allowances for members of the Armed Forces during the government shutdown. Courtesy photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


50 Responses to “Federal Government Shuts Down As Congress Fails To Approve Spending Bill”

  1. candida on October 8th, 2013 9:49 pm

    What’s next Obama???? What ur trying to do is make disabled people suffer, if not that it’s killing people!!!!

  2. No Excuses on October 3rd, 2013 8:33 pm


    I would agree with you there! even 300 million might not do it.

  3. jcellops on October 3rd, 2013 7:53 pm

    @MM, you forgot the EPA…….(sorry fed worker)….a whoping 96% of the EPA federal employees were deemed non-essential and furloughed….i dont think that we should eliminate the EPA- but, it seems to me like they should be able to permenantly shave off a good many of those 96% non-essential EPA workers (who make FAT govt paychecks on the taxpayers dime)…i was shocked today when i heard obama say, “ive bent over backwards” trying to compromise with the republicans….WHAT??!!…as ive said in the past, if obamas mouth is moving, hes either lying, misconstruing facts or telling half-truths…wonder if his familys NON-ESSENTIAL dog walker got furloughed too..

  4. David Huie Green on October 3rd, 2013 4:09 pm

    The number of prisons desired is another matter. It depends on crimes committed and punishments meted. Everything the federal government is empowered to do or regulate is a thing it is empowered to punish the violatim of. That includes interstate commerce and violation of civil rights and tax fraud. When you get right down to it, they probably need enough prison capacity for three hundred million inmates.

  5. No Excuses on October 3rd, 2013 2:36 pm

    @ David and “How ’bout Noooo….:

    The post was intended to reflect that the Govt. shutdown affects all people, not just those who are furloughed. The tone of the post by “Me” was indicative of a person who believes we don’t earn what we are paid. My response was to indicate that we (as in certain federal employees) do keep Americans safe by keeping dangerous criminals incarcerated, and take an oath of office to that effect when we are hired. Now, you can quote the constitution all day long, but that’s the way it’s set up now, and that’s what we are ALL living with. I did not say we SHOULD release federal inmates, only used that as an example of how non-military government workers do keep our fellow Americans safe. Don’t throw rocks at me because I work hard and get paid well to do a VERY difficult job! This last in reference to the “nice fat paycheck every Friday” comment. It’s actually every other Thursday.

  6. how 'bou nnooo on October 3rd, 2013 8:41 am

    Okay, David; I’ll bite.

    Article I Section 8 mentions two specific crimes, piracy and counterfeit. The last paragraph gives authority to punish for crimes that are otherwise enumerated.

    How many prisons do think that would take? It doesn’t say the [f]federal gov’t has to build prisons, just provide for punishment. Would it not be much cheaper to pay states for housing than to incur the cost of running a prison.

    (Military prisons excepted).

  7. David Huie Green on October 3rd, 2013 7:57 am

    Sorry, you can only ask to be released those who have been incarcerated

  8. David Huie Green on October 3rd, 2013 7:55 am

    Prisons enumerated?

    Congress is empowered to make all laws punishing violation of assorted laws, such as counterfieting. Unless your only response is execution, that includes incarceration.

    Suspension of writ of habeous corpus is forbidden. You can only ask to be arrested those in jail or custody.

    Eighth amendment forbids excessive bail. Bail requires jail from which to be released.

    Enough enumeration? Or do I need to go into concept of pardons?

    David for rationality

  9. how 'bout nnooo on October 2nd, 2013 10:05 pm

    @No Excuses and @Fed worker

    To say [f]ederal employees pay taxes is somewhat misleading. They are paid from taxpayer funds; then income taxes are held out–do you feel ‘had’? After that, anything else that is paid is paid from taxpayer funds, too. You are not helping to subsidize government programs, but are a part of one.

    To empty out [f]ederal prisons is silly; that is one of the agencies not being ’shut down’. Besides, chances are these inmates were arrested for violating an unconstitutional [f]ederal law, by an unconstitutional [f]ederal agency, tried by a court having unconstitutional [f]ederal jurisdiction. (For example, show me where prisons are enumerated in the US Constitution, please). They probably violated a state law and could have been tried at that level and received just the same sentence in a state system.

    In truth, a majority of [f]ederal agencies are unconstitutional. The only Constitutional agency keeping me safe is deployed overseas and is otherwise unable to keep me safe from outside threats.

    In truth, depending on which report one listens, only 25%-33% of the government is all that is shut down.

    If one is a [f]ederal employee and is considered non-essential, shouldn’t one re-examine one’s relationship with one’s employer?

