Children Of The Swamp: Author To Promote Book Set In Escambia River Swamp

October 17, 2013

A Chicago-area author will discuss his book set in the Escambia River swamps at several local libraries.

Author J. Ferdinand Rizza will promote his book “Children of the Swamp” at three West Florida Public Library locations:

- Friday, October 18 – Tryon Branch Library, 11am-12 noon
- Friday, October 18 – Molino Branch Library, 2-3pm
- Saturday, October 19 – Main Library, 11am-12 noon
- Saturday, October 19 – Southwest Branch Library, 2-3pm

From the publisher:

“Children of the Swamp” Author, J.F. Rizza has set out to not only accomplish his personal best in the writing of this novel, but also to accomplish his personal best in his quest to land the fish of a lifetime. He knew the moment he entered the realm of the swamp that a novel was eminent. However, he did not originally set out with the intention of writing a novel. Instead the novel seemed to seek him out and demanded of him to be written.

The story begins as our main character, a poet, attempts to break a bad case of writer’s block by taking a peaceful hiatus in Florida. Being unfamiliar with the region and its people, he accepts an invitation to go fishing with two locals and soon finds himself venturing out into the Escambia River basin alone with these newly found acquaintances. As he finds himself traveling further and further out into this vast wilderness, he realized his vulnerability and dependency on these swamp-folk. Thus the story unfolds.

With his writer’s block broken, his prose and poetry flow freely throughout the text, coloring it and drawing you the reader deeper and deeper into the spirit of the swamp. The adventure grows as does his understanding of the swamp, its people and its pitfalls. The focus now being on his new found obsession, fishing for that monster of a catch, is the stuff of which legends are made.

Rizza’s writing style is captivation, colorful and rich in metaphor. His sense of character development is outstanding, and the storyline believable. Some of what you read will be very new to you, and much of it you will relate to quite readily. Fisherman, naturalists, campers, survivalists and readers with an interest in prose, poetry and unique American folk culture will find this book to be a “must read”.

“Children of the Swamp” is available from


One Response to “Children Of The Swamp: Author To Promote Book Set In Escambia River Swamp”

  1. T on October 24th, 2013 7:13 am

    Can’t wait to read this book.
    Come to find out, my uncle was mentioned in the book, and can’t wait to see what it has in it about him….