County To Enforce ‘No Trucks’ On 95A; Seek Red Light At 29 & 97

October 11, 2013

Escambia County will crack down and enforce “no truck” zones on Crabtree Church Road and the northernmost portion of Highway 95A in Molino. And, in a related move, the county will petition the Florida Department of Transportation to install a red light at the intersection of Highway 29 and Highway 97.

The “No Truck” signs have been in place on both roadways for years, but the county commission never voted to make the truck prohibition official.

On a motion from District 5 Commissioner Steven Barry, the Escambia County Commission voted in a committee meeting Thursday afternoon to make the no truck zones official on the length of Crabtree Church Road from Highway 97 to Sunshine Hill Road, and on Highway 95A from Highway 97 north to Highway 29. Once the vote is ratified in a regular commission meeting, the no truck provision will be in place and legally enforceable, Assistant County Administrator Larry Newsom said.

Numerous trucks, despite the “No Truck” signs, use the northern section of Highway 95A to avoid turning from Highway 29 to Highway 97 in order to reach Highway 95A, Newsom said. With the high average vehicle speed through the 29 and 97 intersection, it’s difficult for loaded semi trucks to make the turn, he said, and trucks in the Highway 29 southbound turn lane can make it difficult to see other southbound traffic for drivers headed north.

Newsom said county officials will arrange a meeting with DOT officials to make the red light request for the Highway 29 and  Highway 97 intersection based upon the truck problem and the number of other crashes and injuries that have occurred there.

Except for a few home-based businesses, there are no commercial locations on the northern stretch of Highway 95A. It’s a quiet residential area. Just over two dozen residents recently presented the commission with a petition asking that the posted “No Truck” signs be enforced.

The residents also expressed concern over an exemption issued to one local truck company that allowed their trucks to use the northern part of Highway 95A despite the no truck ban.

On November 4, 2009, Newsom, in the position of division manager for the county’s traffic operations, issued a letter to Kay Campbell granting an exemption to C&C Hauling and American Concrete Supply.

That exemption, Newsom said, will no longer apply to the company once the commission ratifies the no truck prohibition.

Pictured: The driver of dump truck operated by a Milton company ignores a “No Truck” sign on Highway 95A in Molino Thursday afternoon. Pictured inset: The Florida Highway Patrol attributed this August 2012 crash at the intersection of Highway 29 and Highway 97 to a visibility issue caused by a semi truck in the southbound turn lane from Highway 29 to Highway 97. Pictured below: Truck drivers, like this one Thursday afternoon, use Highway 95A as a means to avoid the Highway 29 and Highway 97 intersection. photos, click to enlarge.


45 Responses to “County To Enforce ‘No Trucks’ On 95A; Seek Red Light At 29 & 97”

  1. JOHN BODIE on October 12th, 2013 10:44 pm

    Sometimes We pick on Farmers for driving Their tractors to slow , and I bet if the log truck or dump truck was doing the speed limit We would not like that if We were behind Him or Her. Lets just have something to raise cane about and leave them alone. Lol. works for Me. Or We can raise cane and maybe They will shut down the company and one of Us or a family member will lose Their job. Or We can be careful on those roads. And trucking companies do pay tax also…be careful what You ask for..

  2. Somethings gotta give on October 12th, 2013 10:03 pm

    I wish they would ban trucks on Jacks Branch!!!!!!!! I seriously fear for my life daily when driving down that road!! Log trucks have zero regard for speed or others safety and its only a matter of time before someone is very badly hurt or killed. I dread having my kids in the car when Im going down that road. Not to mention I’m on my 3rd windshield this year due to the rocks they throw when swerving around corners!!!