  10. No Excuses on October 2nd, 2013 2:53 pm


    Your response to “Fedworker” is out of line. We do get paid (just not right now), but we pay taxes too! Who do you think is helping to subsidize all the Government programs? Not just you! We are too. Many of us are as unhappy about it as your are. We EARN every penny we make – public service is honorable and most people are very proud of what they contribute. If we are so worthless, in your eyes, how about we empty out the Federal Prisons of all the rapists, murderers, drug dealers and perverts – not to mention TERRORISTS and let YOU deal with them since we’re currently working without pay? Think before you speak! Federal Employees DO keep you SAFE. Don’t confuse us with the congress and exectutive staff in place now. We’re people JUST LIKE YOU!!

  11. ME on October 2nd, 2013 9:14 am

    @FedWorker, Nice post however people enjoyed the air they breathed, the water they fished and swam in, the land they hunted, the food they ate, for many many years BEFORE this government decided to stick it’s hand in our pockets only to fill their own.
    I’m sure you get a fat paycheck every Friday, one which most of us would love to aquire, yet we take the pittance left over after Uncle Sam gets his cut. Only to hand it out to some lazy useless project dweller who has the, ” more kids, more money ” mentality , And supported from the Cradle to The Grave

  12. Who? on October 2nd, 2013 8:33 am

    For those that can only blame the Republicans, the Republicans offered a CR with an amendment providing for delay of the individual mandate!



    Reid, for the senate….NO

    So who really is to blame here?

  13. Fed worker on October 2nd, 2013 8:00 am

    This is to all of you saying eliminate all the non-essential agencies and personell! I hope you enjoy the air you breathe, the water you fish and swim in, the lands you hunt, the food you eat, the roads you drive on, etc… NON ESSENTIAL means that you are not needed for the basic day to day functions of our government and our military protection. But sometimes the people behind the scenes are important too. I am a federal employee and proud of the work I do.

  14. Robert S. on October 2nd, 2013 5:35 am

    America’s Greatest Generation…..
    WW-2 Vets from Gulfport, MS went to Washington DC to see the memorial in
    their Honor.
    Barricades were across the entrance of the open-air area and they removed them to gain access. As a news station said, “These Heroes stormed the beaches at Normandy in D-Day and the islands in the Pacific. They were not about to allow some barriers keep them from visiting — possibly for the final time — their monument.”
    Victory Again…….

  15. Trick or Treat on October 1st, 2013 7:57 pm

    This year I am going to be a democrat for halloween. I am going to steal candy from all the kids who went trick or treating and give it to the ones who were to lazy to go.

  16. Slow Fade on October 1st, 2013 7:31 pm

    This did not just happen all of a sudden. It as been a long time coming. America is a great nation because Americans working hard to get what they have. NOT the government giving us anything. If it does not change it’s just going to get worse. Nobody wants to work hard their whole life to pay for the ones who don’t want to work.

    You cannot spend money you don’t have (unless your the federal government.
    2+2 is not = 20

  17. Dennis on October 1st, 2013 7:30 pm

    Congress passed and Obama signed a bill to continue paying the military. Please at least listen to the news or read the articles before -uhhhhh. nevermind.

  18. Chief says..... on October 1st, 2013 6:43 pm

    Yep and get rid of state funded workers next….

  19. emschick2368 on October 1st, 2013 5:17 pm

    “You don’t get to extract a ransom for dong your job” is what Nobama says. So I guess that makes blackmail okay then? If republicans don’t pass down Nobamacare then the govt will shut down. I say keep it shut. The government that we have today is worthless anyway. They can’t work together for the American people. The same people that voted them into office and who should vote them out in the next election.
    How is it that we have a congress that has allowed us to get trillions of dollars in debt because they can’t balance a budget? If I can’t balance my budget it is I who does without(not my neighbor,my cousin or my community) and doing without is a great incentive for doing what it takes to be in the black and not in the red.

  20. LEO GUY on October 1st, 2013 3:50 pm


    Now that’s a good post. Couldn’t have said it any better. Thank you!

  21. Caveman on October 1st, 2013 3:12 pm

    BTW, there have been about 17 government shutdowns since 1970, does it look like it’s stopped the government from functioning?

  22. Alarmed and Armed on October 1st, 2013 3:10 pm

    The federal government shutdown is not a big deal as the media represents. Don’t be a drone.

    The president has line items where here can pay our military but he chooses not to and he chooses to make it hurt. Both sides would do the same.

    Its time for a strong third party, Libertarian party. Downsize the federal government by HALF and erase the waste.

  23. SW on October 1st, 2013 2:51 pm

    Does anyone feel a bit more free right now?

    The sun still rose. The world didn’t stop.

    What if they shut down the government and no one cared?

    Look to see what closes then ask yourself 1) did I really miss it; 2) was it really a function of government; and, 3) could a private entity have done it better?

    This ’shut down’ really lets us know just exactly what parts of government we really need; besides, don’t they shut down every weekend and holiday anyway?

