Century Chamber Offers Economic Development Position To Cindy Anderson

October 23, 2013

The Century Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors voted Tuesday afternoon to offer the newly created position of economic development coordinator to Cindy Anderson.

If Anderson accepts the chamber’s formal offer, she is expected to start her new job in early November. The position will be mostly funded by a $40,000 contribution from the Escambia County Commission.  The allowance, payable monthly, was earmarked for the retention and expansion of existing industries and recruitment of new businesses to the area.

For a decade, Anderson served as executive director of Team Santa Rosa, a public-private partnership that was the economic development contractor for Santa Rosa County from 1992 until 2012. After leaving TEAM, Anderson was briefly retired before accepting an office manager position at an Atmore real estate firm.

In 2009, Anderson tentatively accepted the position of Escambia County deputy administrator. But she withdrew her name after outcry from commissioners about the $120,000  job being filled during a budget crunch. She then returned to Team Santa Rosa until Santa Rosa County assumed responsibility for economic development services.

Anderson served as county engineer for Escambia County for nine years prior to joining Team Santa Rosa. She holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Oklahoma.


11 Responses to “Century Chamber Offers Economic Development Position To Cindy Anderson”

  1. jeeperman on October 26th, 2013 9:09 am

    So Escambia County is the only county in the state that has paid a Chamber of Commerce to be the economic development coordinator entity for the county.
    They are now in the process of taking that out of the control of the CoC.
    You see folks, any CoC is merely a club of local business owners with a vested interest of promoting their existing businesses.
    Why on earth would they want to attract any big employer into “their” territory?
    Doing that would create competition for some and steal employees away.
    Then they would have to pay more to keep the employees they want.
    CoC’s have no business in “economic development” because the CoC is there to protect and promote existing club members.

  2. Xochitl on October 25th, 2013 12:51 pm

    You are ALL missing the punch line. Anytime you read the words “newly created position” and “funded by the Escambia County Commission” you should realize that this is simply “payback”. Don’t you remember the $60,000 per year county job given to Dee Dee Richie for ………….. well, actually, no one ever knew what Dee Dee did to earn her salary. Cindy used to work for a certain engineering firm in town with powerful political connections. Ever since then she has been placed in positions where she could help that firm (and she has!).

    How many other people applied for this job? Was the job even advertised?


  3. Geronimo on October 25th, 2013 4:37 am

    Is this for real? Nothing against this woman, but Century has major cojones to blatantly spend/waste tax dollars like this in this economy. Century needs to take that $40,000.00, and place it in an investment account. This is nothing more than Tax&Spend, Tax&Spend, with more local tax dollars squandered. I mean, seriously consider this: when an entire county (SRC) can’t make an “Economic Developement” department into a worthwhile venture, and have to close shop and join other counties to see any benefit, how in the world can the tiny town of Century, Florida justify hiring a full time economic development employee with a straight face?

  4. cygie on October 24th, 2013 12:16 pm

    I guess if Century did what they said they would, helicopters, lumber, and catfish would actually be exported instead of all the junk that flows out of Century now. She has a big job to do!

  5. David Huie Green on October 23rd, 2013 9:26 pm

    Ben’s comment did not attack Cindy (a fine person) but rather the town of Century. Public institutions are fair game and even public officials are sometimes bad-mouthed. The attack on Century was based on isolated incidents — numerous but isolated.
    David for improvements

  6. James on October 23rd, 2013 1:27 pm

    Great person for the job. I’m sure she will do great and be an asset to the Town of Century.

    I aagree that Ben’s comments are out of line, but we do have freedom of speech (which allows some folks to make complete idiots of themselves).

  7. Wondering on October 23rd, 2013 10:50 am

    So how does a comment like Ben’s not violate the first rule?

    Hope Cindy takes it.

  8. Les L. on October 23rd, 2013 9:33 am

    Cindy is a very talented person and an excellent choice for this position. It would be great for the town of Century going forward if she excepts.

  9. Ben on October 23rd, 2013 9:17 am

    It’s time for real economic growth in Century!

    I bet she’ll have us exporting our meth, crack, and stolen a/c condenser coils in no time.

  10. just listening on October 23rd, 2013 7:31 am

    Well she has been good at getting jobs for herself—but what can she do for Century???

  11. Frank on October 23rd, 2013 7:01 am

    WELL, Something GOOD finally for the North end, Something or Somebody needs to turn things around, instead of Century being the Butt of the Joke!