County Set To Contribute $40K To Century Chamber Of Commerce

October 14, 2013

The Escambia County Commission is set to contribute financially to the operation of the Century Area Chamber of Commerce.

The commission will vote Thursday on a $40,000 contribution to the Century Chamber for the retention and expansion of existing industries and recruitment of new businesses to the area. The allowance will be payable monthly.

The county will make the contribution from the county’s economic development fund for the 2013-14 fiscal year.

Escambia County already contributes to the operation of the Pensacola Chamber of Commerce. Escambia County has not contributed to the operation of the Century Chamber in several years. Escambia County did contribute funds years ago to the Century Chamber. They first received $50,000 to purchase their current office location, then another $50,000 to renovate the building, and finally $50,000 for furnishings and to pave the parking lot.


3 Responses to “County Set To Contribute $40K To Century Chamber Of Commerce”

  1. Wilmagibson on October 15th, 2013 12:02 am

    A complete waste of money! What has happened to all the businesses that were going to locate in Century?

  2. Bratt Mom on October 14th, 2013 11:26 am

    Their is a very dedicated gentleman not even from Century that works very hard for the “Century Chamber of Commerce” to make “Century” a better place to live if people would stop tearing up all the new work that they do in “Century.” I guess no one takes any pride where our hero athelete “Mr. Anthony Pleasant” comes from. I’m very proud of that and also “Mr. Buck Showalter” comes from Century as well. “Anthony” has played for some hard teams and has a “Super Bowl Ring” as the result of his success. Buck has taken loosing teams and made them winners in the (“World Series). If they fix the city of Century, please take care of your city and the inprovements they make. My. Ripley keep doing what your doing to help them in “Century.” Thanks for your help and interest in the city of “Century.)

  3. Heather on October 14th, 2013 12:36 am

    This is wonderful news! The city deserves the support and the chamber is led by wonderful leaders of the Century community.