    Grandstanding. Gotta make it hurt…like the sequester.

    Keep it closed.

  24. brian on October 1st, 2013 12:14 pm

    That leaders of one of the most powerful nations willingly provoked a crisis that suspends public services and decreases economic growth is astonishing to me. Were putting this country and others in more economic turmoil because of the childish behavior of our elected officials. Other countries are asking why we would do such a thing to ourselves and to them, where not being invaded where not in a disaster nor in a revolution but still we shut down the government. The value of the dollar is already dropping as I speak, so it begins once again.

  25. sam on October 1st, 2013 11:41 am

    for my part the federal government has not worked for several years. democrats, republicans, tea baggers, whatever, they all are useless and corrupt. i won’t watch the news, it’s the same ol same ol. espn, and everybody loves raymond is all i need.

  26. Just Me on October 1st, 2013 11:09 am

    We can talk about compromise, term limits, Republicans, Democrats, Obama, etc all day long, but what I really want to know is WHY did EVERYTHING have to hinge upon whether Obamacare was funded? Since that was the source of contention, why wasn’t it separated from the rest? Then it could have been voted on all by its little lonesome, and the rest of “federal function” could have continued as usual. Simple solution, but instead, the Democrats insisted that NO federal functions could be funded if Obamacare wasn’t. How selfish!

    Coincidentally, I don’t consider myself to be a Republican or a Democrat. I’m a human being with a mind of my own who has enough sense to look at candidates, issues, etc as separate concerns and evaluate the pros and cons of each individually. I wish everyone else would do the same.

  27. K on October 1st, 2013 10:48 am

    What Caveman, Southerner and Just saying said!

  28. Fed Up on October 1st, 2013 10:34 am

    When this crisis is over we need to rally to end life time pay and benefits for the leaders of our country. Sadly, if we don’t re-elect them, we put ourselves further in debt by paying them and their replacement.

  29. Caveman on October 1st, 2013 10:14 am

    Non-essential agencies and personell will be cut due to the shutdown, all agencies that are required for the country to function will remain intact. If they’re not essential to the operation and fuction of government, they shouldn’t exist anyway. That’s a big way to cut spending. What happened to common sense and logical thinking?

  30. KB on October 1st, 2013 9:23 am

    Well, who would have thought it! When you spend more money than you have you run out of money? It’s amazing that all the common people understand the concept of a BUDGET. We’ve have to live it everyday just so we can keep food on the table. I live within my means, with out government aide, and I can tell you I CAN NOT afford the presidents “affordable health care”. But it’s the law so I have to. But I wish someone would explain to me why a law is passed the the overwhelming majority of the country does not want. I thought that was illegal!

  31. bama54 on October 1st, 2013 9:00 am

    Pass the Bill and let us see who OWNS IT.

  32. bama54 on October 1st, 2013 8:55 am

    Ok, my friends we all have an opinion, vote them out, impeachment Obama, Dem’s/Rep’s!! Term limits is the answer!! You would not have a lot of stalemate, you would have new people with new ideas instead of the Harry Reid/Bonner!! But guess what? the Senators and Congressman we think are so bad!! Their states and districts vote them back in each election cycle!! It is always the attitude our congressman/senator is the best and all others well are not so good!! Term Limits would/could stop STALEMATE!!

  33. Robert S. on October 1st, 2013 8:34 am

    Agree with all of you.

    Ironic that today, when the Federal Govt. has a shutdown which includes our National Parks that Yosemite is celebrating its 123rd anniversary. But, you cannot go there because the Park Service was among the first shut down.
    Ft. Pickens is shutting down due to OUR government leaders inability to do their jobs.
    The website for The National Naval Aviation Museum onboard NAS Pensacola has this message this morning:
    “Due to a lapse in federal funding, employees have been furloughed, and as a result the National Naval Aviation Museum is CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE” (my caps there).
    “The activities associated with the Museum’s 50th anniversary are expected to go on as scheduled; however, if the government shutdown is prolonged, it could impact this special event.”
    And I wonder how many of our government’s highest leadership are out playing golf today and socializing and thumping their chests about what a great job they have done.

  34. MM on October 1st, 2013 8:12 am

    Half my paycheck already goes to taxes. Shut down the rat-hole known as the federal government. Start with the IRS, Un-Affordable Health Care Act, NEA, HUD, etc., etc. The more that is shut down, the more money we can save.

  35. Atmore G on October 1st, 2013 8:00 am

    The problem is that we have no Statesmen today that can sit down and compromise.. This nation has always been about give and take.. Sometimes compromise is hard to take, but it is necessary to move on for the common good.. If both sides continue on this course, there could be really hard times ahead for this country..