  3. ABC on October 12th, 2013 8:50 pm

    Thank you 3rd of 3 piga, and No excuses for spelling it out for some people, I didnt realize that there would be folks who needed clarification of common sense…… Naturally the roads cant be closed to garbage trucks, power trucks, and service vehicles, and needs for landholders, but if folks dont realize a logging truck weights approx 80,000 lbs and they do tremendous damage to ur small briges that specify weightallowance, etc. semis fully loaded are defiitely a weight danger also, gads, just cause we live in the country???? doesnt mean we have to abuse it.

  4. Interesting on October 12th, 2013 7:09 pm

    Thoughts to ponder…
    How many permits have these companies paid for, how many inspections have these companies been thru, how many applications have they had to get approved, how many hoops have they Been forced to jump thur, to get approval from the county to put the business in? The county didn’t refuse their permit or their money, so why make it illegal to drive on the road right in front of their business now?

    And I am not relative of any one of the businesses on that road…I’m just thinking logically….

  5. Teresa Tipton on October 12th, 2013 5:01 pm

    You do realize DOT is not exclusive to Hwy 29 .They stop truckers on 95-A also. The issue is not just the truckers unsafe driving , Impatient people always in a hurry that causes most of these wrecks. The weigh station is not always maned Let’s keep to the issue of a few people want a exclusive neighbor hood that every one pays for that streach of road and turning on 97 has became dangerous for all people Let calmer heads prevail and talk out the issues before drawing a conclusion

  6. Debbie Gulsby on October 12th, 2013 3:50 pm

    Hwy29 /97 needs a light ,Do not understand why that wasn’t done along time ago ,lve lived in this community all my life an know the lifes of many people that have been lost there now our children cross that dangerous entersection every day going to school!Lord knows we’ve payed enough taxes to have this done its only common sense.

  7. still wondering on October 12th, 2013 12:22 pm

    Still waiting for one of the “pro-truckers” to justify why a logging truck going to the paper mill needs to use 45mph 2 lane 95A instead of 4 lane 65mph 29. Surely they must just want to take the scenic route and it has nothing to do with the fact that it happens to bypass the DOT check point.

  8. 429SCJ on October 12th, 2013 9:07 am

    @Neighbor, I have been here, excepting military service, since 1966.

    I do not know where you are from or how you were raised, but by my standards people with upbringing do not get out on a Sunday morning with a jackhammer.

    I do agree though that it takes all sorts to make a world.

  9. common sense on October 12th, 2013 8:31 am

    If the trucks would slow down, this would have never been an issue. I have seen them coming around curves so fast they are almost on two wheels. The red light should have been done ALONG time ago, too many cars going 15 different directions at once.

  10. neighbor on October 12th, 2013 8:17 am

    @ 429SCJ…..that area you live is zoned industrial…….hello , did you think about that before you moved there? Most people don’t live in an industrial area for a reason!!

  11. David Huie Green on October 12th, 2013 8:17 am

    My buddy, Bodie’s right. Wrecks are not caused by vehicles or the roads they go on. They are caused by drivers of vehicles on those roads.
    They think they have to go NOW without thinking how that might get somebody (including themselves) killed.

    I respect the drivers who divert to avoid congestion and the ones who show other consideration for other drivers.

    Only fines and jail can help the inconsiderate who think they HAVE the right of way whether anyone else has yielded it or not.


    David for living drivers

  12. 429SCJ on October 12th, 2013 5:14 am

    The whole point of having the industrial park on hwy 29 was to move these businesses to a central location, however they are scattered all over creation.
    Nobody seems interesting in moving to the park.

    Tighten the zoning and consolidate these businesses to specified areas. This shooting gallery of heavy trucks roaring down the highway with Jimmy blowers screaming is getting old.

    Moreover Sunday morning at 9am is not a good time to chip concrete out of a mixer with a jackhammer. It sounds like a Browning M2.50cal machinegun. People around McKenzie Rd and Eastman Lane pay taxes too.

