Cool Pics: Hummingbird Moth

October 11, 2013

Sheila Bryan first thought hummingbirds were visiting the goldenrods blooming in her backyard, but with a closer look discovered she was actually looking at hummingbird moths. The moth has a hovering behavior and an audible humming noise which makes it look remarkably like a hummingbird while it is feeding on flowers. Submitted photos by Sheila Bryan for, click to enlarge.


18 Responses to “Cool Pics: Hummingbird Moth”

  1. Teresa Rimer on September 26th, 2021 8:54 am

    So glad I found this post. Saw three on a bush on St George isla this week and had no idea what they were

  2. Deb on June 30th, 2015 9:36 pm

    Does anyone know what type of hummingbird moth this is? I understand there are several types and this is the first pic I have seen that matches the ones that visit our flower bed every evening.

  3. creeped out on October 12th, 2013 12:49 pm

    those things freak me out immensely! my cats have caught several on our back porch.

  4. S. Bryan on October 12th, 2013 6:08 am

    William is correct. It was a point and shoot Canon Powershot SX100 IS. (8 mega pixel). I did put it on the macro setting for close up photos.

  5. David Huie Green on October 11th, 2013 5:51 pm

    yep, still cute

  6. carol carter on October 11th, 2013 1:45 pm

    this is the only moth that comes out in the day light..I researched it but didn’t put it in favorites….now gress what…they come from the…tomato horn worm…right those giant green worms that strip the tomato plants…now they aren’t so cute are they?

  7. northendbratt on October 11th, 2013 1:20 pm

    There must be alot of these in the Bryans’ feild because it is full of this yellow stuff,it’s beautiful! And it’s good to know,finally,what this moth is called. We have a funny looking bee around our fig tree that I would love to have a name for. It looks like the jet black bee that is harmless but has a black and gold tail where the stinger would be?

  8. Lisa on October 11th, 2013 12:17 pm

    I admit, I guess I was wrong about the type of camera that was used, but usually, you don’t get as good quality pic. with those compared to the slr’s

  9. Molino Wife on October 11th, 2013 11:12 am

    How cool. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Kiki on October 11th, 2013 9:54 am

    We get them every year. They LOVE our moonflowers! We get so many at once that it looks like some sort of plague! They get even bigger than that too!

  11. William on October 11th, 2013 9:54 am

    >>I would say she is using a Cannon rebel digital slr, or Nikon @ least a 8 mp, but gonna say a 12, but not the point & shoot, some people will argue & say theirs does just as good but they do not.

    According to the data in the photo, it was a point and shoot Canon Powershot SX100 IS.

  12. Lisa on October 11th, 2013 9:11 am

    I would say she is using a Cannon rebel digital slr, or Nikon @ least a 8 mp, but gonna say a 12, but not the point & shoot, some people will argue & say theirs does just as good but they do not.

  13. Perry on October 11th, 2013 8:26 am

    Great Pictures!

  14. Lin on October 11th, 2013 6:41 am

    Great pictures!

  15. Robert S. on October 11th, 2013 6:07 am

    WOW…..I have never seen these before.
    Amazing photos, so clear can even see the tongue of the moth while feeding on the flowers.
    Wonder what type camera was used?
    Thank you, Ms. Bryan for sharing…..

  16. Fran Odom-Tuz on October 11th, 2013 6:05 am

    My goodness……was sitting in the yard late afternoon… just dark thirty… and saw what I thought was a Hummingbird…………but not… just a little to heavy in the middle and the color being brown……….first thought moth…. but I never got up real close to look……..we all decided it was a Hummingbird. Could not understand why this was out in the early evening…….generally just before dusk… the Hummingbirds……..are not around……..Glad to know … what this was… Thanks

  17. Don on October 11th, 2013 5:05 am

    we found a dead one on our back porch one time,thought it was a deformed hummingbird…

  18. Willene Bryan on October 11th, 2013 4:24 am

    Great photo