Deputies: Drunken Century Man Arrested For Battery On Girlfriend, Offers Obama Excuse

October 23, 2013

A drunken disturbance in the middle of the street landed a Century man in jail, partially, he said, because President Obama believes law enforcement listens more to women.

John Henry Shiffner, 18, was charged with aggravated battery knowing the victim was pregnant and disorderly public intoxication.

Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a public disturbance in the intersection of Mayo and Front streets in Century late Saturday night. After deputies arrived, they reported Shiffner pacing back and forth in an agitated manner and cursing loudly. Deputies determined the disturbance was only verbal and sent Shiffner back to his home in the 7500 block of Mayo Street, accompanied by his 30-year old girlfriend.

After the couple rounded the corner, deputies could hear a loud disturbance. They responded, at which time Shiffner was detained in the back of a patrol car. Deputies reported the disturbance was loud enough that neighbors were gathering on their porches to watch.

Shiffner’s girlfriend, who is two and a half months pregnant with his child, said he had pushed her, causing her to land on her back on the ground. She refused medical treatment.

When deputies tried to question Shiffner in the back of their patrol vehicle, he began yelling at his girlfriend. When deputies explained her claim that he had pushed her, “he stated he did not touch her and then began rambling on about how Obama is right,” deputies reported.

“Obama said cops always listen to women,” Shiffner said, according to his arrest report.

Deputies were not able to determine where the 18-year old had obtained alcohol. His mother, according to the report, denied purchasing alcohol for him.


23 Responses to “Deputies: Drunken Century Man Arrested For Battery On Girlfriend, Offers Obama Excuse”

  1. momma on October 30th, 2013 9:28 am

    for everyone who dont know the whole truth need to stay out of it john is a good kid who needs guidance from people that care yea he may have problems but the last time i checked who dont have problems and people deal with them in different ways and for the 30 year old why cant she find someone her own age and leave all these young boys alone

  2. mom on October 28th, 2013 11:25 am

    trey is a good kid who had a death in the family and what people r saying is not the whole trueth to the story and he was drunk and fail but did not push anyone everyone has issues and he was not in his right state of mind he is a loving caring person who would not harm anyone just needs guideance

  3. David Huie Green on October 24th, 2013 6:13 pm

    drunks will be drunks and there is no reason to condemn their actions, since they don’t care.

    Note to those of you who are not drunks: If you wish to be respected, do not become a drunk.
    Note to those who wish to avoid becoming a drunk: Don’t drink.

    And if you DO decide to drink and you DO happen to become a drunk, just remember to blame someone else.

    David for remembering proper protocol

  4. Kimberly Gaona on October 24th, 2013 10:36 am

    I agree with JT!

  5. chris on October 24th, 2013 6:35 am

    yall need to stop and think and really get the hole story fron the hole day before you start talking crap and john (trey) as some people know him is a very good person he need to stop hang with the wrong people and that is that

  6. donnie on October 24th, 2013 4:43 am

    Ok from what I read here, nobody SAW Trey push this woman down. They heard them arguing and yelling and going by HER word that he pushed her and charged him with it. He says Obama is right because he said the police will take a woman’s word over a man’s and that seems to be what happened. Yes he was drinking under aged but from this article that and being loud is all that there is proof that he did wrong. This is not a bad kid, just been in bad situations. I have seen people on here defending people that get caught with child porn on their computers and having sex with under aged girls but want to bash on a kid for making a mistake. Cut the boy a break people, he needs one. All he needs is someone to care about him and not guide him the wrong way

  7. steph on October 23rd, 2013 11:57 pm

    dang a Jerry Springer sideshow episode..

  8. perdido fisherman on October 23rd, 2013 11:05 pm

    Baaahahaa JT your comment is hilarious, on another note, if this was a 30yr old man and an 18yr old woman you all would be calling for this mans head. Double standards as usual. I feel for the unborn child if these 2 cant get it together.

  9. Not an English Major on October 23rd, 2013 7:29 pm

    I do know the parties involved. I know his girlfriend didn’t buy his alcohol. I understand how some are questioning the ages of his girlfriend and him, but, his girlfriend is a very nice person that got herself mixed up in a bad situation. I pray for all involved and hope that this will teach him a lesson.

    To all of you that are bashing his “30″ year old girlfriend. Men date younger women all the time! Before you start judging others, judge yourself!

  10. Dave on October 23rd, 2013 3:33 pm

    Haha he said Obama was right? Ummm that’s wrong!

    If you can’t do anything right, just blame Bush! Obama does ;)

  11. Strained on October 23rd, 2013 1:32 pm

    This party and commotion was at 2 houses. There was several children under the age of 11 at this party whose mom should have got a babysitter for. There was several teens there drinking and ran when police pulled up. Fighting did happen you could here it way down the street at my house foul language and drugs were also involved . But what breaks my heart is the children that was there. Police have been called many times and nothing is done so now what do we do??????

  12. Melissa on October 23rd, 2013 12:36 pm

    An 18 year old MAN with an OLDER WOMAN????? Gasp!!! How…how IMMORAL!!!!
    SHeesh, people, get a grip.

    He’d be a sleazebag even if he had been with a woman his own age. She’s not keeping him from going to college, learning a trade or getting a job. He’d be doing exactly the same thing because that’s who HE is.

  13. Ben Thar on October 23rd, 2013 9:20 am

    Never talk politics with a drunk man.

  14. poohbear on October 23rd, 2013 8:30 am

    I don’t know either of the families but an 18 year old with a 30 year old is not good. He should be in school learning a trade and not drinking on street corners.

  15. Billy D on October 23rd, 2013 7:29 am

    Wow, 18 with a pregnant 30 year-old girlfriend? No wonder he was hammered!! Run forrest……RUN!!

  16. bewildered on October 23rd, 2013 7:01 am

    A 30 year old woman getting pregnant by a 18 year old kid! That alone is enough to qualify appearing on the Jerry Springer or Maury show. So sad for both kids, the 18 year old and the unborn one. Neither one has a chance to make something of themselves in life. .

  17. baebae on October 23rd, 2013 6:59 am

    Awful young to be starting out his life like this….an older girlfriend….baby on the way…(probably) not working…trouble with the law….he needs his soul saved and much prayer

  18. JT on October 23rd, 2013 6:40 am

    I think a mental evaluations is in order any time someone is rambling about how Obama was right.

  19. Jane on October 23rd, 2013 6:26 am

    This 18 year old “man” is headed down the wrong path and needs to make some better decisions.

  20. Concerned on October 23rd, 2013 6:21 am

    She should get away from him now and get her life together for her child.

  21. hey yo on October 23rd, 2013 1:44 am

    Trey, bro you have GOT to get yourself together! You aren’t a bad kid but you keep putting yourself in bad situations. Keep a clear head man!

  22. Jennifer Dockens on October 23rd, 2013 1:37 am

    Trey why cant you keep your crazy butt out of trouble?! Your sisters and family need you…be better than your dad please.And for God sake what are ya doin pushing on woman you crazy youngin. Love you sweetie your a good kid, & hope you get it together Gonna be praying for you…

  23. Ponch on October 23rd, 2013 1:18 am

    “Deputies were not able to determine where the 18-year old had obtained alcohol.”

    A safe bet would be from his 30-year old girlfriend.

    Keep it classy, Century…and when you can’t, just blame Obama :)