  13. Frank Marquis on October 12th, 2013 5:06 am

    Just wanted to add something, this stretch of road in question here is no longer than 1 to 1 1/2 miles long perfectly flat and straight till it turns out to hwy 29 north, you can see from one end to the other so if there is a school bus coming you have plenty of time to stop theres no danger what so ever ! And I can tell you as t person that has driven trucks for more than 30 years that what Mrs. Campbell is saying completely true the other routes suggested will get someone killed ! Just how many wrecks do we see yearly at 29 and 97 , Molino rd. and 29 , Barrineau park rd and 29. and Quinette and 29 ! THE Quinette and 29 intersection is in a 65 mph curve on a hill ,,really cross right there you have lost your mind and the other end at 95a is just as bad and on a steep incline! @95a and Barrineau park that intersection is in the middle of a curve and has a low weight bridge ! Molino cross rd. is hard to cross safely in a car and you want to loaded trucks through there, and that road is very narrow and you have to take up all the lanes to swing out and go south on 95a ! At everyone of these intersections there have been to many wrecks to count with cars on cars and you want to put all that truck traffic in the mix just so you can have no trucks come past your home you all should be ashamed to put that many people lives at risk just because you think your special ! With a loaded truck you just can’t jet across-ed these intersection, if this passes people will lose their lives just watch and see !

  14. Everett on October 12th, 2013 12:04 am

    Beulah road north of the landfill needs enforcing. the bridge is only rated at 22 tons. Most loaded load are 40 tons.

    Pine cone road between 9 mile and 297 is a marked no truck road and there is a trucking company on that road. Go figure.

  15. Stopyourwhining on October 11th, 2013 11:17 pm

    Seriously, you people must sit on your porches all day stalking trucks. So tired of hearing how these trucks need to slow down, most of these trucks are turned down by the company and can’t go over 65 mph. People, stop pulling out in front of trucks and then crying that they are on your rear. Trucks can’t stop as fast as a car, it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. When the products you buy in the store, can’t be kept in stock…blame yourself! Sick of hearing truck drivers getting blamed for everything, I feel safer around a truck than I do your average driver texting going down the road. And truck drivers can be fined up to 2700.00 for talking on the phone or texting, so don’t even start blaming truck drivers for all the texting accidents. Maybe if car drivers would get the same hefty fine that truck drivers do, they would stop talking & texting.

  16. Kay Campbell on October 11th, 2013 11:16 pm

    My family owns the trucking company that was given the exemption to travel Hwy 95A North. The reason we were given the exemption was because my trucks were causing a safety hazard, when traveling south on Hwy.29 , they were trying to turn east (left) on the Atmore cutoff (Hwy 97). When doing this it created traffic jammed because the cars headed north , turning to go towards Atmore could not see around the trucks waiting to turn. Therefore making some angry drivers that called my business and voice their anger several times a week. At this point I called Larry Newsome and voiced my concerns about the safety issue concerning my trucks….he said no problem, we will grant you an exemption to travel through there. That was four years ago….no problems, no wrecks , no one killed. Well the homeowners on that stretch again , brought a petition to the county commissioners to halt all truck traffic. I was at that meeting last Thursday night….and I quote one of them” I don’t care about their safety , I just don’t want trucks coming by my house.” Well , I do care about safety , there is no load of sand, gravel , or concrete that is worth someone losing their life!!! The County Commission will vote Thursday night Oct.17th @ 5:00 pm on Palafox St. next door to the Old Court House to ratify the motion to make this a no truck road. Come & speak up…..this is your community!! The county’s solution is to bring my trucks down (1) Molino Rd. & turn right @ 95A (when making that turn in a eighteen wheeler it would take up both lanes of traffic) (2) turn on Barrineau Park Rd and come to 95A (which I can’t do ,there is a bridge with a 24 ton weight limit on that road) (3) turn on Quintette Rd. and come out @ 95A which is more dangerous than any of the three. So we are going to put peoples lives in danger so these select individuals can have the luxury of not having any trucks go by their house…..what is wrong with our county commissioners, do they not work for ALL the people of Escambia County or just a chosen few…..what roads are next?? If you don’t believe what I’m saying….go online watch the commission meetings for yourself !! This is nuts… should come BEFORE convenience!!!

