ECAT Union Reaches Deals, Workers Getting Multiple Raises

October 24, 2013

A deal has been reached with the union to avoid an ECAT strike and give workers multiple raises.

On Wednesday night the union members of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1395 approved and accepted a tentative agreement reached between the union negotiating team and the management of First Transit, which manages the Escambia County Area Transit bus system on behalf of the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners.

With the ratified agreement and 90 percent of the union membership approving it, a strike was adverted. ”

We are pleased that we reached an agreement and especially pleased that ECAT transit workers finally received security at the workplace and we can now continue our focus on improving and expanding our bus service for our bus riders” stated Union President / Business Agent Michael Lowery.

All union workers will receive a three percent across the board raise retroactive to October 1, and they will receive addition three percent raises in 2014 and 2015.

Transit workers wanted to be covered under the Florida State Retirement System, but that was not included in the package. But Lowery said the union and management agreed to work toward a transit authority to oversee mass transit in five county transit authority. Under such an authority in the Panhandle, ECAT workers would fall under the state retirement program.

Also under the new labor agreement, 401K contributions will increase to five percent and then six percent in 2015.

ECAT workers had not received a raise since 2008 and their prior labor agreement had been expired since 2010. The Union had set a strike date of this past Monday, but decided to continue negotiations instead.


12 Responses to “ECAT Union Reaches Deals, Workers Getting Multiple Raises”

  1. Mark T on October 26th, 2013 11:43 am

    6 percent match to 401k is ok but not as good as pension plan. 3 percent wage increase over three years amounts to around 1 dollar increase by the end of 2015.
    What I really would like to know is how much management makes…also why does co. comm. outsource management of ecat transit, but they took over county jail?

  2. Bk on October 26th, 2013 5:28 am

    I totally understand them wanting a raise if they haven’t have one since 2008. They are responsible for the safety of a lot of people, they deserve a raise. Plus, they drive in bad neighborhoods and deal with some shady people. But 6% on 401k? And raises 3 years in a row? It seem excessive, I just hate how union negotiations can turn into bullying the employer.

  3. c.w. on October 25th, 2013 5:02 am

    Everett on October 25th, 2013 1:22 am 30 cents an hour times 2,080 hrs (hours in a work year)
    = $624 a year,
    $52 a month,
    $2.60 a day.
    After taxes thats not much.

    Your right, its now much but its a lot more that the people on S.S. will get and they have to help pay for the ecats raise.

  4. Everett on October 25th, 2013 1:22 am

    30 cents an hour times 2,080 hrs (hours in a work year)
    = $624 a year,
    $52 a month,
    $2.60 a day.
    After taxes thats not much.

  5. Allen Downs on October 24th, 2013 11:54 pm

    Hell the Clerk of court employees have not had s raise in nine years ! And you are giving raises to people who drive buses that no one hardly rides .Go figure !.

  6. tallyho on October 24th, 2013 4:30 pm

    If you run for office in North West Florida you will have to run on a conservative Rep. Platform. Now is their anyway to check and see how long our so called Rep have been in the Rep. Party. Or did they come from some where else and change their Party to get elected. Because our leaders sure pass a lot of tax on the people. Pass taxes like a liberal Dem.

  7. Nick S. on October 24th, 2013 3:53 pm

    Wow,, Thats about a .30 cent per hour raise, what are they gonna do with all that extra money..

  8. Jay on October 24th, 2013 2:27 pm

    I plan to buy all my gasoline in either Alabama or Santa Rosa County starting in 2014 when this tax goes into effect. VOTE the ENTIRE County Commission OUT.

  9. Shame!! on October 24th, 2013 10:14 am

    Pure Shame!!! Cant fund the system that’s barely used so give the employees raises. FYI Those jags and Lexus cars you see parked at the end of the BOCC’s dilapidated, and failing jails parking lot across from ECAT. They belong to ECAT drivers! NOT jail staff. Why is there a bus stop two blocks from the main station in front of the old County Gulf Winds bank? Makes a lot of sense huh? I hate for anyone to struggle, but a bus driver for a failing system is not…I repeat IS NOT contributing to the safety, security, or education of this county. They/WE need to wake up!!!!

  10. URCAT on October 24th, 2013 8:31 am

    Well Van, perhaps you should tell our present administration. It seems the “local union” is in step with DC, get government to spend more money we do not have. Along with your ideas, raise the ticket price. It’s really not rocket science.

  11. troubled on October 24th, 2013 8:24 am

    Glad they got a pay raise. and the fact that we are paying for it. We pay higher gas price for empty buses to run and now they get a raise? WOW I AM IMPRESSED WITH THE GOVT. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry everyone is struggling and all can’t get pay raise..
    Me, just venting

  12. van on October 24th, 2013 7:47 am

    correct me if I am wrong, but we have to pay an additional gas tax so that ECAT can continue to run…but the drivers can get raises? If something is out of money, it generally isn’t the best idea to keep spending more and more money. Make cuts and make the program feasible to continue running or shut it down. It’s that simple.