Driver Charged With Century Traffic Death Sentenced

October 15, 2013

A Brewton man that was charged with the traffic death of a woman in Century a year ago was sentenced to probation Monday.

A charge of vehicular homicide  was dropped against 53-year old James A. Richburg, and he pleaded no contest Monday to a charge of reckless driving causing serious bodily injury. Judge Jan Shackelford withheld adjudication as she sentenced Richburg to four years probation.

The Florida Highway Patrol said 50-year old Sara R. Daw of Flomaton was southbound on Highway 29 at Hudson Hill Road on October 10, 2012, when she stopped for a school bus that was stopped in the northbound lanes to pick up children.  Richburg was southbound  in a 2008 GMC Sierra pickup on Highway 29 when he failed to stop and rear-ended Daw’s 2001 Chevrolet  pickup.

Daw was transported by Escambia County EMS to Jay Hospital where she died later that morning. Richburg received only minor injuries.

Shackelford also sentenced Richburg to 100 hours of community service, 20 hours of which must be spent speaking to youth about distracted driving and speeding. If he complies with the terms of his probation, Richburg may apply to have it terminated after two years.

Pictured top and left: The driver of this white pickup, 50-year old Sara R. Daw of Flomaton died as a result of injuries received in a traffic crash the morning of October 10, 2012, in Century. Pictured below: The driver of this pickup, 53-year old James Richburg of Brewton  rear-ended Daw’s pickup. photos, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “Driver Charged With Century Traffic Death Sentenced”

  1. jeeperman on October 17th, 2013 3:45 pm

    The sheep are so easily led.

  2. phyllis on October 17th, 2013 10:49 am

    I Just can’T Believe Someone Wrote There Was No Difference Betwee DUI And Distracted Driving. Someone Chooses To Not Respect Life When They Drive Impaired With Drugs R Alcohol.When U Drop A Bottle In The Floor Especially Under Pedals We Automatically Reach Down To Pick It Up As To Not Let It Get Stuck Under Pedals. That Is Not Intentionally Driving Without Reguard For Life. Love Both Families Involved And Regret This Ever Happened. Remember No One Is Perfect. Living With This Is So Horrible. Both families Changed Forever.

  3. Rudy on October 17th, 2013 10:46 am

    Just a few years ago, a driver ran over my wifes father while he was on a bicyckle killing him instantly. That driver walked away with a simple ticket of careless or wreckless driving. Does anyone see equlity here? I dont see it, I believe this is called an ACCIDENT. Knowing Mr. Ricburg as I do, no sentence can ever compare to the one he gave himself.

  4. Cheryl on October 17th, 2013 9:37 am

    I cannot believe the negative words and throwing stones thats going on here. I can guarebtee we have reached down a hundred or more times to grab something…C’mon. It could have happened to anybody. Stop with the self-righeous stuff. We all know we are guilty of reaching back…texting….loooking down….eating…looking over to someone…and its not because we are better drivers. We just need to thank our Lord that it hasnt happened to us. Yes, it was a horrible tragedy. Not denying that at all. But wouldnt you want mercy extended to you?…If YOU would have done it.?..If you hit someone?…while you were eating? texting? dialing a number? Looking over to talk to someone? Reaching down or back to grab something? Think about it!

  5. paul on October 16th, 2013 8:47 pm

    A Big Yellow school bus stopped with red flashing lights.. One driver stops because it’s the law and they’re children crossing.. Another driver FAILS to notice his surroundings and rear ends the other driver killin Her.. I’m just sayin the facts.. People should take driving like their life depends on it.. One way or another.. You Kill.. You go to jail.. If those were the rules our roads would be safer for all.. That includes your loved ones :)

  6. curious on October 16th, 2013 7:15 pm

    To daddy’s girl & believing in you, yes it could happen to any of us, it doesn’t take away the fact that yrs, he did kill that lady, regardless of the circumstances & if you got to hand your kid something let someone else in the vehicle do it or pull over, you don’t have to try to kill your self & your family or anybody else’s for that matter. Just saying

  7. believing in you on October 16th, 2013 2:22 pm

    People are judging someone they don’t know. What if this was you? What if you, your Momma, your Daddy, or someone close, looked off road or reached to hand a child in the back seat something and that split second reaction you hit another vehicle? This could happen to ANYONE. No alcohol involved just an accident that you would have to live with forever. And trust me he is. Both families have suffered this past year and now lets let the past stay there. Some will still argue so go ahead and keep stirring the pot. I pray for peace for BOTH families.