  17. JOHN BODIE on October 11th, 2013 11:03 pm

    Roads and trucks don’t cause wrecks , people do….I drive through there everyday on 29 and 97 for the last 5 problem…look where you are going and be careful…

  18. Puddin on October 11th, 2013 9:46 pm

    I have no opinion about the trucks. But the light is a great idea! Especially when schools lets out. 15+ buses trying to turn or cross from Molino Park first, then the middle and high schools a few hours later. Super dangerous.

  19. think on October 11th, 2013 8:57 pm

    Do you or have you ever used paper? It is made from wood and was hauled by a truck. Actually, look around you. Practically everything you see was at sometime transported by a truck. Be thankful for trucks and truck drivers!

    If you bought it, a truck brought it!

  20. Teresa Tipton on October 11th, 2013 8:15 pm

    Hwy 95-A was the old 29 I have lived here to see Hwy29 flooded many times and 95-A was used as the way around . When have you seen 95-A flooded? Like some have said the truckers have a right on these roads . Their owners pay more road taxes than any one of us. Yes they can be dangerous yes some bend the rules but don’t tell me you don’t either. They say the safest way is a turn circle which takes a lot of land and more taxes The truck drivers live in these areas and have to drive home. Next you will say not on Jacksbranch Rd. What? Aren’t they fixing to build a subdivision and shopping center? How do you think the wood would be removed? There is a solution but not banning trucks. You would be hard pressed to make a living without them using these roads The wood does not all come from one area and the concrete, dump trucks , UPS ,

    moving &storage FedEx etc. Would not be able to deliver if you ban all roads to them. Think with a clear head

  21. Jimbo on October 11th, 2013 7:34 pm

    As for the tricking companies on 95A,,If the complaining people want to pay for them to move there businesses fine,,,If not then i’m sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Jimbo on October 11th, 2013 7:32 pm

    Put up the red light and tear down the weight station and call off the DOT and everybody will be happy. The main thing is safety!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Riddle Me This on October 11th, 2013 7:14 pm

    Food for thought, I have a question. If these roads in question were never voted on as a law to be a “No Truck” road by the county commission , then those signs were placed there illegally to begin with. Sounds to me that some of the local residents has friends that have been abusing their authority to get these no truck signs put on there road without approval of the county commission. Therefore every ticket that has been written for every truck that has traveled this road should be reimbursed, because by law, this signs were illegally posted because it wasnt legally deemed as law to be a no truck road . There needs to be an investigation as to how these signs got put there if they were not approved by the county commission.

  24. Dana Drexler on October 11th, 2013 6:46 pm

    Same enforcement that we get on West Roberts and Pine Forest north of 297? Which is none! Who is supposed to enforce the no truck Zones on County Roads?

  25. Frank Marquis on October 11th, 2013 6:32 pm

    Well I did not realize I had to break down my comment for the 3 pigs so let me expound a little on my comment ! Yes most of the log truck are hauling paper wood going south to the mill for paper products, if you read my complete comment what I was saying that we all use products made from wood including bath room tissue to computer paper and some log truck are going north to the log mill to make lumber and plywood to build home. I wood assume the the 3 pigs home was first framed with wood before the big truck came and delivered the bricks ! Also as for north 95A being a subdivision it’s not ! When I was growing up That road was the only road going north to Century and all traffic went right up and down your street everyday and there are still businesses that depend on that road every day ! As much as you don’t want to hear this it is the safest way to get on 95 a going south ! now if there is a trucker driving in a manor that endangers others thats a job for ECSO to deal with and is loggers a just going around the weigh station thats a job for for the D.O.T. to deal with so get busy with that! As for going north on 95a I think it is safe for the big trucks to go 97 to hwy 29 and go north from there that would cut half the traffic ! If D.O.T. stops the logger that will cut another 25% now your down to 25% of what you currently deal with and there is still a safe route south from hwy 29 to 95 a south !