  36. just saying on October 1st, 2013 7:53 am

    I’m over this. They are acting like this is an middle school disagreement. The Republicans are saying “If you don’t undo everything you’ve done, we’re not agreeing”…. They are virtually trying to take our country ransom, as hostages, and blackmail the entire nation as a whole. Bill Clinton (democrat), left office with a huge govt. surplus, and Bush ran this country into the ground. Obama is working with the leftovers, and now the republicans would rather our country fall then for the current president to have any success… America…. Still holding on to racial tension since… well, forever. Shake my head.

  37. Southerner on October 1st, 2013 7:51 am

    So what? Most of the Federal government should be shut down any way. Do not put your trust in the Federal government.

  38. ME on October 1st, 2013 7:49 am

    Expect this to happen as long as the clown in the white house thinks hes a dictator, or king. Its his way or the highway, Sad that it took this long to try to stop the crap they (The Democrats) worked on behind closed doors and shoved down our throats when they ran all three branches of the gov. I’m sure all those with their hands out will blame us Republicans.

    Since when do the minorities make the rules for the majorities ?? When they have a clown in the White House, thats when.

  39. truthful on October 1st, 2013 7:31 am

    remember motto of president “never let a good crisis go to waste”

  40. fred on October 1st, 2013 7:20 am

    and put Grover Norquist, the unelected king of the far right, on a slow boat to China. Clean out the Capitol and the White House, and let’s elect citizen representatives instead of career opportunists on the take from special interests.

    Remember this next election – reelect no one.

  41. just saying on October 1st, 2013 7:10 am

    Honestly I wouldn’t care if they stayed shutdown. Everyone of them should go find a real job and do some real work.

  42. Now what on October 1st, 2013 7:03 am

    Now this has obviously went on long enough, for our government To come to a hault… Government officials pay should be cut to start with and the. The American people need to bind together and petition for Obama’s impeachment!

  43. Bob on October 1st, 2013 6:54 am

    Black mail doesn’t work anywhere!!!! Fire bonner.

  44. Wantmorforever on October 1st, 2013 6:39 am

    Great Job Mr. President!!! Congress good job at being his puppets! Voters great job on both. Non voters don’t say a word!! Everyone needs to apologize to all of our grandchildren now!

  45. Wantmorforever on October 1st, 2013 6:29 am

    Why do we keep voting these buffoons in. Starting at the top, the president should be ousted and right down to the last representative on the hill. Why does this country an the media keep sticking their heads in the sand when it comes to this administration and the current clowns leading this country straight into bankruptcy ?? If everyone would get as upset and outraged at the ineptness of their leaders as they
    do at waitresses and retail clerks when they have to wait an extra 10 minutes to get their meal they ordered or the cashier that kept them waiting in line 15 minutes to purchase unnecessary nonessential crap. We could really see some change in Washington. The next time you may want to freak out on someone that is trying to do a good honest days work and they just make a mistake. Take all that frustration and rage, pick up the phone and dial Washington where honesty and hard work is just a topic at an overpriced power lunch,and let someone know how angry you are about something that really. More important lets please vote knowing that you have researched issues and candidates.

  46. fred on October 1st, 2013 6:27 am

    they are ALL responsible, whether you like ACA or not, shutting down should not have happened. Re-elect no one!

  47. Bobbi on October 1st, 2013 6:13 am

    Well Well Well!!!! I guess we play on their terms and not what most Americans want, But some Americans put them there. obama, senators and congress will still get their huge pay and yes I used lowercase on them because I have no respect for them. America use to be admired and a place where you were proud to be from, now the other countries laugh at us. obama and the goverment need to be impeached now. If the goverment would quit raising their paychecks, they should not make more than 50,000 and pay SS and insurance. Most people do not know they will get this pay until they die and they do not pay SS or insurance yet they sit up there and make our laws. This country needs to get them out now

  48. 429SCJ on October 1st, 2013 6:04 am

    It is during times of crisis such as this that the Joint Chiefs need to assert their management skills.

    If you need help sirs, just give myself and many others a minute.

  49. Robert S. on October 1st, 2013 6:02 am

    Sounds like we have elected the Hatfields & McCoys to represent our nation.
    Maybe gang members feuding over whether the USA is Red Turf or Blue Turf.

    Sad State of the Nation when we cannot find leadership that will represent us as a People. It makes the USA look weak and wishy-washy and that is not how I like to view our country.

    When we allowed the government to eject GOD we were left with only self-serving persons in the Senate and House of NON-Representatives.

    My Nephew is out there on an aircraft carrier protecting our USA. I hope there are enough crumbs to throw to them while the flight deck is 140 degrees….

    Please God, bless America we sure need YOU to protect us from the idiots in Washington.

  50. Jane on October 1st, 2013 5:28 am

    So is it really the Republicans fault or is really all on Harry Reid?! Put the blame where it really belongs!