  8. daddysgirk on October 16th, 2013 11:35 am

    People should know what happened and all details before they decide to get on here and make hurtful comments! He was not texting and driving and it actually had nothing to do with a cell phone. What happened to Tony could happen to any of us, so be careful before you get on here and decide to judge someone. He didn’t kill anyone!!

  9. FavNiece on October 16th, 2013 8:46 am

    Those who know and love Tony Richburg know the truth behind all of this. We love you!!!!

  10. jay on October 15th, 2013 10:52 am

    We were driving on hwy 87 outside by Holland Farms and a girl hit us and didn’t even stop to see if we were ok or hurt. She was speeding and just left us there. Well we were hurt even my 2yr old grandson was hurt. It would have been nice if she would have been responsible and stopped.

  11. paul on October 15th, 2013 10:36 am

    I don’t like how distracted driving isn’t looked upon like a DUI.. People are dyin from both and only the drinkers are being punished like they should. When you pick up a phone while you’re driving it should be just like you picked up a bottle to have a drink.. The end result is the same..

  12. c.w. on October 15th, 2013 10:14 am

    LEO, I know from personal experience that shackleford is a very poor judge that can and has been bought. She needs to go. Poor excuse for a judge.

  13. Mary Neal Blait on October 15th, 2013 9:40 am

    @429SCJ Yes “Tony” & James Anthony Richburg are the same person. I know him as just Tony. He’s a wonderful person, & my pastor. This has been hard on him, but he trusts & loves The Lord, & HE WILL get Tony thru this.

  14. Love from Grove Hill for all on October 15th, 2013 8:58 am

    YES, James Anthony Richburg does equal “TONY”. GOD values him so much more than I or you or anyone who knows him could ever. And trust me my family values him highly. AND PLEASE PEOPLE, those who don’t know the whole situation, this was a tragedy to the Daw family that our love for each of them could not comfort, and for Bro. Tony’s family for the past year, and for the remainder of their lives. I lived in the Flomaton area for 20 years and knew Sara and some of her children and I counted her a friend. Woody and my son where classmates and friends, I just really met Candy weekend before last but I know how much they miss her. I lost my mother when I was 20 years old (to a heart attack) and that was hard NOT in anyway comparing this to an accident but either way the pain never goes away. But the memories somehow take over and the joy returns. MY friend and pastor I LOVE YOU and give GOD the glory. Daw family I love you and remember Sara is still watching over you!

  15. LEO on October 15th, 2013 8:13 am

    @ Shiloh Judge Shackleford is one of the BEST consistent Judges that we have in Circuit 1- You do not know the circumstances surrounding the verdict/sentencing. People are so quick to jump to conclusions without knowing the facts.
    In any case, my condolences to the family of the deceased and please be careful on the road- No texting- Keep your eyes on the road. It could save a life, your life!

  16. 429SCJ on October 15th, 2013 7:39 am

    @Mary Neal Blair, who is Tony?

    Does James A. Richburg = Tony???

  17. Mary Neal Blair on October 15th, 2013 5:53 am

    We love you Tony!
    Folks this is a fine man, a wonderful Pastor, he loves life, his church, his family/friends & most importantly his Father, God!!
    To know him is to love him, & I’m proud to say I do. God bless you Tony!!!!

  18. shiloh on October 15th, 2013 4:52 am

    Probation for killing a law abiding citizen? Shackelford fails again and should be voted out as a judge.

  19. Jane on October 15th, 2013 4:11 am

    There are a lot of people out there who are not paying attention to their driving. They are on their cell phones or in a hurry to get somewhere. Please folks, watch your driving out there…your mistake could cost someone their life, and you are driving a lethal weapon.