  26. melodies4us on October 11th, 2013 3:34 pm

    I am against a red light at the intersection of 29 and 97. There is already a caution light here. It would be even more confusing to drivers and create the same situation we have at the corner of Morris Ave. And Hwy 29 in Cantonment, where drivers all assume they have the right away just because the light is green.

  27. BrattBrat on October 11th, 2013 12:53 pm

    What about North Highway 99? There has been no truck signs up on this road from Hwy 97 to the state line since the early 1980’s! The signs are ignored on a daily basis and have been since installed. The heavy trucks coming from the Canoe, Al and Atmore area headed toward Pensacola use this road on a daily basis. Then you add the school bus traffic with the trucks and it’s a disaster waiting to happen! I don’t have a problem with the local truck traffic that have business or live along 99N. This road is in bad enough shape without them making it worse! Were just as much a part of District 5 as the voters on 10 mile road are! Were just out of sight out of mind!

  28. No Excuses on October 11th, 2013 10:54 am

    Yes, I see this as a way to reduce unnecessary traffic on roads that were not constructed for heavy equipment, etc. on a regular basis. Highway 29 is constructed for that as part of the US highway system, and that’s why there is an inspection/weigh station there, as well as federal funds to maintain the road. The drivers that use alternate roads to dodge the rules are the ones I am interested in seeing ticketed and fined, not the truckers hauling legitimate loads to construction sites, etc. Everyone has a right to use the roads – but in a responsible and legal manner. It helps keep all of us out of trouble!

  29. John on October 11th, 2013 9:30 am

    The NO TRUCK rule only applies to trucks that have no business on that road. If you are hauling or picking up something for an address on that road you are authorized to use it. If you have no reason for being on that road you will get a ticket one the law is passed.

  30. 3rd of 3 pigs on October 11th, 2013 9:16 am

    Frank…..I don’t know what your house is made of but mine is made of bricks. Maybe yours is made of small pulp wood grade pine trees with the bark still on them, but I doubt it. If a truck has legitimate business inside of an exclusion zone (delivering building materials) then they can legally enter the zone. Logging trucks taveling south on 29 to the paper mill are only using 95A to avoid the DOT stop.

  31. curious on October 11th, 2013 8:59 am

    Also, if someone is considering building a business or home, if you don’t like the law, then don’t buy the property or if you’ve already purchased but not built, resell it, it is the owners responsibility to find out any restrictions, this maybe is a new law, but in my book, the signs were already out years ago & therefore, they took advantage, & maybe bought property assuming trucks could continue using road & nobody would do anything about it. Well, when I see a road sign, it tells me to go by the law, I don’t assume, well it’s here but law hasn’t passed, so I can’t get a ticket, come on people, wake up, your mommas didn’t raise this many idiots.

  32. tlad on October 11th, 2013 8:14 am

    Thank you, Commissioner Barry, for hearing our pleas!! But, don’t stop at the northern section of 95A. . .the section south of Quintette is just as bad! Thank you!!

  33. GAM on October 11th, 2013 7:42 am

    The trucks use 95-A only to avoid the weigh station just north of Neal road on hwy 29. If there is gonna be enforcement of the NO TRUCKS it needs to extend down towards Quintette road. The interesection of 97 and 29 will now be used more by trucks still trying to get to 95 to avoid the weigh station.

  34. D on October 11th, 2013 7:40 am

    I totally agree with “Tiredofit”, the drivers turning off 29 into Tom Thumb are causing issues with people doing the “right thing”, and the drivers leaving Tom Thumb and turning north across 29 into the north bound lane, are doing so illegally, there is a sign, be it on the ground, saying no left turn, and could say more, but I won’t!

  35. bama54 on October 11th, 2013 7:31 am

    What happens next? If you want the north end to grow, we are going to need some exceptions to this new rule/law! If you’re building a home or business in this area, there should be some type of exemption during the building process. Some one needs to address this issue!!

  36. Tiredofit on October 11th, 2013 7:20 am

    The problem at 29 & 97 is NOT just truckers. People have no clue how to drive or who has the right of way at what time. Furthermore NO cars should be entering the Tom Thumb from Hwy 29, period.

  37. Margielu on October 11th, 2013 7:06 am

    Please extend the enforcement along ALL of 95A! So many trucks use 95A as a bypass to Hwy 29 to avoid DOT inspection, and they are a speeding, danger to bicyclists trying to obey traffic rules on 95A. I personally witness WAY too many logging trucks, concrete trucks, huge semi trucks exit into 95A at Morris Rd near Porky’s Pizza, only to get back on 29 north of Quintette Rd. later. I drive that route frequently, and they need to be banned or DOT or Hwy Patrol/ECSO needs an inspection station at Quintette to combat the dragging binders, untagged log haulers, speeding and other dangers to traffic.

  38. jeeperman on October 11th, 2013 6:56 am

    So let me get this straight…………..if you get a ticket for something it might not really be a valid ticket because the BoC never voted to make it “official”.
    Or why were these signs ever posted if they were never “officially” approved ?

    Pet Peeve: How come they can’t put two or three signs on one post?
    Versus three signs, three posts in about 20 feet?
    Looks ugly, cost money, etc.

  39. creekbather on October 11th, 2013 6:12 am

    Theres room for the trucks and not much room in thatarea for change.slow the trucks , slow the trucks,

  40. Carolyn Bramblett on October 11th, 2013 5:32 am

    The ECUA also let their contractors use our road which also has a ‘no truck’ sign for their building of the new pipeline. The huge trucks carrying huge tractors, etc. was pretty shocking. They had to make three turns to come down our road from HWY 29. I don’t think that’s even legal.

  41. Frank Marquis on October 11th, 2013 4:39 am

    You know it’s funny that every time a new home is built or a lot is cleared for new construction you want big trucks to come down your road! All the trucks talked about in this story are hauling the necessary products to build those new homes and businesses that we all either live in or work for or go to to buy all the things you want to make your happy life move forward ! Not to mention every home on these roads that were built, just think how many trucks went up and down those roads to build them! Your welcome! Just saying! As far as the Red light at 97 and 29 I have wondered how many wrecks does it take for the county to say hey we should put a red light there! if you ever had to cross that intersection in a loaded truck you would understand why so many truck cut through these other road to get to their destination, it’s a safety reason and could be the very reason many are still a live ! Because the chose safety over you peace and quite! Just saying!

  42. 429SCJ on October 11th, 2013 4:21 am

    There needs to be better zoning and specified truck routes for all the northend..

    Some of these trucks could use a governor box or a new driver. Some..

    The paper mill needs to reroute it’s operations to the rear of the mill and free up highway 29, especially during peak commute hours.

  43. Jane on October 11th, 2013 3:58 am

    These trucks on Hwy. 95A do not slow down if someone in front of them is turning. Several people have almost been hit while turning. They will tailgate you so closely that you can’t see anything except the grill on your bumper! It is past time to get them to slow down to the speed limit!
    The intersection of 97 and Hwy 29 has many accidents every month because people/trucks are speeding and people are trying to get onto 29 or across it. It is a dangerous intersection.

  44. Chuck Brewer on October 11th, 2013 2:59 am

    They should make no car zones. 90% of truck / car accidents are the cars fault.

  45. ABC on October 11th, 2013 2:15 am

    Perhaps the county could eliminate the heavy trucks like loggers etc.crossing the bridges on Molino and Sunshine Hill rds. thats why they have to be replaced so often.